At theformalistic extreme stands the Buddhistic pessimism,[12] which rests on a recognition of the inevitable taint of this world, of the implication of evil in life.
He seemed to be opposing innovation on purely formalistic and traditional grounds in an age which was more and more resolutely untraditional and which was determined above all to emancipate the imagination from its strait-jacket of formalism.
According to this romantic conception, as we have seen, the imagination is to be free, not merely from outer formalistic constraint, but from all constraint whatever.
There is also a formalistic taint in the educational system worked out by the Jesuits--a system in all respects so ingenious and in some respects so admirable.
This formalistic turn given to the doctrine of imitation was felt from the outset to be a menace to originality; to be incompatible, and everything hinges at last on this point, with the spontaneity of the imagination.
Broadly speaking, these divide themselves into two main branches, the Formalistic and the Naturalesque.
The Formalistic schools, led by the Ikenobos, aimed at a classic idealism corresponding to that of the Kano-academicians.
We should like to call this school the Natural in contradistinction to the Naturalesque andFormalistic schools.