This and the female pro-nucleus, left after the extrusionof the polar cells, move towards each other, and unite to form the first segmentation nucleus.
The phenomena of theextrusion of polar bodies and fertilization are treated of later, and will, therefore, not be considered now.
The disproportion is so great between the two cells, that the phenomenon does not at first suggest the idea of cell division, and it is usually described as the extrusion of the first polar body.
The nucleus has contracted also because of the extrusion of molten matter, the loss of constituent gases given off in volcanic eruptions, and (still more important) the compression and consolidation of its material under gravity.
They are intimately related to certain gold- and silver-bearing veins, and all are closely associated with dikes of rhyolite, which were the feeders to the latest extrusion in the district.
The extrusion of polar bodies is probably universal among animals, but only one polar body is extruded from parthenogenetic ova.
After anaesthesia is complete every portion of the extrusion should be touched with the acid, care being taken not to bring it into contact with the skin; afterward the bowel is to be freely oiled and returned.
To prevent its extrusion the bowel should be filled with soft cotton wool, a compress placed over the anus, and the buttocks strapped tightly together with adhesive plaster.
These means will often prevent the extrusion of the tumors.
The most effective of the remedies of this kind is ipecacuanha, given in purgative doses: the emesis induced by it favors the extrusion of the stone, and the powerful cholagogue effect relieves the portal congestion.
It was not physical pain, nor mental anguish alone, that caused Him to suffer such torture as to produce an extrusion of blood from every pore; but a spiritual agony of soul such as only God was capable of experiencing.
Live birth, the condition of being born in such a state that acts of life are manifested after the extrusion of the whole body.
The separation and extrusion of the placenta, on the contrary, are apt to be imperfect when pregnancy ends in the early months, and medical attention is necessary to determine whether the uterus has been emptied completely.
The authors have personal knowledge of a case of spontaneous extrusion of the lens through a corneal ulcer, in a case of ophthalmia of the new-born.
There was a wound of the perineum, and penetration of the posterior wall of the vagina, with complete separation of the soft parts from the symphysis pubis, and extrusion of the bladder.
Hutchinson describes extrusion of the eyeball from the orbit caused by a thrust with a stick.
Salmuth, Verduc, and others mentionextrusion of the eyeball from the socket, due to excessive coughing.
Now, would this be caused by anextrusion in the barrel or a concavity in the barrel?
So is there an extrusion on--on the rifle barrel which would produce that?
Professor Weismann has suggested, as a cause of variation, the extrusion of the polar cells from the ovum.
According to this theory, death must necessarily have appeared in the lowest Metazoa as a result of the extrusion of the germ-cells, and by continual repetition must have become hereditary.
If this conclusion be accepted, the uselessness of a prolonged life to the somatic cells is obvious, and the occurrence of death at the time of the extrusion of the reproductive cells is explained.
If in this way a small part of the cell-body is expelled from the egg, the extrusion must in all probability be considered as an inevitable loss, without which the removal of the ovogenetic nucleoplasm cannot be effected.
Is the body—the soma—of the Metazoa so imperfectly developed, as compared with the reproductive cells, that the extrusion of the latter involves the death of the former?
The physical constitution of the body is so regulated that it remains capable of living until the extrusion of the reproductive cells, and then dies, however favourable external conditions may be for its further support.
Every fresh outburst of volcanic force, and every fresh extrusion of lava, tends to disturb it, and to alter the relations of the interior viscous or molten magmas.
Owing to the continuous extrusionof lava from the crater, the cone is being gradually built up of fresh material, and the crater is comparatively small in consequence.
Another line along which something seems to have been done by hard and fast science to corroborate the general theory of the extrusion of a cloud-like spirit form from the body at death, is in the matter of photography.
This extrusion or expulsion by each of the conjugating cells of half its constituent elements is certainly very strange.
The exclusion orextrusion of the impregnated eggs takes place, when, passing from the ovary into the oviduct, they are conducted by means of the ovipositor, in which it terminates, to their proper situation.
The vesicles, which Reaumur thinks may be pulmonary vesicles, as well as assisting in the extrusion of the masses of eggs, he has figured t.
If two rows be used, as described above, extrusion of the ball is far less frequent than if one only be inserted.
A serious complication of tears or rents of the uterine wall, whether the uterus is gravid or non-gravid, is extrusion or prolapse of the intestine.
In the formation of volcanic mountains there is an extrusion of molten and fragmentary material accompanied by an escape of great volumes of steam at the surface.
The extrusion of molten rock from deep within the earth so as to form volcanoes or fissure eruptions at the surface is only a part of a widely extended and highly varied process.
Neither should much pressure be used forextrusion of the lens; for, in the case of a large and firm cataract, the iris may be lacerated, and the humours escape.
A soft tumour arises from the sockets after either extrusion or extraction of the teeth, it grows rapidly, and involves more and more of the gums and alveolar processes.
Extrusion of these bodies from the ovum (or it may be only from the nucleus) having been accomplished, what remains of the nucleus retires from the circumference of the ovum, and is called the female pronucleus.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extrusion" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.