I cannot say whether the nation, which undoubtedly in an overwhelming majority would have gladly obeyed the call to arms, would have been equally ready to bear permanent and heavy burdens of taxation.
I have been learning, Nelson, that the more we share other people's burdens the less weight our own assume.
Those that seem to be able to bear the burdens of life certainly have them to bear.
Meanwhile the nation bore with exemplary patience the accumulated burdensunder which it staggered.
He regarded the assembling of the States General as indispensable, in view of the great debts andburdens of the people.
Footnote 656: In Normandy the burdens imposed by the war indirectly favored the growth of Protestantism.
To these publicburdens must be added others imposed upon him by his wide reputation.
This bundle of burdens is unique; there is nothing else like it on the face of the earth.
Once you arrive there, you will leave the further burdens upon my shoulders.
Meanwhile the trolleys from Nice and Mentone had poured into Monte Carlo their usual burdensof pleasure seekers.
The Frenchmen were hampered, as French foot soldiers on the move always are, by enormous burdens draped upon them, back, flank and front; and under the dirt and dust their faces wore weary drawn lines.
The needs of all are claims on His service, their sins are burdens of guilt on His conscience, their joys and woes enlist His sympathy.
It is the interest of spiritual religion to do away with both these strata, placing social burdens on the former and imposing social privileges on the latter, for responsibility proves to be the chief sacrament of religion.
However wisely his plans were laid in the cabinet, it was to the army ultimately that he was indebted for their execution; and the expanding designs of the general did but continually impose new burdens on the soldiers.
Similar burdens were inflicted upon Ulm and Nuremberg, and the entire circles of Franconia and Swabia.
Would it not be better to endure, for two or three years more, the burdens they had borne so long, and to reap at last some recompense for twenty years of suffering?
Do we act consistently with this noble principle, who lay such heavyburdens on our fellow creatures?
How life's burdens would be lightened if we faced them all in the strength of the felt nearness of our Lord!
And Judah said, The strength of the bearers of burdens is decayed, and there is much rubbish; so that we are not able to build the wall.
The people sat long in deliberation on this business; but at last they were unanimous in refusing all the taxes and burdens which were demanded of them.
The king had increased the land dues and burdens so much, that each of his earls had greater power and income than the kings had before; and when that became known at Throndhjem, many great men joined the king and took his service.
Did they use either their legitimate or usurped power for the purpose of extending and confirming the liberties of their country, or even diminishing the weight of the public burdens which pressed most severely on the people?
Instead of lightening the burdens of his people, did he not cause an increase of their weight?
He would fain lighten the burdens that weigh them down so heavily, and give them a better chance in the struggle of life.
All the costs and burdensof the contest are on the defendant.
The burdens of the fray, both of toil and of expense, are always upon a relatively small number of men.
He did not often speak of his trials to her, for, in spite of his love for her, he felt that she could not understand; but the pleasure he found in her company put sweetness into his life and made his burdens easier to bear.
Fling away allburdens and cares, brother, Do not be doubtful of your path, For the path wakes up of itself Under the dancing steps of freedom.
Upon the direst poverty of their crowds it grows fat and prosperous, levying upon it a tax heavier than all the rest of its grievous burdens combined.
Men stagger along the sidewalk groaning under heavy burdens of unsewn garments, or enormous black bags stuffed full of finished coats and trousers.
Then they load me with the heaviest of burdens and go long journeys with me and put me to hard labour through the hours of the night and the day.
Even old women were straight, like the negroes one sees at the South, walking with burdens on their heads.
In the presence of the brother who had borne his burdens and broken down under them he saw himself as an abject and pitiful thing.
He had taken up the burdens which others laid down and he had struggled on with a strong heart.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "burdens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.