Fareham opened the door for her, as she went out, regal inport and air.
It is large, populous, and wealthy; a place to which the merchant may retire to spend his gains, more than a port for active and hard working commerce.
Afterwards he was collector of the port of Salem, which post he resigned in 1840.
I've seen some of it in Boston," said the girl; "but Boston is not the port it used to be.
Whitby is a thriving sea-port in the North Riding of Yorkshire, situated on the mouth of the river Esk.
The captain of the port is under the same appointment, and wears the uniform of the Danish navy.
The Captain of the port soon made his appearance, and anchored us in safety.
Port Jervis, by which I overcame the difficulties incident to large glasses.
Two other señeros, or signalmen, are told off to keep all boats in port during bad weather, and to call together the crews when circumstances appear favorable for sailing.
As a port of assembly for a large fleet it is, by virtue of the breakwater, admirably suited; but they have to take their chance of being occasionally cut off from communication with the shore for a day or two.
Frank Mildmay, in his new uniform, tumbling up against the Port Admiral, whom he failed to salute, and so humbled by the rebuke he received that he went about touching his hat to everyone he met, is a truer picture.
In addition to "foreign" matches, of which there was a full programme every season, a great deal of ingenuity was exercised in organising both cricket and football contests among the cadets: Port Watch v.
Sire, Christopher Columbus gave to you a world three thousand leagues across the ocean; I will bring one to you at the port of Cadiz, and you shall claim, with the assistance of God, the dominion of the sea.
Nicolas in Russia, for this present Race to be made and returne of the same by Gods grace to the port of London, the place of their right discharge, as in the Articles ensuing is deduced.
The first-mate was about to whisper to the men to easy on the port side when all at once there was a flash at a distance, followed by a sharp report.
He patted Mark's shoulder as he stood gazing over the port bulwark at a dim blue line.
He soon ascertained that the Spanish dollars brought to the port by foreign trading vessels could be sold in Wall Street at a profit.
As the boat always remained in some port overnight, Dr.
She has just purchased the port of Oboch on the eastern coast of Africa, near the entrance of the Red Sea.
The administration of the Imperial Navy of France have at Glasgow a floating iron dock in pieces, which they require to be transported from that port to Saigon, Cochin China.
Hitherto France had absolutely no good port in the Mediterranean (if we except those of Corsica) but Toulon and Marseilles.
No matter how sudden the call, or from what direction the sailors are taken, no French fleet leaves or can leave port with a crew of green hands.
Five hundred soldiers and one hundred sailors must, he urges, take possession, without delay, of Port Royal and the Chesapeake.
Port Royal, and next to fortify strongly on Chesapeake Bay, called by him St. Mary's.
A short distance from that portare found the village of Palanan and the missions of Dicalayon, and Dauilican or Divilican.
In the port of Cavite, they have another convent, a dwelling for the religious without any administration of Indians.
In the year one thousand seven hundred and nine, Don Pascual Bautista and other inhabitants of that port founded the brotherhood of our father Jesus in this church.
Continuing north for a matter of some sixteen nautical leguas, one meets theport of Tumango, the safest and most capacious of all this rough coast.
There is a good port in the island where a galleon was built in the time of Governor Don Juan de Silva.
In the jurisdiction of Cavite, the curacy of that port and city, and that of the natives of San Roque.
Cavite], and in the port of Cavìte, a college without administration.
It is near the port of Lampón, which was used in the seventeenth century as a harbor for the Acapulco galleons, as being more accessible than any port in San Bernardino Strait.
In that of Ticao, the village of that name, and the port of San Jacinto, where the ships that sail to España are provided with water and wood for the voyage.
In the port of Cavite, a convent without administration.
In the jurisdiction and port of Cavite, they have a church and convent without ministry.
She shall have attendance, but a soul ready to depart shouldn't be detained in port longer than is necessary.
I have investigated it in every French port where American troops land and in in every other place where any considerable number of our men have been quartered.
An investigation made by a prominent jurist of the United States, who is also a leading layman of the Methodist Church, revealed the following conditions in a certain port of landing.
I lived with him from the port of entry to the front line, and saw him under every condition of modern warfare.
Nearer the port are huge buildings of more recent date, grain-stores erected in the early eighteenth century when a tremendous export trade to England ran from this port.
A hundred years ago it was the greatest port of the country, in its own way a rival to Bristol and Liverpool.
But it was evident that its stay in such a port would be but temporary, as the current continually pushed and sucked at it, and the light craft quivered and swayed continually under the action of the current.
Suppose we run into the first cove, lift your canoe aboard, and we'll take you to Montreal, since that's our own port of destination.
That is the next port where there is a fairly good hotel.
He has a good physique that has not degenerated into mere muscle and brawn; a fine color which does not lead you to suspect that too much old port and brandy is responsible for it.
Before I actually engaged passage to any foreign port I thought it wise to pay a parting visit to good Dr.
He had embarked with very little ready money, on account of recent ill luck at the faro table, and dreaded being stranded in some foreign port without enough to complete his voyage.
Besides this we visited Montpelier, Montego Bay and Port Antonio, seeing at the latter place a steamer of the Boston Fruit Company setting sail for the Hub with an immense cargo of bananas and oranges.
On the principle of any portin a storm it was worth spending a half hour over.
Consequently the largest ships from America or the Indies can reach the wharves of Amsterdam as easily as if it were a port on the sea-coast.
Jacques; you took that Savoyard in preference to me, that scum of the Port Saint Nicolas.
In his port was the dignity of one who had borne His Majesty's commission, and who was therefore illuminated by a ray of the splendour that shone so dazzlingly about the throne.
The high estimation then placed upon the military character might be seen in the lofty port of each individual member of the company.
On the 18th August the greater part of the troops embarked for Port Said, the transports being escorted by five ironclads.
But in the merchant ships lying in the port there were many deaths.
The popular indignation was due to a misunderstanding, and the misunderstanding arose because the Russian admiral did not proceed to the nearest British port and explain the circumstances.
On the 20th of August the troops and warships from Alexandria arrived at Port Said, together with Admiral Sir Beauchamp Seymour in the Helicon.
Allen, who saw Nelson embark from the sally-port at Portsmouth for Trafalgar.
When she struck the rock, her port side forward was stove in for nearly half her length, and her after part remained resting on a "rocky shoal of hard granite.
A smart man acting under a mistake will move his ship to starboard or to port quicker than a slow man, and his mistake will therefore appear the greater.
There were no guns mounted at Wei-hai-wei; but at Port Arthur, 80 miles distant northwards across Korea Bay, the Russians had already mounted seventy guns.
In the preceding year, 1897, it was announced that Russia would winter at Port Arthur; whereupon Lord Charles Beresford remarked in the House of Commons that the winter would probably be of long duration.
The captain then determined to run back to Port Mercy.
Russia was establishing herself in Manchuria, and was arming Port Arthur and Talienwan.
Near the port stood a mammoth sawmill capable of taking care of twenty-two million feet a year, about which a lumber town had sprung up.
As a member of the French Academy, he assisted in compiling the new edition of the Dictionary, which was published in 1762; and he made some just and philosophical remarks on the Port Royal Grammar.
He was active in raising volunteers for the so-called Queen Anne's War, and in 1707 sent a fruitless expedition against Port Royal.
The port is provided with four dry docks and a gridiron, and its quays exceed 5 m.