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Example sentences for "countenanced"

Lexicographically close words:
countable; countdown; counte; counted; countenance; countenances; countenancing; countenaunce; counter; counteract
  1. Sometimes this action takes the form of hunting, robbery, ambuscade, maltreatment or murder, and at other times it appears as those feebler imitations of these things which alone are countenanced by the community.

  2. The Indulgence had failed, as by some at least of those who had countenanced it it had been expected to fail.

  3. Could it be all because Dartrey Fenellan countenanced her acquaintance with that woman?

  4. This is also the Christian position but Buddhism has almost always been tolerant and has hardly ever countenanced the doctrine that error should be suppressed by force[77].

  5. There is no reason to doubt that the Buddha believed in the existence of these powers and countenanced the practices supposed to lead to them.

  6. If it be true that he ever countenanced them, he soon saw his error.

  7. They countenanced a violation of reason, common sense, and the instincts of humanity, too horrible to be thought of.

  8. All these superstitions I found had been very much countenanced by the squire, who, though not superstitious himself, was very fond of seeing others so.

  9. His addresses to me were countenanced by my deceased parent, imprudently countenanced perhaps, considering the prejudices of my father in favour of birth and rank.

  10. If these are at all countenanced by a coincidence with ascertained historical facts, we must admit them as evidence, secondary indeed, but still the best within our reach.

  11. Among the =numerous extravagances= which Zinzendorf countenanced for a time, the following may be mentioned.

  12. Arising out of a religious excitement not countenanced by the church authorities, they held that each individual needed immediate illumination of the Holy Spirit for his soul’s salvation.

  13. Notwithstanding her notorious disregard of truth, it is scarcely credible that Mrs. Manley's scurrilous charge was in no way countenanced by facts.

  14. Miserable indeed would be the position of England were she forced in Ireland to wink at lawlessness such as but the other day disgraced New Orleans, or at mob law countenanced by the 'Executive,' such as in 1883 ruled supreme at Melbourne.

  15. Drilling countenanced or winked at by the Irish Ministry could never be stopped by the British Government.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "countenanced" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.