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Example sentences for "sacerdotal"

Lexicographically close words:
sacculated; sacculi; sacculus; sacer; sacerdos; sacerdotalism; sacerdote; sacerdotes; sacerdotibus; sacerdotum
  1. All, almost without exception, thought me worthy of the highest sacerdotal position; there was but one word for me in the world.

  2. The Chaldaeans at last set apart a sacerdotal and learned caste devoted to the observation of the heavens; and the temples became regular observatories.

  3. We find even now proof of this old sacerdotal science in the zodiac sculptured on the ceilings of certain temples, and in the hieroglyphic inscriptions relating to celestial phenomena.

  4. I begin to weary, and my old doubts regarding the sacerdotal caste return.

  5. Mr. Gladstone, however, left the sacerdotal power no choice but to make the best terms they could with the Irish leader, who was only too glad to secure their co-operation.

  6. Thus, while some shock me by their sacerdotal dogmatism, others repel me by their rationalizing laicism.

  7. If there is not exactly affectation in them, there is at least a kind of theatrical and sacerdotal posing, a sort of professional attitudinizing.

  8. The Protestant method, according to him, is the means of transition whereby sacerdotal Christianity passes into the pure religion of the gospel.

  9. If a priest commits a criminal act, he is divested of the sacerdotal habit, and is punished generally with more severity than a layman.

  10. All these deities are enumerated together with little regard to the positions they occupy in the sacerdotal pantheon.

  11. Neither the Buddha nor Christ thought it worth while to write anything and both of them ignored ceremonial and sacerdotal codes in a way which must have astounded their contemporaries.

  12. The accounts are no doubt exaggerated and must often be treated as specimens of sacerdotal imagination, like the Biblical descriptions of the rites performed in the Tabernacle during the wanderings of the Israelites.

  13. It is true that the Atharva often rises above this phase, for it consists not of simple folk-lore, but of folk-lore modified under-sacerdotal influence.

  14. Obviously knowledge in the sense of philosophical speculation commended itself to religiously disposed persons in the non-sacerdotal castes for the same reason as asceticism.

  15. Their ancient college, or hospital, otherwise vacant and forlorn, was now chiefly occupied by a much higher order of priests, called Mahaboons, who were their legal and sacerdotal guardians.

  16. To invest with ministerial or sacerdotal functions; to introduce into the office of the Christian ministry, by the laying on of hands, or other forms; to set apart by the ceremony of ordination.

  17. One of a sacerdotal college of fifteen men whose chief duty was to take care of the Sibylline books.

  18. A part of the sacerdotal habit among Jews, being a covering for the back and breast, held together on the shoulders by two clasps or brooches of onyx stones set in gold, and fastened by a girdle of the same stuff as the ephod.

  19. A rising up of the laity against the sacerdotal caste.

  20. One who serves at the altar; one who performs sacerdotal duties; the pastor of a church duly authorized or licensed to preach the gospel and administer the sacraments.

  21. From back of the chancel railing he could sway the crowd and make it all his own; whereas, taking that same crowd singly, and beyond his sacerdotal functions, he might be at the mercy of each man composing it.

  22. Most of them are certainly honorable men, estimable husbands and good fathers; but we cannot help observing that they lack the sacerdotal character so conspicuous in the Catholic priest.

  23. In his high sacerdotal invocation the Lord prays that all those who believe through the word may be one, even as the Father is in him and he in the Father; and that we may be one in the Father and the Son, ut et ipsi eis nolis unum sint.

  24. Sometimes he appears to me in the sacerdotal garb--a long, petticoat-y suit of solemn black, with stainless stiff white cravat.

  25. In Shinto, however, there was no indispensable sacerdotal mediator.

  26. For many centuries most of the Mikado's sacerdotal functions have been delegated.

  27. They were originally the hereditary Governors--perhaps even kings--of the province and had also sacerdotal functions.

  28. Even this is not really a sacerdotal costume, but simply one of the old official dresses of the Mikado's Court.

  29. The functionaries who performed the latter had no specially sacerdotal character and no distinctive costume.

  30. At the present time many Kannushi combine other avocations with their sacerdotal functions.

  31. The Patricians, originally an Etruscan sacerdotal school, had become mere secular statesmen and warriors, who regarded their hereditary priesthood in no other light than that of a political form.

  32. A cause like theirs no mean device can mar, Nor bigot rage nor sacerdotal war.

  33. He divided the lands into three parts; the first was consecrated to the uses of religion, as it was from the sacerdotal part of his system that he doubtless expected its most powerful support.

  34. St. Ephrem himself never would consent to be promoted to the sacerdotal dignity, of which he expresses the greatest dread and apprehension, in his sermon on the priesthood.

  35. The Brahmans are the sacerdotal caste of India.

  36. While, however, the ordinary priest chose for himself a single master to whom he devoted himself, the priest-king exercised universal sacerdotal functions and claimed to be pontiff of all the national religions.

  37. We know too little of the inner family life of the kings, to attempt to say how they were able to combine the strict sacerdotal obligations incumbent on them with the routine of daily life.

  38. For instance, he appears to have always believed in the efficacy of sacerdotal consecration to transform the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ.

  39. Caesaropapia (which transforms a king into a pope) having thus attained its greatest excess, a sacerdotal reaction could not fail to take place.

  40. Ambitious, intriguing, and impure of life, he had been as zealous for the sacerdotal prerogative as the austere Becket; and by a singular contrast, a shirt of hair was found on the body of this voluptuous man.

  41. He made the priesthood of the Royal God hereditary in the family of Śivakaivalya and the sacerdotal dynasty thus founded enjoyed during some centuries a power inferior only to that of the kings.

  42. Thus taking the common Asiatic idea that great and holy men are somehow divine, they made it the principle of civil and sacerdotal government by declaring the prelates of the church to be deities incarnate.

  43. Since ordination is for Buddhists merely self-dedication to a higher life and does not confer any sacramental or sacerdotal powers, the importance assigned to it may seem strange.

  44. The high priest or royal chaplain is styled Śrîparamapurohita but it does not appear that there was a sacerdotal family enjoying the unique position held by the Śivakaivalyas in Camboja.

  45. The Pa-ssŭ-wei have given rise to many conjectures and have been identified with the Basaih or sacerdotal class of the Chams.

  46. They are called stewards or messengers of God, servants or ministers of the church, and the like, but the sacerdotal is never once conferred upon them.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sacerdotal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.