On high, the warder tunes his martial song; The rocks, the dales, the cheerful notes prolong.
Who doesn't enjoy looking upon the young girl, with a bright, cheerful face, laughing eyes and all that?
Men and women and even babies like cheerful folk, while they will race their overshoes off trying to get away from the unhappy ones of dismal tales and many worries.
The door was shut, for there was nothing but cold moonlight and snow outside; but the hut, strewn with fir boughs and ornamented with holly, lookedcheerful as the ruddy blaze flared up and rejoiced their hearts.
They had lived all their lives in a tiny cottage of wattles, thatched with straw, cheerful and content in spite of their poverty.
Goblin with a cheerful countenance, clad in a crimson robe, and bearing in his outstretched hand a large drinking-horn richly ornamented with gold and precious jewels, and full of the most delicious, unknown beverage.
After undergoing many purifications from the hidden virtues of metals and minerals, I was at length permitted to come up once more into the free and cheerful air, and to gush from this rock and journey with this happy stream.
The faces of the boys and girls drooped sadly as he uttered warnings, and then brightened with joy as he spoke cheerful words of promise.
It had made up its mind not to run away again, though it could not be expected to be quite cheerful after all that had happened.
Bright, cheerfulyoung chap 'e was, and he agreed with everything they said.
The sound of traffic and cheerful voices ascended from the little street.
The feelings of Lind and Filson would be spared, and the chat at the churchyard gate would be as cheerful as usual.
It was pleasant also to be encouraged to join her small voice in the more cheerful intervals of singing.
How much I enjoyed your sermon last Sunday," said she, "about the duty of being cheerful and happy, and doing all we can to make ourselves happy for the sake of others.
But he told us that we ourselves were responsible for most of our own unhappiness, and that if we only determined to feel cheerful and thankful we should find the causes of thankfulness being multiplied round us.
It was just a cheerful little tune such as they sang in church about morning gilding the skies.
It was clear that the music which her soul made was no cheerful little chant.
It was not that she seemed unhappy (if she had Mrs. Hancock would have applied the cheerful gospel to her), she simply appeared to be like a house shut up with blinds down and shutters closed.
This enclosure Mrs. Fanshawe was accustomed to call "that dreadful little backyard" when she felt like that, but in more cheerful moods alluded to it as "that dear little garden.
And there were no psychical wasps or gadflies either; the gospel of Mr. Martin, preached so regularly and convincingly every Sunday, made it a sin to be otherwise than cheerful and contented and well-fed.
But he wondered at himself for not being of a livelier eagerness in emotional matters, for he brought to the vocations and avocations of his busy and cheerful life a fund of enthusiasm which was of more than normal intensity.
There was, for the present, a charm for her in the warm airy house, the exquisitely kept garden, the cheerful serenity of her aunt.
But she never indulged in such thoughts about herself; she turned a deliberate back upon them, for they were rankly inconsistent with the spirit of cheerful selfishness which was the key to her character.
But he knew that no such frenzy of fire inspired him; if his soul sang it was but a cheerful little tune, admirably adapted to the domestic hearth.
It fitted in with the cheerful gospel to know as little as possible about worrying and annoying topics, lest their infection should mar the soothing and uplifting influence over others of a mind wholly untroubled.
That is true," cried Marianne, in a cheerful voice, and walking to the window as she spoke, to examine the day.
Luckily Lady Middleton's mother had arrived at Barton within the last hour, and as she was a very cheerful agreeable woman, he hoped the young ladies would not find it so very dull as they might imagine.
In seasons of cheerfulness, no temper could be more cheerful than hers, or possess, in a greater degree, that sanguine expectation of happiness which is happiness itself.
These gentlemen mostly took their captivity in a verycheerful and philosophical manner.
On his side Mr Bunker maintained a cheerful composure, and seemed not a whit put about by his friend’s lack of appreciation.
The Baron seemed a little nervous now that it came so near the venture, but his friend was as cheerful as a schoolboy, and his confident air soon put fresh courage into Rudolph.
Everybody turned, and beheld a burly, very fashionably dressed young man, with a fair moustache and a cheerful countenance.
Dr Sherlaw was away for a little time, and when he returned his cheerful face wore a somewhat mystified expression.
Outside the door he paused for an instant to set his face in a cheerful smile, and then burst gaily in upon his friend.
But as he ran downstairs a gust of cheerful laughter set his mind at ease.
It is rather sudden, but we’ll hope it may pass as quickly as it came,” said Mr Bunker, conveying a skilful impression of deep concern veiled by a cheerful manner.
Then he broke into a cheerful guffaw, “Ha, ha, ha!
But when they emerged on the Euston Road, Mr Bunker was as cheerful as ever.
But he did not miss that; the invitations that poured in upon him, like a swelling river, were sources of cheerful amusement to him.
The long drawing-room at the back of the house, overlooking the lawns and a far prospect, was a much inhabited room, cheerful and shabby.
Even when, passing beyond the bounds of what she considered decency, she became nearly as outspoken as Miss Buckston, that lady maintained her air of cheerful yet impatient tolerance.
He really has millions, you know; the mothers are all at his traces trying to track him down, and he is as cheerful and as unconcerned as you please.
They shine out from a character too strong and resourceful to be overcome by any obstacle, too confident of the excellence of his men and their ability to overcome it to be other thancheerful in meeting it.
Its existence in any group is recognized by a ready, cheerful obedience to instructions, by respect for those in authority, by keenness for the common success, and by a high sense of individual duty.
You must bring the "follow me" spirit to the work, and put so much cheerful energy and vitality into it that your spirit is contagious.
It will be well for you then if you have strengthened the hands of the strong cheerful ones and made them subordinate leaders of sentiment and opinion in your group.
There are always to be found in every group certain men of stronger more cheerful characters than the average, men who make the best of things, who jolly the rest along through the hard tasks, and whose influence is thus a great asset.
We see this often illustrated in the affairs of daily life, where men untrained in authority are required to exercise it, and generally give orders in such a manner as to stir up trouble rather than to get cheerful obedience.
Elastic muscles, alert minds, superior energy and endurance come fromcheerful spirits and happy hearts.
Here we see the unswerving loyalty, quick, cheerful obedience, and readiness to fight for the honor of his chief that are the characteristics of good discipline and the sure rewards of good leadership.
Here we find instant, unquestioning, cheerful obedience to commands given in action, and an esprit and morale which make the team cheerfully tackle the toughest opponents.
If he has to show favor to some individual, he should pick one of these men to receive it, thus letting everyone see his appreciation of their cheerful willing spirit.
Many men have never thought about it, never realized the necessity for obedience and the advantages of cheerful obedience, never heard of teamwork or thought of loyalty to comrades.
I invited you to draw near a bright fire which blazed in the chimney, and looked the onlycheerful thing in the room.
I was very well convinced, that it would not have been half so cheerful if the theatre had been my own, to have sat there by myself.
They talked over old times; their school-days and their youthful pranks were remembered, and recounted to Hermione, who always took a cheerful part in these conversations.
The bark moved of itself without the help of any oar, and soon brought him out of the regions of death into the cheerful quarters of the living, and to the island of Ææa, whence he had set forth.
Now instead of a priest to marry her, a priest was needed to bury her; and she was borne to church indeed, not to augment the cheerful hopes of the living, but to swell the dreary numbers of the dead.
A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken.
Our household, being composed in great measure of children and young people, is generally a cheerful one enough, even in gloomy weather.
It was not sufficient to write, for it is he as the Homer of his Idyls that confesses "A pardonable fault: we wish for listeners Whether we speak or sing: the young and old Alike are weak in this, unwise and wise Cheerful and sorrowful.
The grass, however, was very green and beautiful around this dwelling, and, the sunshine falling brightly on it, the whole effect was cheerful and pleasant.
She looked very sunny and good-humored, like a cheerful child, an expression which up to that year had been habitual to her.
The old man looked about him at the company with a fatherly smile, and, sitting down to his instrument, waited pointedly until all the cheerful hum of conversation had died away.
One of Mrs. Sandworth's cheerful capacities was for continuing tranquilly the minute processes of everyday life through every disturbance in the region of the emotions.
He was cheerful again, and he went away assuring her that he would be at the station to meet the approaching visitors the following afternoon.
Come on now and give us the real truth about the kidnapping," said Caldwell with cheerful interest.
Think what it must be for a man to leave the warm encompassment of the cheerful day and pass composedly to a gloom which is relieved only by the inner light that shines from the soul!
Add to a vigorous determination, a cheerful spirit; if reverses come, bear them like a philosopher, and get rid of them as soon as you can.
Here, sir, and very well," responded a cheerful voice from an adjoining room.
But the habit of a cheerful tone of voice, a cordial smile, and friendly grasp of the hand, when meeting those with whom one is associated in social life, is not to be regarded as unimportant.
And I am by no means sure, that the cheerful amicability that had before prevailed among us was ever fully restored after this unhappy outbreak of religious feeling!
There also matters had assumed a more cheerful aspect by reason of her cordial reception at the bridge, and the report of the surgeon that the man's wound, though quite troublesome, was by no means serious.
Thus Nimbus found him and carried him home with his wonted tenderness, soothing him like a babe, and wondering what had occurred to discompose his usually sedate and cheerful friend.
As Mollie Ainslie grew stronger day by day, her kind host had done all in his power to aid her convalescence by offering pleasing attentions and cheerful surroundings.
He was a bright, cheerful child, and Nimbus was the same dogged, quiet thing he is now.
Rarely did a week pass that her carriage did not show itself in the little hamlet, and her bright face and cheerful tones brought encouragement and hope to all that dwelt there.
I have literally nobody but these two children," glancing at Hesden and Hetty, "and I declare I believe I am younger and more cheerful than either of them.
Lively colors, if not too glaring, give a cheerful aspect to the room, but the safer plan is to stick to simplicity.
No large figures of any description should be introduced into a small room, and the whole effect of the decoration must be cheerful without being boisterous, gay, or striking.
There was nothing morbid in these moods, no brooding sadness or repentance, but a touching solemnity, a serene, almost cheerful seriousness, which in one of her years seemed strange.
She was just a loving, sympathetic, cheerful soul, whose influence upon those about her was remarkable only because she was so much in earnest and was of honest purpose in all things.
His cheerful statement that he purposed dropping his cargo of bombs over the city of London brought a sharp retort to Tom's tongue--which he was wise enough not to utter.
The windows of the saloon were shaded so that no light could get out; but it was quite cozy and cheerful therein.
And one of the cheerful little tricks those Germans play is to send over bombing machines to bomb our hospitals.
Had it not been for Aunt Alvirah Boggs, Ruth Fielding's first months at the Red Mill would have been a most somber experience, although the child was naturally of a cheerful and sanguine temperament.
Cheerful lights gleamed now in the tower windows; the faithful sons of the people were watching the tyrant.
The repulsive wrinkles of suffering that furrowed his senile features were patched up, painted and smoothed over, and lines of goodnatured laughter and pleasant cheerful good humor were skillfully drawn in their place.
He was so entirely under the influence of the uncomfortable feeling which parting from a friend creates, that he took the road into town in no very cheerful mood.
Mrs. Baumhagen said good-bye with a cheerful smile--the coachman need not know everything.
Every cloud had vanished from his brow, he was cheerful and agreeable.
I can remember nothing distinctly about our interview, except that Humboldt was very cheerful and talked much.
This is the first really cheerful day I have spent since I received the letter, and it all is owing to the sort of involuntary confidence I place in my beau ideal of a Captain.
My father appears more cheerful and very little older than when I left.
The weather was fair on the Mediterranean, and putting aside any personal sorrows, Jordan exerted himself to be cheerful for Sedgwick's sake.
But it grieved him to think that poor, brave, sorrowing, but cheerful and clear-brained Jordan had no such comforters.