I confess that I do not see why we should condone the prisoner's offence because it was committed for the sake of obtaining money for gambling purposes.
The vice among the poorer classes is largely on the increase, and it seems to me that it is the duty of all in authority to condemn rather than to condone the evil, and to use every effort to stamp it out.
Hereupon Nadan made answer and said to Haykar his uncle, "Do with me whatso thy goodness would do and then condone thou to me all my crimes, for who is there can offend like me and can condone like thee?
I admit that all this is not clearly in the minds of most of the people who break the law, or who condone or abet the breaking of the law.
One couldcondone much in a man then writing: "I had entertained the romantic hope of being able to overtake the Federal Government in its career of iniquity.
Several of his best friends were unable to understand orcondone his retirement.
Even Crowder, her friend, might condone a transfer of affection from Pancha Lopez to the daughter of George Alston.
Her manner suggested that she could condone this in Lorry owing to her relationship and the honesty of her intention.
Whatever may be the attitude of those who entertain lax moral views, society has no right to condone in man what it condemns in woman.
Neither does He excuse or condone in men what He condemns in women.
His kindliness may condone the spectacle he cuts, but to make his position good wants intelligence which good-heartedness may supplement but not supplant.
To emphasize the relativity of tact let me cite a family anecdote, the appositeness of which must condone a certain lack of reticence in its telling.
His fellow countrymen could not condone the monstrous offense of depicting therein as the pliant mediator of his perverted sensuousness their beloved actress.
If HE had been Mr. Offord he certainly would have found Brooksmith wanting, and indeed the laxity of his employer on this score was one of many things he had had to condone and to which he had at last indulgently adapted himself.
I noted further, strangely enough, that it would probably be a questionable pleasure for him to see me again: he doubted now even of my power to condone his aberrations.
Ellen could stand any cruelty that he gave to her and condone it, but she shivered back from this relentlessness that she had seen in Roger.
Country New England in those days was a place of rigid morals, nor were young girls taught to condone the frailties of men, and gambling at that time had a guilty and glittering sound.
Gillian found his calm ruthlessness difficult to understand, and yet, realising all that he had suffered, she could not but condone it to a certain extent.
The world will alwayscondone where it wants to be amused.
Daniel, who was beginning to be rather restive under these restraints, refused to comply, but, as he was a valuable member, it was finally decided here also to condone his offense.
I resolved that I would condone the past, and go forth penniless, if this were exacted in exchange for liberty at the end of a month and a half from this time.
Doubtless that episode had thoroughly angered him, and he felt besides that a man in his official position would not be forgiven by the people, should he condone it.
Crane smiled somewhat grimly as he thought that under those changed circumstances even Allis's mother might be brought to condone her husband's continuance in the nefarious profession.
But I fear that few or none will be found to disagree with my opinion that no such approbation or tolerance can be reasonably extended so as to cover or condone the offences of either the underplot or the upshot of the play.
But you must not commit the unpardonable sin of making your readers condone the evil in her for the sake of the good.
May we not sometimes condone a little evil for the sake of a great good?
No amount of after manipulation couldcondone so vicious a slaughter of space and line opportunities which the background, with its reduplicating edge, accomplishes.
We can excuse the first, condone the second, find small palliation for the third, but he for whom art principles mean nothing, is an art anarchist.
A jury of matrons--that was to say an appeal to a court that did not condone embezzlement and smile at thievish contracts--was exactly what was needed.
You will meet women who will condone this view and tell you that they do not expect it, that men are 'different,' and that they would not even have it otherwise.