In Africa, of two races in the same stage of social development and in constant intercourse with one another, the one may tolerate a system bordering on promiscuity, and the other punish a single lapse with death.
You may tolerate the coloured man in every relation but one: you may converse with him, eat with him, live with him on terms of equality, but your gorge rises at the idea of admitting him to become a member of your family by marriage.
Some of the clergy no doubt enjoyed the fun; others had to tolerate what was old and traditional.
Then there will be an old and stiff aristocracy which will tolerate no upstarts, and other classes will settle into established gradations of dependence.
In the theater we make allowances for what we would not tolerate in the street or parlor.
If any stranger seeketh to insult the honour of a family, they that are good never tolerate such insult coming from the stranger.
And, O monarch, both men and women will become perfectly free in their behaviour and will not tolerateone another's acts.
Sabaco was an able and energetic prince, who could by no means tolerate the presence of a rival Pharaoh in the provinces which Piônkhi had conquered.
As the people of Great Britain will not for a moment tolerate the withdrawal of representative government from Ireland, we must adopt some new plan.
They live between the sources of the Missouri and Yellow-stone River, tolerate no other tribe there, and are warlike and cruel to their conquered foes.
They give extravagant wages and indiscreet indulgences, and, through indolence and easiness of temper, tolerate neglect of duty.
People, having once felt the thorough neatness and beauty of execution which came of free, educated, and thoughtful labor, could not tolerate the clumsiness of slavery.
She could not toleratethe careless ease of the persons with whom she was thrown into accidental communication,--the confidence with which the very servants ventured to accost her.
I can hardly believe that the present race of teachers will long tolerate the system I here advert to.
I don't mind anything that is human--what I can't tolerate is anything inhuman or unintelligible.
If Lamennais really thought he would be confined in spirit to such a place, he would not tolerate it--least of all a combative fellow like Lamennais--it would be a perpetual solitary confinement.
Many were the inquiries after the Lady Arabella, from those who could love and appreciate virtue and excellence, though they might tolerate vice and folly.
No physician would tolerate the suggestion that the bacillus of cholera can produce the symptoms of diphtheria, or the tubercle bacillus produce the symptoms of leprosy.
Perhaps the reader will tolerate another somewhat long quotation because of the light which it sheds on this whole problem.
People who use such language must seek redress through some one else, for I will not tolerate insults to our country or cause.
But, once entered into, it is too much for human nature to tolerate an enemy within their ranks to give aid and comfort to the armies of the opposing section or nation.
No more will it toleratetyranny on the part of labor which demands one increase after another in pay and shorter hours while at the same time it becomes less instead of more efficient.
I will neither tolerate nor countenance by my action here or elsewhere any society which is resorting to means for prosecuting a relentless warfare upon the institution of slavery within the limits of Missouri or any other state.
It was by no means certain that President Pierce would tolerate everything.
For even if I were attached to their virtue, as indeed I am, still, if they were arrogant I should not be able to tolerate their airs.
Or, when we would not bear that fortune which was unavoidable, and which seemed almost as if appointed by destiny, shalt we tolerate the voluntary bondage?
They can scarcely tolerate us, on account of our abhorrence of slavery.
Public opinion' would tolerate surgical experiments, operations, processes, performed upon them, which it would execrate if performed upon their master or other whites.
Though facts of this kind lie thick in every corner, the reader will, we are sure, tolerate even a needless illustration, if told that it is from the pen of N.
Perhaps they do some good; at any rate they do not do much harm, and the people tolerate them for the sake of old associations.
I observe that they tolerate various small interferences and dictations which Englishmen are prone to resist.
For, “though it is not our intention to prescribe to anyone what he is to hold or believe, yet we will not tolerate any sect or division in our principality in order to prevent harmful revolt and other mischief.
His deep love of solitude was even aggressive; he would not tolerate the intrusion of another bird upon his domain.
Thus capital cannot accumulate without the aid of non-capitalist organisations, nor, on the other hand, can it tolerate their continued existence side by side with itself.
Local authorities are also in some cases given presents to tolerate the evil or to delay any investigation already under way.
To tolerate any restriction in this respect would be contrary to the very essence of capital, its whole mode of existence.
The vast majority of the American people will not tolerate a revolutionary American Federation of Labor any more than they will tolerate a revolutionary I.
The American people as a body will never tolerate Socialism, once they have been made to realize its full meaning and ruinous consequences.
Some conservative Socialists, indeed, profess willingness to tolerate the employment of one or two farm hands.
Jane, how can you tolerate that dull, spiritless creature?
He was a man of pure principles, and could tolerateno deviation from them.
Still, they had to tolerate her, and did so with a good grace.
I never tolerate people that I don't like," said Miss Hubert.