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Example sentences for "quarrel with"

  • The Doctor will have a quarrel with him, father.

  • The only man I ever knew that I didn't quarrel with!

  • And yet the more you looked at him the less you liked him, and the more inclined you felt to pick a quarrel with him.

  • And yet it was to this very man she had once turned to avenge herself on Walpole's treatment of her; she had even said, 'Could you not make a quarrel with him?

  • Could you manage to provoke that man to quarrel with you?

  • Look here, Dick, I have just had a quarrel with my father; he is an excellent man and an impressive preacher, but he fails in the imaginative qualities.

  • And she'd recommend me, perhaps, not to quarrel with my father, and to go and break the stones.

  • I might have to quarrel with her--I could not tell: she certainly was neither safe nor wholesome.

  • I will do what I can see to be right in the matter," I answered as gently as I could; for I did not want to quarrel with her, although I thought her both presumptuous and rude.

  • I wish it were NEVER one's duty to quarrel with anybody: I do so hate it.

  • I have no great cause of quarrel with him; but if he conceives that he has grounds of quarrel with me, that is enough.

  • My Mother (whose diabolical Temper you well know) has taken it into her Sagacious Head to quarrel with me her dutiful Son.

  • I will not seek a quarrel with Germain," said Barbillon.

  • You shall have your twenty sous, and Barbillon will not pick a quarrel with Germain," said Skeleton.

  • All through that winter I was tryin' to find an excuse to quarrel with Jabez, but the' wasn't none.

  • No, this church has found out a trick; that is to say, to quarrel with Christ in his members; and to persuade the powers where she rules to set ensnaring laws to catch them, and to execute the same upon them.

  • So then, to quarrel with superiors, or with any that are troublesome to thee for thy faith and thy profession, bespeaks thee over-mastered and captive, rather than a master and a conqueror.

  • Villiers resumed his seat with a sigh, and seeing that it was quite useless to quarrel with Vandeloup, owing to that young man's coolness, resolved to make the best of a bad job, and held out his hand with a view to reconciliation.

  • He tried to quarrel with me ten years ago, and he has done nothing but bring out the hidden benevolence of my character ever since.

  • Don't color up, and don't look as if you were going to quarrel with me!

  • If you were fifty times as irritable a man as you look, you couldn't quarrel with me.

  • Oh, I should wish nothing better than that he would come and seek a quarrel with me.

  • Believe me, to seek a quarrel with a man is a bad method of pleasing the woman who loves that man.

  • But I had the sense to realize that a quarrel with Dr.

  • And I was even beginning to speculate how I could best pick a quarrel with him on any issue but politics, when an unexpected incident diverted me.

  • But I like your appearance too well to quarrel with you, and we'll have no politics before eating.

  • Then why do you seem to wish to quarrel with me?

  • Now the Duroban General felt eager to test his discovery in a campaign, and, happening to have a quarrel with a politician in the neighbouring state, did his utmost to excite hostile feeling against Kalaya.

  • Was this the quality of his bitter four days' quarrel with Paula?

  • Put that way, he couldn't quarrel with it, though there was a challenge about it that chilled him a little.

  • He had already had a quarrel with Cockburn, his second in command, the first of many that were to follow.

  • I didn't come up to quarrel with him," said Austen.

  • Should you dispute the bill, I will not stoop to quarrel with you, but, try to live on bread and butter a while longer.

  • It can't be possible that you came all the way up here to quarrel with him.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quarrel with" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    coming down; coming towards; dost know; eighth century; forty acres; generally adequate; has got; heavy guns; here give; leaned forward; like others; lost sheep; may perhaps; noted that; onion chopped; quarrel about; quarrel with; reveal himself; rich brown; scalding water; supreme command; whose head; work for