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Example sentences for "exudation"

Lexicographically close words:
exuberance; exuberant; exuberantly; exudate; exudates; exudations; exudative; exude; exuded; exudes
  1. This humid "exudation of fine-grained stones in summer" would not sound abnormal if it were called condensation.

  2. This exudation of a humid matter is also common to many other stones, among others, to those of which statues are made; and this has been looked on as peculiar to the statue.

  3. The oily exudation occurs only when the pump is at work.

  4. Useless for carving, therefore, the mouth is a pure osculatory sucker, which drains the provisions by a process of exudation through the skin.

  5. The control tube, on the contrary, keeps dry, proving that the moisture in which the worms move is not due to a mere exudation from the meat.

  6. The escape of a fluid out of its natural vessel, either by rupture of the vessel, or by exudation through its walls.

  7. An inflammation of the pleura, usually accompanied with fever, pain, difficult respiration, and cough, and with exudation into the pleural cavity.

  8. An exudation or extillation of petrifying juices.

  9. The resinous exudation from the stumps, etc.

  10. A white crystalline substance, obtained from an exudation from the olive, and having a bitter-sweet taste and acid proporties.

  11. Injury to the peach by this insect is first indicated by exudation of gum from trunk and branches and later by numerous small, round holes as if the tree had been struck by shot.

  12. The pest is easily discovered through the exudation from the infested part of gum mixed with borings and excreta.

  13. As in the case under D'Andrade's observation, the exudation was found by microscopic examination to consist of the true constituents of blood.

  14. A plastic exudation had evidently agglutinated the intestine at the points of penetration, and prevented an immediate fatal issue.

  15. Vesicles form, and exudation occurs in only about one-third of the cases.

  16. Chambers speaks of bloody sweat occurring periodically in a woman of twenty-seven; the intervals, however, were occasionally but a week or a fortnight, and the exudation was not confined to any one locality.

  17. Cazenave details the history of a case in which the mammary menstruation was associated with a similar exudation from the face, and Wolff saw an example associated with hemorrhage from the fauces.

  18. If there was no exudation the disease was called plica sicca.

  19. Mezeray mentions that the detestable Charles IX of France, being under constant agitation and emotion, sank under a disorder which was accompanied by an exudation of blood from every pore of his body.

  20. A great quantity of gravy comes out of it, mingled, in the case of a good specimen, with osmazome, which tastes very much like the similar brown exudation on the surface of a roast leg of mutton.

  21. If this exudation is orange or deep yellow in hue, gradually turning greenish on exposure, the identification is complete, and we have the orange-milk L.

  22. It was in 1847 that James Young had his attention drawn to an exudation of petroleum in the Riddings Colliery at Alfreton, in Derbyshire, and found that he could by distillation obtain from it a lubricant of considerable value.

  23. It is also shown in wood and combustibles where exudation sometimes takes place, and evaporation always.

  24. There was a rough brown exudation upon the surface of the peritoneum and intestines.

  25. On removing the anterior part of the chest, the pleuræ were found to adhere strongly, and appeared rough and puckered from extensive exudation of a brown colour, which extended very generally over the serous membranes.

  26. Its walls were thin, various patches of brown exudation extending over both pleuræ.

  27. The great plain in Sheng-king is in many parts swampy, and in the neighbourhood of the sea, where the soil emits a saline exudation such as is also common in the north of China, it is perfectly sterile.

  28. MANNA, a concrete saccharine exudation obtained by making incisions on the trunk of the flowering or manna ash tree, Fraxinus Ornus.

  29. These disappear in a few days, though sometimes in bad cases fibrinous exudation may accumulate.

  30. When impaction occurs a local inflammation comes on, an exudation is poured out, ulceration begins, and presently the peritoneum is reached.

  31. Footnote 66: The conditions under which the estimation of the quantity of albumen in the peritoneal exudation may prove of diagnostic aid are fully considered by Runeberg (Deutsches Arch.

  32. The passage of a large polyangular calculus may cause such irritation, abrasion of the epithelium, and subsequent inflammatory exudation as to effect a direct union of the opposing sides of the canal.

  33. So suddenly does the exudation take place in some cases of rheumatic pneumonia that the first stage is not to be detected either by symptoms or signs.

  34. Good was misled in a similar manner, as shown by his statement that the exudation bears a striking resemblance to the fibrous exudation thrown forth from the trachea in croup.

  35. Cancer of the gall-bladder, and especially of the organized exudation about it, may not be readily separated from cancer of the pancreas or of the duodenum.

  36. At first the walls of the vessels are reddish from congestion, succulent, and swollen, infiltrated by leucocytes and inflammatory exudation and the cellular elements undergoing proliferation.

  37. Virchow some time ago called attention to the predominant cellular character of the scrofulous exudation and the low vitality of the cells which compose it.

  38. Cancer of the peritoneum is usually attended with fluid exudation in the peritoneal cavity.

  39. In the milder forms of the disease there is simply a congested or inflamed condition of the mucous membrane, with perhaps some inflammatory exudation on its surface, which is passed off by the discharges from the bowels.

  40. An exudation or extillation of petrifying juices.

  41. Passing from green to orange with deep red spots to rich purple, the fruit--about the size of an average grape--indicates arrival at maturity by the exudation of a drop of nectar.

  42. Insects lured by the sweetness of the exudation are callously entrapped, and why so?

  43. The possibility of a thickening of the parietes of the abdomen by inflammation, or by an exudation of a carcinomatous sort, being mistaken for a tumour rising out of the pelvis.

  44. Their viscid exudation is particularly ruinous to wool and clothing, but alcohol is a solvent for it, and will generally remove it.

  45. Several of the species yield an exudation in the spring and summer months, which coagulates and drops from the leaves to the ground in small irregular shaped snow white particles, often as large as an almond [?

  46. This exudation of lymph gradually increases until it becomes a regular membrane, which puts on the appearance of leather, hence its name diphtheria.

  47. In a day or two an exudation will cover them, the back of the swallow, the palate, the tongue, and sometimes the inside of the cheeks and of the nostrils.

  48. No leucocytic exudation is observed; death supervenes before this has had time to take place.

  49. There is a decided odour in this secretion somewhat similar to the same exudation from the neck of the male camel.

  50. Pronounced desquamation with new formation of connective tissue and no fresh exudation will, sooner or later, occasion dryness--this dryness being sometimes very pronounced.

  51. The exudation may be watery (called serous) or dense, the latter either fibrinous or albuminous.

  52. Through the exudation and consequent changes in the normal tissue a large amount of mucus is at first secreted, but this secretion becomes less and less marked the more the inflammation causes a desquamation of the epithelia.

  53. This exudation soon occasions a cloudiness of the connective tissues and at the same time a desquamation (shedding in scales) of the epithelia (cells of the thin mucous surface).

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exudation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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