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Example sentences for "backing"

Lexicographically close words:
backgammon; background; backgrounds; backhand; backhanded; backlash; backless; backlog; backs; backsheesh
  1. The hammer used for backing and rounding.

  2. In the best binding this backing extends over through or past the joint and onto the sides or covers; and is also firmly attached, at the joint, to the leather of the back.

  3. That part of the sections which is turned over in backing to receive the board.

  4. In backing do not break the threads or pull them through the paper.

  5. The projections formed in backing to admit the boards.

  6. A quick, sliding movement of abject fear and she was erect, facing him and backing away silently.

  7. Hastily rising and backing off, I said: "I've got plenty of milk now for you two.

  8. I began backing slowly toward the hotel, and by way of my best defense, I turned on her all the power of my magnetic eye.

  9. My Dear Boy:--While backing in on a branch idea I bumped into a load consigned to the American Railway Association which, with your permission, I wish to bring in behind the caboose to save a switch.

  10. A fundamental is that when backing up there should always be a man on the rear end.

  11. The same mixture makes an excellent backing for dry plates to prevent halation.

  12. Raphael's picture of "The Vision of a Knight" is another example of the fearlessness of that artist in putting in or backing up his figures with a large amount of landscape background.

  13. As she sees the thief she stifles a scream and retreats, backing the man out behind her.

  14. THE BOY [almost terrified, watching her with staring eyes, and backing out].

  15. In a hard squall the second round commenced, and through a backing of the wind they had a run with spinnakers to the Kish.

  16. When the helm is let go, the little vessel shoots so quickly into the wind that she might be put about on the other tack by backing the jib, without further touch of the tiller.

  17. He looked even more scared than usual; he bowed, backing away, and did not know what to do with his hands, which he buried in his sleeves.

  18. He kept backing away, because he wanted desperately for the man to follow.

  19. Scotty was backing away from two of them when Rick charged to the rescue.

  20. A few words from one of the staff of the newspaper that was backing the enterprise informed the audience that the day before there had been hidden in a distant part of the city a penknife, and that only the hider thereof and the Hon.

  21. He turned the boat's head a little by backing water.

  22. Wot with Joe's Sunday-school ways and Bill backing 'em up, we was all pretty glad by the time we got to Melbourne.

  23. This is odd," he went on, backing carefully off and sitting down on his tail in the edge of a pine-tree shadow.

  24. Backing down, I saw that this fork was the support of the bulge that had given the nest its lopsided appearance.

  25. The ones I speak of are still alive," Tunis said gravely, backing up the steps to the sidewalk.

  26. I hope you will forgive me for thrusting myself into your concerns, but I really could not stand for that man backing up your customer instead of you.

  27. Coming to a halt, and backing round in a somewhat spiteful manner, during which manoeuvre we came near upsetting, he soon came upon the route indicated.

  28. Pat thanked his employer, and backing out of the room, promised to be at his post that night.

  29. I retired as from the presence of royalty; backing out with many bows.

  30. His attendants, backing against the wall, grounded their halberds heavily at my approach.

  31. I had a feeling of some inconceivable danger nearing me; and in my state of weakness I began to tremble, backing away from the orifice.

  32. The necessary backing has been secured, and the bill is already prepared.

  33. All it will need will be the recommendation and backing of a handful of Western members and senators.

  34. There was none of the anticipated delight in Sheila's voice that had been there on that first night when she had laid her plans and sworn Father O'Friel into backing her up.

  35. Flanders promptly returned him to his mother, backing away to the bus and muttering something about "letting wildcat's cubs be.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "backing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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