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Example sentences for "going home"

  • I must be going home," said Varenka, getting up, and again she went off into a giggle.

  • And Levin ceased speaking and then called the attention of his guests to the fact that the storm clouds were gathering, and that they had better be going home before it rained.

  • The sop was so good that Levin gave up the idea of going home.

  • My head's begun to ache; I'm going home," he said to Serpuhovskoy.

  • All I could make out was, I'm going home" — several times repeated.

  • To die no more — To die no more — I'm going home To die no more!

  • This young lady is going home with us, Adelaide," said Miss Blair.

  • Now I'm going home to supper, Miss Jenny," he says.

  • And so," I suppose you say, "he is going home to buy Clere.

  • I'm going home, but I shall come to breakfast to-morrow morning, and find you in a different humour.

  • Clere is bought, and Sam is going home to take possession.

  • X On the first day of July Claude Wheeler found himself in the fast train from Omaha, going home for a week's leave.

  • After I get a place of my own and have a good start, I'm going home to see my old folks some winter.

  • When the second Friday came round, he went to bid his friends good-bye and explained that he must be going home tomorrow.

  • See, there she goes; going home to report the success of the meeting to Claude.

  • Come with me, if you please; I am going home; then--I am at your service.

  • The boy, George, was far enough behind to see that Burrill was not going home, but he was acting as directed by Mr. Bathurst, and so followed the ruffian.

  • I am going home; when you want me you will find me there.

  • Going home, Nestie looked at Speug, and Speug looked at Nestie, and though no words passed it was understood that the days of the troubles of Moossy in the Seminary of Muirtown were ended.

  • One place is as good as another for a holiday, and I'm really not keen on going home.

  • The folks at the Crossing know I'm going home, and I don't want to put Daly on my track.

  • I thought you would be glad to know I am going home," she said.

  • Betty Harris is going home--This is the people's carriage--Going home!

  • He dropped into the chair beside him and took the thin hand in his strong, dark one, holding it while he talked--gentle words, full of the morning and of going home.

  • Going home to eat her lonely supper and feed 'Zekiel .

  • I've got to pack up my diary because we're going home to-morrow.

  • Fond as I am of Ada and sorry as I am for her, she makes me feel uneasy now, and I'm really glad that she's going home again on Tuesday.

  • She is awfully glad she is going home, for she says in a hospital one always feels as if one was going to die.

  • And we're going home to-morrow, aren't we?

  • Sunny Boy was just as excited at the prospect of going home as he had been at the idea of the trip to New York.

  • This condition of mental intoxication continued when the play was over and, fearful, Mrs. Toomey spoke hastily of going home immediately.

  • Going home in the cab neither spoke until just as they were within a few blocks of the Hostelry when Dick broke the silence.

  • I am going home to-morrow," he said a little huskily.

  • I'll tell Carlotta I am going home to-morrow.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "going home" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    besides their; deep ravine; going about; going back; going beyond; going concern; going down; going everywhere; going forth; going forward; going home; going north; going over; going right; going thither; going through; healthy condition; highway robbery; its very; just beginning; land from; spoiled child; three hard; violent action; white paper; written originally