Through the barbacans the shafts of light are moving ever, slowly ever as my feet are sinking, creeping duskward over the dial floor.
On its cooperative dial glow the twelve signs of the zodiac.
I have for years been a student of sun-dial lore, a collector of sun-dial mottoes and inscriptions, of which I have many hundreds.
The exquisitely wrought portable dial shown on this page is a very fine piece of workmanship, and must have been costly.
The figure of a sun-dial played an interesting part in the early history of the United States.
Copies of simpler antique carvings make excellent sun-dial pedestals; a safe rule to follow is to have a reproduction made of some well-proportioned English or Scotch pedestal.
Her daughter carried the sun-dial to Gwynedd when her name was changed to Jenkins; and their grandson, the present owner, rescued it from the chicken house with the gnomon missing, which was afterward found.
Face of Dial at Sag Harbor, Long Island 362 Sun-dial in Garden of Grace Church Rectory, New York.
A sun-dial is to me, in many places, a far more inspiring memorial than a monument or tablet.
A simple and impressive bronze vertical dialon the wall of the Dutch Reformed Church on West End Avenue, New York, is shown on page 346.
An advance step in accuracy and elegance was made when a simple metal sun-dial was affixed to the window sill instead of cutting the rude noon mark.
Occasionally a very unusual and beautiful sun-dial standard may be seen, like the one in the Rose garden at Yaddo, Saratoga, New York, a copy of rarely beautiful Pompeian carvings.
The first public sun-dial in Rome was constructed about 200 B.
The sun-dial can hardly be called an invention; it is rather an observation.
The sun-dial would not answer, for the sun did not always shine, even in sunny Greece; so the idea of the water-clock was borrowed.
In their early history the Greeks had nothing better than the sun-dial with which to measure time.
Confound them, too Who in this place set up a sun-dial To cut and hack my days so wretchedly Into small portions!
A method which is widely used is as follows: The anesthetist wraps the cuff of one of the dial instruments around the patient's arm, and arranges the dial so that it can easily be seen by him at all times.
The first wave which comes through is heard as a click, and occurs at a point on the manometer or dial scale from 5-10 mm.
Thus the diastolic pressure may be read off on the dial scale by watching the fling of the hand and with some practice one might acquire considerable accuracy.
The oscillation of the dial needle is more accurately followed by the eye than is that of the column of mercury.
One or two other cheaperdial instruments are on the market.
One mercury instrument we had in the hospital was reported to be at great variance with a dial instrument.
Observation by the auscultatory method and a dial instrument.
Moreover, one must not take consecutive readings too quickly and one must be sure that between every two readings all the air is out of the cuff and that the mercury or dial is at zero.
This may be done by using an instrument with a dial and noting the pressure where the oscillations of the dial hand show the maximum excursion.
Every dial is handmade and every division is actually determined by using a U.
Detail of the dial of the Faught instrument 79 22.
They accuse his silence with as much reason as they would blame the insignificance of a dial in the shade.
The solstice he does not observe; the equinox he knows as little; and the whole bright calendar of the year is without a dial in his mind.
But it may be said that this inscription is on a dial and not upon a clock; which though it appears upon the first stating it to be a most material objection, yet I conceive it may receive the following satisfactory answer.
It should also be mentioned that this dial seems to have been placed exactly where the clock-house stood according to Strype[1096].
After this, being quite decayed, a dial might have been substituted and placed upon the same clock-house, borrowing its very singular motto; which whether originally applied in the time of Edward I.
The piece of oak was revolved around the dialby means of a nail driven through the centre of the dial into the oak piece.
Illustration: Method of raising the dial rings] The length of the pendulum depends upon the number of teeth in the escape wheel.
Illustration: Method of holding glass and lead strips for soldering] The two rings in the brass dial were "raised" by driving the brass into a groove in a piece of oak with a hard wood wedge.
With the pole (north for us in the northern hemisphere) as the center of the dial face the stars appear to move in a direction the reverse of that in which the hands of a clock are made to move.
On the left is a dwelling-house enriched with elaborate mouldings and cornices, and at the farther end of the court is the entrance to the cellars, surmounted by a sun-dial bearing the date 1829.
Hugo started, glancing round the vast room, which was in shadow except where a solitary light threw its yellow glare on the dialof the clock.
He hummed an air, and strolled out into the main corridor to stare at the curious dial of the time-lock.
Shawn, and the two hastened to the other end of the main corridor, where the dial of the machine glistened under an electric lamp.
The dial of the time-lock showed that it had been set against every lock, great and small, in the Safe Deposit, until nine a.
He touched a switch, and in front of him at a distance of thirty feet the ivory dial of a clock became momentarily visible under the soft yellow of a shaded electric globe.
Dave wiped the cold perspiration from his brow, as the hand on the dial dropped lower and lower.
The hand on the dial had dropped to nearly nothing.
He touched a wheel, and the hand on the second dialbegan to drop.
The Dutch dial on the kitchen wall shows it to be after ten; therefore two hours since the skiff passed upwards.
The numbers from 1 to 12 are repeated, so that the hour-hand goes around the dial only once in twenty-four hours.
The minute-hand is seventeen feet from end to end, and twelve feet from center to point, while the hour-hand measures thirteen feet four inches in all, and eight feet four inches from the center of the dial outward.
Its dial is about the same size as those seen in the clocks of to-day that keep the official time, but it is operated by a spring instead of weights.
After the dial came the clepsydra, a sort of clock, which measured time by the graduated flow of some liquid, like water, through a small aperture.
This spot of green in a wilderness of brick and stone refreshes the eye of many a hurrying pedestrian, and the dial marks the flight of the hours as sharply as if it stood in a country wilderness, amid birds and flowers.
The small dial in the centre was to set the alarm, which struck the bell, but in some of them the hours were struck also.
Name-plates were put there, and a handsome dolphin was engraved or mounted on the dial on either side of the name-plate.
Across the dial face is Monks, Prescot and the clock is in perfect order.
The Englishman walked about busily, thrusting his bar in among dial connections, snapping brass pipes, wrecking the telephone connections.
Its vast flaring dial was the clock of the world, marking the passing ages.
The dialand hand are not shown on the cut, but are on the exterior case removed to show the construction.
On the face of the book, where the dial of the watch is set, there is an engraved inscription of the duke, and his titles and armorial bearings, together with the date, 1627.
The Scottish queen's watch was in the shape of a skull, the dial being introduced where the palate should have been, the works being in the mimic brain cavity.
But it would be foolish to deny the existence of the electric battery because the dial is unsatisfactory!
If the hands on the telegraphdial will not respond to the electric battery, the telegram cannot be deciphered.
She is understood to have a depth of insight that looks through and through the shallow theories of philosophers, and her superior instincts are a sort of dial by which men have only to set their clocks and watches, and all will go well.
The dial was oblong, enclosed in a case of clear transparent crystal, somewhat resembling in form the open portion of a mercurial barometer.
With that she changed her mind--a thing the good gardener must often do--and appointed the dial to a place where one comes upon it quite incidentally while moving from one main feature of the grounds to another.
Only in such a case does the sun-dial belong to the good morals of gardening.
A lady, not in our competition but one of its most valued patronesses, lately proposed to herself to place in the centre of a wide, oval lawn a sun-dial and to have four paths cross the grass and meet there.
The dial on the front of the instrument is intended to indicate the exact amount of physical expansion or contraction of the strip.
Each shaft with its dial was provided with two ratchet wheels, one the reverse of the other.
It was thus made impossible for either dial to go by momentum beyond its limit.