The King, however, was in no mood to follow this sage counsel, and preferred the strong measures proposed by Jeannin.
And, at the same time as he reassured the old allies of France, Richelieu took energetic measures to put down rebellion at home.
But there was enough of the startling in this intelligence to bring back a portion of its youthful fire to David's heart, and set him to devise the most vigorous measures to prevent the mischief that was so ready to be perpetrated.
They gave the mare a hundred quintals of hay and several measures of oats.
His hymn-book effected a great change in Danish church services, substituting the hymns of the national poets for the slowmeasures of the orthodox Lutherans.
An account of the murder of Guise and of the subsequent measures taken by Mayenne, which was supplied by the Venetian ambassador, G.
For military purposes the "muzzle" velocity produced by a powder is ascertained by a chronograph which measures the exact time the bullet or other projectile takes to traverse a known distance between two wire screens.
It was their pride and their boast that their measures never exceeded the limits of the law, and by the exercise of legal power alone they put down an insurrection amounting to civil war in Lyons and a sanguinary revolt in Paris.
Measures were also taken to reform the administration and the whole course of judicial procedure, and torture as an instrument of legal investigation was abolished.
As a supporter of the constitution of 1791 he joined the Jacobin club, and here and in the Assembly became an eloquent advocate of all the measures directed against real or supposed traitors to the constitution.
The metric system of weights and measures has been adopted, but the old Spanish standards remain in general use.
The consequence was that few measures of practical improvement were carried by his administration.
The measures resorted to had the double aim of ruining antagonists, or such as were suspected, and of gaining the lower classes.
Altogether his adherents rendered the measures contemplated by Soderini impossible, because they feared they would not enable them to carry out their private ends; and his period of office expired without decisive action.
But Montesecco had yet another errand; that of concerting with Jacopo de’ Pazzi and takingmeasures for the intended warlike operations.
Only the cessation of such shameful servitude was the goal towards which he strove; and only from these measures could he or any clear-sighted person expect safety.
We shall speak of the legal measures which afflicted the family still further, later on.
He had long foreseen that his son would not be in a position to master and guide the contending elements, but precisely the measures he took to meet the danger brought it nearer.
Neri Capponi certainly aided essentially in restraining the Medicean party government within certain limits; yet the measures which most confirmed their government were effected under his eyes.
Girolamo Riario had taken measures to support the enterprise of the conspirators.
Immediately after that, famine and the Black Death produced a change, which was intensified by the measures taken against the families of those nobles and the ruling party who were hated or suspected.
And on this she founds the demand that Prussia shall suspend her measures of warlike preparation.
If one measures human worth by the scale of education--and what more correct standard can one have?
The east window, which is entirely filled with old glass, consists of nine lights, and measures 78 ft.
The superb flamboyant window at the west end of the centre aisle measures 56 ft.
Hector takes measures for the security of Troy during the night, and prepares his host for an assault to be made on the Grecian camp in the morning.
The nobles were overcome by the strong measures of Alva.
Next to the Inquisition, the second of the several measures by which central organs were created for the Counter-Reformation is the establishment of new orders.
Thus it was that nobody went further than Bossuet at one time in the direction of union, and nobody was more strongly in favour of the harsh measures of Louvois.
He dropped the states-general, which had been turbulent and hostile, and carried out his measures in defiance of the parliaments.
The series of measures by which he lost the crown form a drama in three acts.
He relied on the arrogance of the French, and this calculation, the measures by which he brought public opinion on to his side, are the greatest achievement of his career.
Eck joined with Cajetan in urging the strongest measures of repression.
They carried measures to prevent any further progress of the Lutherans, and it was against this restriction that certain princes and fourteen towns made the protest from which Protestantism has its name.
The feelings of the mob, always fierce when roused by any unusual event, appear to have led them to somewhat violent measures in their expressions of hatred towards Roman Catholics.
Many of these rules and orders are proclaimed and enacted over and over again; the precautions and the measures taken against the flagrant evils which existed were very often utterly futile, and improvement was extremely slow.
Despite the enormous loss of life which these pestilences caused, no effective measures were taken to prevent their recurrence.
Later, however, his arbitrary measures and foolish actions led to a complete revulsion of feeling, which expressed itself in actual revolt.
On the presentation of the following report a charter was received by the Corporation of London, granting powers to raise a sum of money and take measures for the plantation of the province.
Half measures are fatal in a difficulty, and, as she seems unable to interfere with good effect she is wise to let it alone.
While writing to Frontenac in terms of studied mildness, the king and Colbert took measures to curb his power.
Phips took no measures to secure his conquest, though he commissioned a president and six councillors, chosen from the inhabitants, to govern the settlement till farther orders from the crown or from the authorities of Massachusetts.
The boldness of these measures will scarcely be appreciated at the present day.
The same cruel measures were practised when the Ottawas came to trade at Montreal.
As to the measures to be taken, two parties divided the colony; one consisting of the governor and his friends, and the other of the intendant, the Jesuits, and such of the merchants as were not in favor with Frontenac.
A veritable mental epidemic seized on the German artists, and when one after another of Overbeck's friends followed his example, Niebuhr took alarm, and bethought himself of what measures could be taken.
The cartoon is in the Carlsruhe Gallery, framed and hung: it measures about 12 feet wide by 14 feet high: it is in charcoal or chalk, on squares of whity-brown paper mounted on canvas.
Having established these rules, we resolved to enter into some measures for our food, and for conversing with the inhabitants or natives of the island for our supply.
If thou pleasest but to follow the measures that I shall resolve on, depend upon it, though we will go off from the ships, we will not a man of us go any nearer them than within call to talk with them.
What measures they took, and how Captain Avery managed afterwards, is too long a story to meddle with here; nor is it any of my business, having my own story still upon my hands.
We had closed up to within fifty feet of Joe by now, and saw for the first time the remarkable precautionary measures he had taken to insure the safety of himself and his canoe.
Comfortable sleeping measures just about the whole difference between the success and failure of many a trip.
So difficult is it, sometimes, for the quickest sagacity, and most enlightened experience, to judge what measuresought to be taken!
In a very short time she equipped a powerful fleet, and tookmeasures to place the fortifications of Cyprus in a proper state of defence.
Exasperated by the unscrupulous measures of the prelate, and the gross violation they involved of the treaty, they broke out into an insurrection, which soon extended along the mountain ranges in the neighbourhood of Granada.
This he did at great length, and in a manner which must have satisfied any fair mind of the groundlessness of the charges brought against the Moslems, and the cruelty and impracticability of the measures proposed by the government.
Some vigorous measures were instantly to be taken, or the army, it was evident, would soon altogether melt away.
It was his maxim that his ministers would more freely discuss measures in the absence of their master than when he was there to overawe them.
Ruy Gomez, on the other hand, recommended that Philip should go at once, without an army, and by mild and conciliatory measures win the malcontents back to their allegiance.
The humanity of his disposition combined with his views of policy to make him rely more on conciliatory measures than on fear, for the reduction of the enemy.
Unfortunately, the violent measures of Alva were more congenial to the stern temper off the king, and the duke was sent at the head of his battalions.
Yet he could take no decisive measures to check it until the council had determined on some plan of operations.
But the voice of the leader was heard above the tumult, and by his prompt and sagacious measures he fortunately succeeded in restoring order, and reviving the confidence of his men.
They accordingly implored the government at Granada to take some effectual measures for their relief.
The president appears to have taken no measures for the protection of the city, but, on receiving the information, he at once communicated it to the alcayde of the prison, and directed him to provide for the security of his prisoners.
Once or twice I have traveled in the cars--and there you know, the peanut boy always measures you with his eye, and hands you out a book of murders if you are fond of theology; or Tupper or a dictionary or T.
Noble promises damaging exposures concerning Dilworthy and certain measures of his now pending in Congress.
The reason for this is that your log measures your speed through the water.
The instrument, therefore, that measures these angles is the most important of any used in Navigation and you must become thoroughly familiar with it.
However it may have been, the government now knew enough to order the most rigorous measures to be taken against the "last royalists.
However, the measures I had been obliged to take could not remain secret.
Comte, that I am keenly wounded at the measures that have been taken towards me.
And the sixth day gather ye double so much, that is two measuresof gomor, and keep that one measure for the Sabbath, which God hath sanctified and commanded you to hallow it.
But the measures by which it was intended to purge the land of heresy, though more than sufficiently vigorous, were entirely unsuccessful.
He adverted to the recent measures in the province, and cautioned his hearers of weaker parts against calling in question the just severity which God-fearing magistrates had at length been compelled to exercise.
Thus stood the matter, when I was determined to give your cause for uneasiness a hearing, and to take my measuresaccording to what should result from that hearing.
And so, my dear parents, twenty charming ideas and pleasures I had formed to myself, are vanished from me, and my measures are quite broken.
Besides, I am not so satisfied with some of the measures now pursuing, as to owe any obligation to the ministers.
It is a clever piece of workmanship, for though it weighs twenty-five hundredweights and measures fourteen feet in height, it sways and turns with every wind.
In a farm all painted blue under an ancient arbour there is a whirlwind of gaily coloured shawls and petticoats, while the guitars with their drowsy rhythm and the strident cornets accompany the measures of the Valencian Jota.
The pretty senoritas of Seville have no objection to going through the graceful measures of the South in full view of an uninvited audience who crowd round the opening of the tent and from time to time give vent to admiring "Oles!
Thanks, Louise, for this devotion; but measures must be taken to place you beyond all insult, to shield you from every lure.
Oh, I am quite sure you have told me the truth, and that you took no measures to approach her.
The assemblage of officers for concerting measures of moment, too often deemed the symbol of irresolution in the commander-in-chief.
Also, the common measures of the sheer-draught, &c.
It is constructed on a principle similar to Hadley's quadrant; but the arc contains a sixth part of a circle, andmeasures angles up to 120°.
The first process of a siege, in taking measures to seize all the avenues, blocking up the garrison, and preventing relief getting into the place before the arrival of the main army with the siege-train.
Vidi, measures approximately, but not with the permanence of the mercurial.
In round terms, it is the same distance on the shank from the throat that the arm measures from the throat to the bill.