I commend thee to Him who set the stars in heaven above, and the lights in thine own dim soul.
And, once more, I commend you to your pillow, my pearl of pearls, and Marguerite of Marguerites!
To Him I commend you, my auld and faithful servant," said James with emotion, as the earl withdrew from his presence.
We commend to his attention--would that we could commend it to the attention of his readers!
It must be confessed that the Noctes Ambrosianæ are not easy things to commend to the modern reader, if I may use the word commend in its proper sense and with no air of patronage.
She had led a humble, consistent, and exemplary life, and her last words, when in the act of sinking, was to commend her departing spirit to the mercy of her Saviour.
But at the same time he neglected no opportunity to exhibit the crucified Jesus, andcommend him to the heathen as their Saviour.
We now take our leave, and commend ourselves to your love and remembrance before the Saviour.
Their naturalness, their clearness, their force and their general soundness of doctrine, and wholesomeness of sentiment, commend them to sensible and pious people.
Thus looking upon the brighter side we are led to commend in many things the Christianity of the Negro race and to believe that as a people higher ground is aimed at.
The Negro is grateful that there are many Southern as well as Northern friends in the dominant race who publicly commend him, and give him due credit for his energy and perseverance in making the best use of his time and talents.
Do me the favour to deliver this note to the same servant from whom you received the parcel; that will not bring your discretion, for which I commend you, into question, and I shall be obliged by your compliance.
Johnson answered, he could not much commend their diligence, but that in some respects they were mended, for they had put their press under better regulations, and were at that time printing Polybius.
He never failed," continued Liebich, "at the close of the school to pray with us, and to commend us to the Lord Jesus and His Spirit during the time of our amusements.
For no philosophy which travesties the real course of history and distorts the moral facts is likely to commend itself to the sober judgment of mankind however brilliant be its exposition or ingenious its arguments.
Moreover, it is obvious that a great part of Taylor's quarrel with current moral ideals arises from the fact that they do not commend themselves to the moral judgment, i.
We commend the book to mothers and to the teachers of little children.
Northern Christian Advocate: "We can heartily commend this book as being the one needed for successful presentation of Bible stories.
I commend myself, gracious God, to Thy care; let me retire to rest this night in the blessed consciousness of Thy favor; and if spared to see the light of a new day, fit me for whatsoever Thou hast in store for me.
A work of great merit, remarkable in its adaptations to defend and commend the Church.
Small wooden disks, like checker-pawns, commend themselves for the purpose.
Now if all experienced equal difficulty in their reading and writing, the language lessons designed as a remedy would commend themselves in all cases, and might fittingly be carried to the same extent everywhere.
All we can do is to commend them to the God of the oppressed, and labor on for the day of general deliverance.
Who would not commend such a mistress for the punctuality, if nothing more?
There is one whom I desire to commend to your special prayer and regard, Elizabeth Rawlings, daughter of John H.
The book must strike everyone who sees it as one of very commendable appearance; and to everyone who reads it, it must commend itself as one of remarkable interest.
We respectfully commend these gentlemen, and the cause in which they are engaged, to the confidence and co-operation of all the friends of the hunted fugitive.
We commend them to Him who can do for them a thousand times more, and better than we can either ask or think.
I have glanced over a few pages of your History of the Underground Railroad, and I most earnestly commend it.
That death was the goal to which of old the Tibetan scapegoat passed after his brief period of licence in the market-place, is a conjecture that has much to commend it.
Some of these measures commend themselves to us as rational and others do not.
For in so many places he shewed his chiualrie, as not only Spain but Fraunce and Italie, did singularly commend and set forth his vertue: bicause in all the warres wherin he was present, he neuer spared him self for any daunger.
In the meane time, he sayd, that he would deliuer those few hee had, and bring them vnto hir that night, praying hir to commend hym to the good grace, and fauour of hir maiesty.
To Lucia calling, her she thus bespake: "Now doth thy faithful servant need thy aid And I commend him to thee.
Or, suppose that you have a mind to commend to your people, Kingly Government: you must not take any place that is plainly to the purpose!
But I dare not take upon me, to commend the Fabric of it; because it is altogether so full of Art, that I must unravel every Scene in it, to commend it as I ought.