The Ameto is a tissue of pastoral tales, descriptions, and versified interludes, prolix in style and affected with pedantic erudition.
The visionary science upon which it was based, had to be studied in codes of doctrine and repeated with pedantic precision.
These ideas are approximately carried out, especially in the countries which, having made no great advance in the criminal sciences, meet with less of pedantic opposition to practical reforms.
Nay, I would go further, and say that a pedantic and elaborate knowledge of history hampers rather than benefits the practical politician.
But (I daresay I am a very pedantic person) I don't really like his lounging about and smoking in the boys' studies.
Old Mr. Innes, with his tiresome preoccupations, his pedantic taste, his mediaeval musical instruments, affects me exactly as an unrelenting idealist does in actual life.
Judging from his letters and from this tract, John Boson was a man of considerable intelligence, and one about whom one would like to know more, and his Cornish writings are of more value than those of the somewhat pedantic Keigwin.
The quiet, pedantic spirit which breathed from these carefully preserved relics of a former century could not have trained the original, modern, enthusiastic nature of the Prison Fairy.
It was by no common merit that the illiterate sectary extracted praise like this from the most pedanticof critics and the most bigoted of Tories.
Early amateur efforts often bristle with quotations, foreign words, stilted phrases, pedantic remarks, or references to classical personages.
A pedantic style of phraseology, and a desire to let other people see how much one knows, are amateur failings.
Pedantic though he was, Commissioner von Riedau possessed sufficient insight to know the truth when it was presented to him with such conviction, and also sufficient insight to have recognised the gifts of the man before him.
His style, though varying according to the authorities which he is using, is generally animated, a priceless merit in his pedantic age.
Though the book is generally written in a grave and somewhat pedantic manner, yet some passages show that Harant was by no means devoid of humour.
It will not do to set all these aside under any fastidious or pedantic distinction.
Surely it is but a mechanical rule for avoiding what is low, to be always pedantic and affected.
That was exquisite, and all the more surprising coming from a man of Von Buelow's pedantic nature.
The one thing he could not abide was pedantic performance: "Among artists there is not the division of professors and non-professors.
In this work the pedantic professor was a true zealot.
Not only did he drop this pedantic restriction of literature in the end, but in his own practice he had always defied it, because, despite his fierce campaign against art, he could not overcome the force of his artistic impulses.
The deed had been prepared by the chancellor in Danish, and in the usual stiff and pedantic style of such documents.
Face to face with a woman in the prime of her beauty, he heard a voice warning him against the pedanticspirit of middle age, against formalism and fogeyishness.
It's the old fighting-ground of French and English--interesting to any one pedantic enough to care for such things.
Such socks, therefore, indicated scholasticism: worn by females, they would indicate a self-dedication to what for them would be regarded as pedantic studies.
In this period, a period of great depression of the national spirit, we may trace the attempt at a pedantic latinization of English quite as clearly at work as at later periods, subsequent to the revival of learning.
We borrow words from the French, Italian, Latin, as every pedantic man pleases”.
The words of the Book of the Covenant do not expressly answer any of these questions, but only a very pedanticinterpretation of the letter of the law could confine its operation to the male head of the family.
Of his approaching end he spoke in his usual unemotional and somewhat pedantic fashion.
From the long-gowned, pedantic scholars of Plantagenet days down to the young bloods of a later age, how full and strong had been that tide of young English life.
The phrase has unfortunately a false and pedantic sound.
One of the most pedantic of these was addressed to him by Samuel Purchas when the "General Historie" was written.
And, indeed, he had a greater respect for the scholarship of his wayside tutor than for the pedantic acquirements of many men he came to know afterwards.
There was Sir James Smith, the botanist, made much of and really not pedantic and vulgar like the rest, but weak and irritable.
He was completely spoiled by the flatteries of shallow men, pedantic women, and conceited lads.