The spathose leaves are only to be regarded as a single bud, and therefore differ from the whorl, in so far as we regard this as the development of several leaves, that have not, however, been extruded from each other.
The Barrent-1 machine extruded a single slender tentacle with a white light winking at the end of it.
Max extruded a single slender tentacle with a white light winking in the end of it The machine rolled toward Barrent, backing him toward a wall.
And then the machine extruded tubes as alternative intake holes.
For instance, the eggs are not extruded at all, but embryonic development takes place within the body of the mother, which has previously undergone spontaneous division into several pieces.
We must first explain why these organisms produce only a limited number of reproductive cells which are all extruded at once, so that the soma is rendered helpless.
Now the life of the organism, being dependent upon the mutual action of both layers, must cease as soon as the whole endoderm is extruded during reproduction.
Then they hover over the water; their eggs are extruded all at once, and death follows almost immediately.
Ovipositor extruded for over half the length of the abdomen.
Ovipositor extruded for about half the length of the abdomen, the stylus slightly short.
Ashmead Ovipositor extruded for less (or not more) than a third the length of the abdomen, the stylus subequal.
Ovipositor extruded for nearly half the length of the abdomen, the stylus a little shorter.
Rohwer Ovipositor extruded for less than a fourth the length of the abdomen, the stylus subobsolete.
Healing does not take place until the sequestrum is extruded or removed by operation.
It may cause a purulent discharge, and in some cases it has been extruded after sloughing of the overlying soft parts.
It does not appear to be clearly decided whether the eggs are extruded from the female, or whether dying immediately after fecundation they are hatched within her body.
The Ovaries (Ovaria) in insects are the viscera in which the eggs are generated and grow till they arrive at maturity, when they pass through the oviduct, and are extruded or deposited in their appropriate station.
Hence, when both polar bodies have been extruded from the ovum, only one quarter of the original nuclear matter remains.
The extrusion of polar bodies is probably universal among animals, but only one polar body is extruded from parthenogenetic ova.
They appear to be extruded at short intervals, till the full complement is laid, the whole forming a cluster looking like a bunch of grapes.
In the common toad as many as 7000 eggs may be extruded at a time.
Tyler relates the case of a man who, after arising in the morning, blew his nose violently, and to his horror his left eye extruded from the orbit.
The child was extrudedthrough the wound about half an hour after the occurrence of the accident.
This aperture was about 2 1/2 inches in circumference, and through it food and drink constantly extruded unless prevented by a tent-compress and bandage.
As every one knows, there exist in this and many other countries enormous masses of igneous rocks, which have certainly been extruded from below.
During the consolidation of the flow much of the magma-residuum that still retained its fluidity wasextruded on the surface, where after solidification it became palagonitised.
During the last stage of the consolidation it is in part imprisoned in the “magma-lakelets” of the groundmass; whilst the rest of it is squeezed into cracks and fissures, or extruded on the surface of the flow.
In the case of such basaltic flows it is probable that their upper portions are formed entirely of palagonite arising from the alteration of a vitreous magma-residuum extruded on the surface in the manner above described.
The robutler had extrudedthe table and set out my breakfast, ham and eggs and a big bulb of milk.
The robutler extruded a long, snaky arm with a flame, and lit it.
The rocks thus extruded are mainly composed of dark, heavy basic material, such as basalt and andesite.
Igneous rocks in great variety and in all forms incident to an extruded or volcanic and intruded or plutonic origin are present.
But this is not a universal rule, for in some cases of parthenogenesis polar bodies are extruded in the usual way (Aphis, some Lepidoptera), and in some fertilized eggs the polar bodies are retained in the ovum.
But the principal portion of the solid materials ejected from volcanic orifices consists of matter which has been extruded from sources far beneath the surface, in highly-heated and fluid or semi-fluid condition.
Volcanoes in which the lava extruded is viscous, and the escape of steam and gases is retarded until the pent-up energy bursts all bounds, are of the explosive, type.
The only point in which there is any semblance of agreement among obstetricians is this: in cases of complete rupture, in which the fœtus and membranes are extruded from the uterus into the belly, cœliotomy is clearly indicated.
If the globe be extruded the patient is in the same position as if he had had evisceration performed.
In dealing with this condition the surgeon carefully and gently cleans the extruded intestines and omentum with sterilized water, returns them into the abdomen, and resutures the wound.
Kworn extruded a net of hairlike pseudopods and swept the tank in which they lay.
Under the probing lash of his projection the infant extruded a thick mass of tissue that met and interlocked with a similar mass of his own.
It now remains for us to consider what may be the condition of the interior molten magma; and in doing so we must be guided to a large extent by considerations regarding the nature of the extruded matter at the surface.
It is highly vesicular, and was probably extruded in a pasty condition from a throat piercing the granitic plateau and the overlying sheet of ancient lava of Mont Dore.
Together with these materials are sheets of lava extruded in a molten condition from the sides or throat of the crater itself.
Thus we find that acid lavas have been generallyextruded first, and basic afterwards--as in the cases of Western America, of Antrim, the Rhine and Central France.
Her eggs, as in other insects, are extruded one by one.
The executioners threw their whole weight upon the rope, and the body fell writhing upon the floor with the head almost wrung from the shoulders, and the tongue hideously extruded from the open mouth.
There was nothing to prevent his squeezing the trigger--except the tangle extruded loosely over his hand.
It alsoextruded itself into fine, wire-like strands on a moving object.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "extruded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.