Meanwhile Nort would ride on to Diamond X ranch, since it was important to let Mr. Merkel know what was about to happen--that the dreaded sheep had come and might soon overrun the open range he claimed as his own property.
But we're wasting time; what reck my private wrongs when the country is overrun by the King's enemies?
The Americans having overrun so large a part of Upper Canada, were free to concentrate their efforts on the reduction of Kingston and Montreal.
The Jewish people, faring much better in Bulgaria during World War II than they did in Adolph Hitler's Germany or in most of the countries overrun by the Germans, have nonetheless emigrated to Israel in large numbers.
The area had been overrun by so many conquerors and occupied for so long that only since liberation in 1878 have a majority of the peasants dared come out of the hills to farm the better land of the plains and valleys.
Later, when their society began to disintegrate, the Thracians fell under Greek influence and joined forces with Athens to overrun neighboring Macedonia.
The rainy season, however, was now at its height, and the country was one vast quagmire, overrun by swollen streams which could be crossed only at great risk.
The country round was overrun with traders, who cheated and cajoled the Indians without conscience; the natives, in turn, were a nondescript lot, showing in pitiful manner the bad effects of their contact with the whites.
On the Rhine he was opposed by the Spaniards, who had overrun the territory of the banished Elector Palatine, seized all its strong places, and would everywhere dispute with him the passage over that river.
With the states of the League, now overrun by the enemy, those ramparts were thrown down, behind which Austria had so long defended herself, and the embers of war were now smouldering upon her unguarded frontiers.
Thus his march to Franconia was delayed, and Gustavus Adolphus gained time to overrun the whole bishopric.
Gustavus Adolphus had overrun the north of Germany; one place after another was lost; and at Leipzig, the flower of the Austrian army had fallen.
Ruined walls and heaps of earth and rubbish are the only remains of the most beautiful cities; and where firmly established empires formerly existed, are barren steppes overrun by robber hordes.
The county belonged of old to the district of Pictavia and apparently was overrun for a brief period by the Romans.
The high-handed rule of the Douglases created general discontent, and when their treason became apparent their territory was overrun by the king's men in 1455; Douglas was attainted, and his honours and estates were forfeited.
It successfully withstood the English siege in 1547 under Sir Thomas Carleton, but after the country had been overrun was compelled to surrender at discretion.
Back where the conflict was with the Japanese, the 4th Marine Division had overrun most of the Kagman Peninsula by the night of D+10.
The guns were overrun and the Marine artillerymen, after removing the firing locks of their guns, fell back to continue the fight as infantrymen.
The surrounding country had been overrun by Moslems, and Theodore only maintained himself by paying tribute.
Sippar had been overrun by nomads,[1590] the temple had been defiled, and before sacrifices could again be offered, the sacred edifice and sacred quarter had to be purified.
Our little settlement seemed overrun with people because of the soldiers quartered there, regarding whom I have already written, and the inhabitants from miles around who had come to find a place of refuge.
We thought the woods were overrun with Indians and Tories.
Meanwhile the Spaniards from their part of the island had overrun certain districts, especially those to the north of Port-au-Prince.
Brunswick well understood that in reality the fate of North Germany was at stake; for the French, if masters of the Rhine and Ems valleys, could easily overrun the northern plain, including his own duchy.
Thus the would-be invaders drove France in upon herself, compelled her to organize her strength to the utmost; and that strength, when marshalled by Carnot, was destined to shatter the Coalition and overrun neighbouring lands.
At first the forest-dwellers threatened to overrun the towns.
Garinet further informs us that France, at the time he wrote (1818), was overrun by a race of fellows, who made a trade of casting out devils and finding out witches.
Generations ago there was a great rising amongst the people, an invasion from the north, and robbers seem to have overrun the whole place.
Let me see," he reflected, "Cloutson was the man who had the matter in hand before we were overrun by the Scotland Yard people.
Opechankano was intelligent and far-seeing; he perceived that the whites were increasing in numbers, and that if they were not checked betimes, they would finally overrun the country.
In succeeding centuries, Bulgaria struggled with the Byzantine Empire to assert its place in the Balkans, but by the end of the 14th century the country was overrun by the Ottoman Turks.
Overrun by Germany in both World Wars, it ended its neutrality in 1948 when it entered into the Benelux Customs Union and when it joined NATO the following year.
Poland regained its independence in 1918 only to be overrun by Germany and the Soviet Union in World War II.
The day may come," I added, for the sake of leading her away, "when Kentucky will be strong enough to overrun Louisiana.
You have seen for yourself how they have overrun and conquered Kentucky and the Cumberland districts, despite a hideous warfare waged by all the tribes.
How long before they would overrun Louisiana itself, until a Frenchman or a Spaniard could scarce be found in the land?
Here was an odd assortment of the races which had overrun the new world.
In play hours the place was usually overrun by boys.
And I found to my amusement he had not overrunthe truth.
He used to have that house of his overrun with all sorts of people, and the yard full of dirty children eating his fruit and picking his flowers.
The place was overrun with negroes and dogs, and scarce a night went by that there was not merrymaking in the house with the neighbors.
Mithridates, King of Pontus, the richest king in Asia Minor, and far the ablest, had taken the field and was preparing to overrun the Roman provinces.
Lucullus was able to overrun Bithynia and force Mithridates to retreat into Pontus.
They hadoverrun him on the hill, and this gave him an opportunity to get back to the swamp, where the dogs could not follow so rapidly.
The rest of the dogs had overrun the track at the point where the fox had turned to enter the field, but they finally found it again, and went by the spectators in fine style, running together very prettily.
Old Sandy, finding himself hard pushed, had dropped flat in the grass and allowed the hound to overrun him.