One meant a kind of serfdom in which he would subscribe to every word of some superior boy and support his every word.
Heroes will have to conquer both before they will get them to subscribe to it.
I subscribe to that saying of The Pilgrim's Scrip: "The danger of a little knowledge of things is disputable: but beware the little knowledge of one's self!
But I take your time, and hasten tosubscribe myself, my dear sir, Your humble and obd't servant ELIZA CAPET CROIX.
Alexander became so interested that he forgot his personal mission, but he would not subscribe to his friend's opinion that the Colonials were in the right.
Footnote 351: I cannot subscribe to the opinion that Anthony Wood was a dull man, although he had no particular liking for works of imagination; and used ordinary poets scurvily!
Instead of purchasing our newspapers and magazines we subscribe for them.
This was a very serious injury, many persons who intended to subscribe declining because I could not furnish them the whole of the numbers.
Indeed, in the name of the Elector every one was admonished not to subscribe against his conscience.
For a long period (till 1836) all teachers and ministers in Electoral Saxony were required to subscribealso to the Visitation Articles as a doctrinal norm.
Such as refused to subscribe were deposed, imprisoned, or banished.
No doubt but that much more pressure was exercised in hindering than in urging Lutherans to subscribe to the Formula.
For in addition to the adoption of the Corpus Philippicum the ministers were now required to subscribe to a declaration which was tantamount to an endorsement of all of the false doctrines entertained by the Wittenbergers.
However, in order to obliterate the impression that he declined to subscribe because of doctrinal differences, he added that he knew nothing in Luther's articles which might be criticized.
Evidently, to subscribe to this Preface was impossible for genuine Lutherans.
In order to encourage the adventurers or shareholders to subscribe to the sending of maids, a town was laid off in Virginia to be called Maydstown.
If you allude to the female sex, I don't subscribe to it.
But I intend to face it now, and to preach it, and not the comfortable compromise which gives us the illusion that we are Christians because we subscribe to certain tenets, and permits us to neglect our Christian duties.
You pointed out that it would be an advantage to Grenoble to revive the county fair, and you asked me to subscribe five thousand dollars to the Fair Association.
I have come to the conclusion, to-day, not to subscribe a cent.
Hunt, who can subscribe and say amen to every plank in that platform.
Didn't I subscribeto the meeting-house and library, and don't I pay more taxes than anybody else?
If he knew the canons of good taste he did not subscribeto them.
She has not been obliged to subscribe to the rigors of convention.
There are undoubtedly many intelligent, honest, serious women who subscribe to St. Paul's teachings of woman's duties and privileges and who take no umbrage at his pronouncements.
Perhaps I would subscribe to this doctrine, believing it inspired by a commendable love of peace, were all my fellow-citizens in comfortable circumstances; but, no!
If the above speech is not an exact epitome of Charles Fourier's system, I will subscribe to the whole phalansterian folly with a pen dipped in my own blood.
To affix a signature to; to ratify by hand or seal; to subscribein one's own handwriting.
To subscribe for, or purchase, shares in a stock company.
Then, again, I could not subscribe to every word of the Prayer-book, for it is riddled with popery.
It is true they ought to subscribe to the Prayer-book, and take all the oaths which the king prescribes, but you see they will not.
And I Sibbi, king, subscribe it with the cross of Christ.
A Serb is always ready to subscribe towards the erection of a new church, which he regards as most other nations regard their flag; but when it is built he rarely enters it.
Passing to Yugoslavia's domestic obstacles, it was impossible to think that all the Serbs and Croats and Slovenes would forthwith subscribe to the Declaration of Corfu and become excellent Yugoslavs.
Among other things, they agreed to subscribe for a large quantity of rice, which was to be sold out to the poor at a very low price, and Mrs. White was so kind as to undertake the trouble of selling it.
DEAR PANSY: Nearly two years ago I was visiting a friend in East St. Louis, and she showed me THE PANSY, and mamma liked it so well she said I might subscribe for it, and you cannot imagine how I have enjoyed it.
Both on this account and for other reasons I think this parenthesis dangerous, and can in no wise subscribeto it!
I am willing for peace' sake to subscribe my guinea towards a restoration of the lamented feature.
But let any of the principal that is of them subscribe the like writing you have sent to me, and I shall point them forth, and fight with some of the traitors therein; for meetest it is that traitors should pay for their own treason.