Robert took pen and paper, and did as he was bidden, with all the punctiliousobedience of a man who consents perforce to see a better scheme abandoned.
It was only by the unexpected promptitude of the move that Charles and his little Court were saved from possible delays which Spain could, under the guise of punctilious courtesy, have interposed.
The King soon found that a morose gravity and a punctiliouspride were the worst ingredients for an Irish governor.
I value that above all in you--you are punctilious to have no praise not honestly won.
We have known Spaniards who have called with an intention of staying dinner, go away, because this ceremony was not gone through according to their punctilious notions, to which our off-hand manners are diametrically opposed.
For there existed nothing in which she was so punctilious as in these social accounts of give and take; accounts which Merle insisted were as carefully noted and balanced as any butcher's or baker's.
His speech was elaborate, and so was his neck-gear; and he was punctilious in his appointments, and in his manners, and the discharge of obligations.
Those who knew Mr. Ballou best were well aware of hispunctilious notions as it concerned money affairs.
The intimacy of the hour and the scene emphasized the more the punctilious aloofness of this enforced companionship.
These were the fixed principles of a very wealthy man, who abhorred debt, and was punctilious in veracity, scrupulous in cleanliness of mind and body, devoted to the honour of his country, the interests of his class.
What with his airs of the foreign-tinted, punctilious courtly gentleman covering a survival of the ancient British forest boar or bear, he was a picture in our modern set, and piquant.
Regularly every evening he went down the stairs and performed the duty he had undertaken with the punctilious care of a neat housewife.
In the first place she was not dressed with her usual punctilious attention to the proprieties of her high situation.
But Lucy had no such punctilious misgivings; she did not much care now whether she offended Mr. Crawley or no.
Strictly adhering or conforming to rule; very nice or exact; punctilious in conduct or ceremony; formal; ceremonious.
Punctilious in the simple and intelligible instances of common life.
Hungry and with a vested interest in the loaf on my arm, I was not over punctilious in details of the moral law.
Mrs. Gilbert was strictly punctilious with herself, even in the matter of her thoughts.
It forced me to observe sharply and clearly, to form visual impressions, to retain them in the brain, and to clothe them in punctilious and accurate language.
How punctilious a campaigner this man could be is illustrated by a little incident that took place on one occasion when he was running for the Legislature.
So punctilious a practitioner as Horace Binney, the distinguished Philadelphian, whose conceptions of duty have already served us with some exalted standards, took this view.
Ossip followed the police with derisive eyes; whereafter, he leapt to his feet with a nimble, adroit movement, and crossed himself with punctilious piety.
On the second of May, the Sheriff of New Orleans appeared at the barracks, and desired to pass the line of sentinels for the purpose of serving his process; but the sentinel, punctilious to his duty, refused to let him enter.
Colonel Childs, however, punctilious in his obedience to orders, at once seized and sent him and his companions in irons to Tampa Bay, where they were immediately placed on board a transport and sent to New Orleans, en route for Fort Gibson.
Everything in his dress, air, and motions indicated punctilious exactness and accuracy, at times rising to the point of nervous anxiety.
The company rose on his entrance; the men bowed and the women curtsied, and all remained standing while he addressed to each, with punctilious decorum, those inquiries in regard to health and well-being which preface a social interview.
The ceremony at the dinner table was no less punctilious and ridiculous than at the toilet.
In money matters he was punctilious and accurate, the result of his early training in making both ends meet.
The question was a little beyond the pale of good breeding; perhaps the Spaniard, who was tolerably punctilious in such matters, thought so, for he did not reply.
The story must be admitted to be a strange one, considering the punctilious character of the Castilian court, and the reserved and decorous habits of Joanna.