When he looked round, Fernando's face was covered with his hands.
He looked round at the darkness, shook his head abruptly and asked: "No doubt you have been at the reading of the Twelve Gospels?
Savely fidgeted under the quilt and looked round slowly.
And slowly stretching, he looked round him, resting his eyes on the whitening east and added: "There must be treasures.
Two little girls, down below, who were dragging up a pail of water, looked round at the church to listen to the bell.
Epinay became very pale; he looked round him a second time, several members of the club were whispering, and getting their arms from under their cloaks.
He was pale, but calm and collected, and saluting his judge with easy politeness, looked round for a seat, as if he had been in M.
The young girl uttered a joyful cry, raised her eyes, looked round to question the messenger, but he had disappeared.
When Nebsecht at last got upon his feet and looked round him, he found himself alone in a strange house.
He looked round, particularly at the wing not yet gained by the flames, and exclaimed in a loud voice: "The fire is intentional!
But, when he looked round him, there could be no doubt that he was safe up the back stairs, whatsoever they may be, which no man is going to tell you, for the plain reason that no man knows.
He looked roundto Bellerophon with tears in his beautiful eyes, instead of the fire that so recently flashed from them.
When I looked round again I could see things had been left ready for me, so as I wasn't to find myself bad off the first night.
When I looked round I saw the dog sleeping at Jim's feet, old Crib.
I looked round for a bit and then burst out laughing.
Then he let her go; and as she ran into the little chamber where I used to sleep, looked round upon us, quite hot and out of breath with his uncommon satisfaction.
Did not Tant Sannie keep in the loft bultongs, and nice smoked sausages?
Will you presently take my cloak--and new grey cloak from behind the door--and go out with it.
For, mark you, men will dream; the most that can be asked of them is but that the dream be not in too glaring discord with the thing they know.
Possibly if you were to look less fixedly into the fire you might perceive me.
When I looked round," said Bonaparte, "the red and yawning cavity was above me, and the reprehensible paw raised to strike me.
He looked round in astonishment, then he bowed again, and this time longer than before.
After telling us he would wait and make his will when he was well again, he looked round at me, and said some kind and feeling words which my memory will treasure to my dying day.
He looked round at Magdalen, as he said those words, to see if her intractable depression of spirits had seized on her again.
She roused herself; looked up at the darkening heaven, looked round at the darkening view.
Boris paused in the middle of the room, looked round, brushed a little dust from the sleeve of his uniform, and going up to a mirror examined his handsome face.
And Pierre, anxiously trying to remember whether he had done anything reprehensible, looked round with a blush.
He looked round at it without seeming to see it, and then went back to the level where the house stood.
Rising on to his knees he looked round, and then crawled to a crack that appeared much wider than the rest, the boards being more than half an inch apart.
There is not much wind after all," Geoffrey said as he looked round.
Fearful of being run down by one of the great ships, and still more of being caught between two of them as they rolled, he looked round to try to get sight of an English ship in the throng.
The Shadow started, looked round, shivered slightly, and laid his finger on his lips.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "looked round" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.