The inspectors of internal revenue who were found to obstruct the accountability of the institution have been discontinued.
This feeling of something very like moral accountability for the guilt of other persons is a continual burden.
They only think of their accountability to human beings like themselves; for example, their parents, teachers, brothers and sisters, and friends.
Great alarm was manifested by the murderers, when they saw that the questions and answers were written down, and a strict course of accountability taken as the basis of the examination.
It seeks to set man free to follow his own inclinations, by ridding him of all faith in a Divinity and in an immortal life, and thus exonerating him from all accountability and all future retribution.
Intellectual creatureship, social order, human progress, are inconceivable and impossible without the idea of God, and of accountability to God.
The principle of Moral Desert; "the feeling of personal accountability and of moral desert supposes a judge to whom we must give account, and who shall determine our award.
How otherwise can we affirm the responsibility and accountability of all the race before God?
The Christianity of the ages teaching the existence of a superior and inferior sex, possessing different rights under the law and in the church, it has been easy to bring man and woman under accountability to a different code of morals.
Under feudalism and during slavery the child of the feudal lord or powerful master by a serf woman, became at birth subject to all the restrictions of the mother while the father was freed from accountability of any nature.
The actual state of the public accounts furnishes additional evidence of the efficiency of the present system of accountability in relation to the public expenditure.
A system of economy and accountability has been introduced into every branch of the service which admits of little additional improvement.
In regard to all the Departments, I am quite happy in the belief that nothing has been left undone which was called for by a true spirit of economy or by a system of accountability rigidly enforced.
We also need clear and quick passage of a new charter to define the legal authority and accountability of our intelligence agencies.
My Education Accountability Act will require every school district receiving federal help to take the following five steps: First, all schools must end social promotion.
A very close supervision should be exercised over the steamship companies which mainly bring over the immigrants, and they should be held to a strict accountability for any infraction of the law.
A strict system of accountability is established and great pains are taken to insure industry, fidelity, and economy in every department of duty.
The Government watches over the official acts of these agents, and requires of them as strict an accountability as if they were appointed in any other manner.
Public responsibility must be understood in its broadest and most literal sense, as meaning the individual accountability of every member of the community.
This doctrine of public accountability may be profitably examined for a few moments in connection with the general aspect of prostitution.
Alvar Yáñez was but a type of the lawless nobles of Galicia who, for a century, had been accustomed to slay and spoil without accountability to any one.
The monarchs had guarded the Inquisition against all supervision and all accountability to the other departments of government.
When, however, we reflect on what words really are, we perceive that this heavy accountability clings to them of necessity, as effect to cause.
While few are slow to admit our accountability in all that relates to the cultivation of the Affections, many seem to suppose, that in what relates to the Understanding we may, without wrong, follow our own inclinations.
It must hold the Imperial German Government to a strict accountability for any infringement of those rights, international or incidental.
It was designed to provide a method by which officials could be held to strict accountability for all acts during their term of office.
The governor's accountability for the government of the Chinese was closely related to his jurisdiction over military affairs.
He realised that in casting away the husks he had cast away the grain also, that in losing the sense of accountability he had obscured his vision of righteousness.
Get rid of those silly notions about accountability and all that rubbish.
Was it true, he wondered, that departure from the Christian faith, the relinquishing of the idea of accountability to a Supreme Being, lowered a man's moral standard?
She saw, too--not that he told her in so many words--that the loss of all sense of accountability was destroying the moral basis of conduct.
He believes in a personal God, in human accountability to that Being; in a Day of Judgment; in a future state of rewards and punishments.
Involving responsibility; involving a degree of accountability on the part of the person concerned; as, a responsible office.
He thinks not of his immortal soul, his accountability to God, or of his final destiny.
Their funds should be furnished by their own citizens, and thus should be fostered the taxpayer's watchfulness of State expenditures and the taxpayer's jealous insistence upon the strict accountability of State officials.
Even crime cannot forfeit it, for that law which destroys his personality makes void its own claims upon him as a moral agent; and the power to punish ceases with the accountability of the criminal.
A cruiser without accountability to Prize Courts is a lawless monster which civilized nations cannot sanction.
There is a rule of conduct which they must follow, subject always to just accountability where they depart from it.
I bring to this momentous investigation an unbiassed mind, a lively sense of accountability to God, and devout aspirations for the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
If this were so, accountability would lose its hold on the conscience, and the light of knowledge be blown out, and reason degenerate into brutish instinct.