Under a specious display of ceremonial reverence towards Pius VII.
Clinton's Republican adversaries were dubbed "Bucktails" from the ornaments worn on ceremonial occasions by the Tammany men who had long been Clinton's enemies.
They were evidently written by a minister who was not very busy in official duties apart from the social and ceremonial life of a diplomat.
Ceremonial is the natural element of a long-established court, and etiquette and title are the idols which are worshipped there.
A plain uniform, with a hat having no other ornament than a small three-coloured cockade, was the dress of him who bestowed all these gorgeous decorations, and in honour of whom these costly robes of ceremonial had been exhibited.
The ceremonial of a court was revived, and Buonaparte, judging of mankind with accuracy, neglected no minute observance by which the princes of the earth are wont to enforce their authority.
The ceremonial of the Tuileries was upon the most splendid scale, the public festivals were held with the utmost magnificence, and the etiquette was of the most strict and indefeasible character.
Yet we have been told, that the multitude did not participate in the ceremonial with that eagerness which characterises the inhabitants of all capitals, but especially those of Paris, upon similar occasions.
Tradition demanded that they cover themselves with the ceremonial garments, their winter dress serving to shut them up as it were in casques of mourning.
Then followed some hooded men, old peasants wearing the ceremonial cape, a gray garment of coarse wool, with broad sleeves and tight hood.
The herald of the Sacs and Foxes entered the Sioux camp, attired in ceremonial garb and bearing in one hand an American flag and in the other a peace-pipe.
Fortunately they never go out of fashion, and once owned are permanent possessions, unless parted with as ceremonial gifts on some great occasion of mourning or festivity.
He died young, without having published his works: a splendid obituary ceremonial is being prepared for him by his friends, faulty only in the fact that the charge of the funeral oration has been imposed upon me.
Then we set to work to make paper moulds of the sculptured ornament, representing processions of armed men in quaint ceremonial costumes, which cover the whole of the surface of the interior walls and the four sides of the square columns.
At church we hear the Church itself and its ceremonial rites held up to us from day to day; here the Saviour himself is placed before us as the Alpha and Omega of the service.
We agree on the substantial facts, and doctrines, and institutes, and precepts of revelation, while we differ on some of its forms and ceremonial enactments.
This is no criminal offence, as it would be amongst us, but a ceremonial regulation of their faith.
All literary culture, all the religious ceremonial which had grown up with the extension of the empire, had the Inca for their centre, as well as all the military operations and all laws connected with civil administration.
The perpetration of human sacrifice was opposed to the religious ideas of the ancient Peruvians, and formed no part of their ceremonial worship.
It was indeed inevitable that, with a complicated ritual and a gorgeous ceremonial worship, a populous class of priests and their assistants, of numerous grades and callings, should come into existence.
There was a formal ceremonial in such cases, and after its performance those who would otherwise have been victims were treated with all kindness.
The orders had been issued for the girls to don ceremonial dress and report for a council at eight o'clock that evening.
In the position I was in, I had to make use of the language of a charlatan, so I resolved on prescribing a ceremonial worship to the sun, at an hour which would insure some regularity in her mode of life.
The monkish morality which sat loosely about them was, however, rigid in itsceremonial discipline.
More alludes to the rising disposition in men for curtailing all forms and other ceremonial acts, especially in the church service.
Dipping was an accepted ceremonial during heathen times, which recovered or revealed a person's true identity as in the case of Tam Linn, or of the suspected witch who was thrown into the water.
In the estimation of Mannhardt, the game in which children are drawn from one woman into the possession of the other, preserves the relics of a ceremonial connected with the cult of the mother divinity.
The chant forms part of the Jewish liturgy, and is still recited in the original Hebrew or in the vernacular as part of a religious ceremonial at Easter.
Whoever would here make a division in the covenant, and say only the ceremoniallaw is included in the covenant mentioned in these texts simply makes the assertion to sustain some adopted views of his creed.
The pious Jew expected God to enforce the ceremonial laws; Jesus had little to say about religious ceremonial, and a great deal about righteousness and love.
The Old Testament prophets also were in opposition to the priestly system of their time because it used up the religious interest of the people in ceremonial performances without ethical outcome.
Jesus passed by all ceremonial and ecclesiastical requirements, and put his hand on love as the central law of life, both in religion and ethics.
M115) Among the Kwakiutl Indians of British Columbia, men who have partaken of human flesh as a ceremonial rite are subject for a long time afterwards to many restrictions or taboos of the sort we have been dealing with.
In like manner, when an eagle has been shot for a ceremonial dance, it is announced that "a snowbird has been killed.
This ceremonial mourning for the enemies they had slain was not uncommon among the North American Indians.
Emperor of the East, to conclude a peace with the Turks had reached their destination, they were received by shamans, who subjected them to a ceremonial purification for the purpose of exorcising all harmful influence.
Similarly, when the Israelites marched forth to war they were bound by certain rules of ceremonial purity identical with rules observed by Maoris and Australian blackfellows on the war-path.
The shorn hair and the cut nails are then tied up in a ball, which the man takes with him to the war, together with the bark cloth he wore at the ceremonial dances after the birth of the twins.
The Kaneash [persons in this state of ceremonial purity] were nervously afraid of my dogs, which had to be fastened up whenever one of these august personages was seen to approach.
The pledge of obedience was needed before the Covenant could be made, and, as we shall find, was reiterated in the very centre of the ceremonial ratification.
But it was not disproportioned to the offence, and it was not the cruelty of a martinet who avenged ceremonial lapses with penalties which should have been kept for moral offences.
The surface of the sin was ceremonial impropriety: the heart of it was flouting Jehovah and His law.
This completed the part of the ceremonialwhich belonged immediately to Aaron and the priests.
As a ceremonial institution it was the completion of the law of the Sabbath.
The first of them comes from the ancient times of the institution of the ceremonial ritual, and describes a part of the high priest's official dress.
All over the world it is still observed, so many hundred years after its institution, being thus, probably, the oldest religious ceremonialin existence.
Later additions to the ceremonial do not concern us here, however interesting some of these are.
His ceremonial investiture with the insignia of office is true to Egyptian manners.
I arranged my chamber like a Bed of Justice, I made him understand several things; connected with the ceremonial that he had not under stood before, and that it was essential he should in no way omit.
Thus the Indians of Costa Rica hold that there are two kinds of ceremonial uncleanness, nya and bu-ku-ru.
Probably, beating or scourging as a religious or ceremonial rite always originated with a similar intention.
They prepare for the fishing by observing rules of ceremonial purity, and when they have gone out to fish, the women at home must keep strict silence or the fish would hear them and disappear.
The court in the precincts of the Prytaneum, to the north of the Acropolis, was only of ceremonial importance.
The rest of the chapter is occupied with similar efforts to set right other irregularities of a ceremonial character, such as the exclusion of Gentiles from the Temple, the exaction of the 'portions of the Levites,' and the like.
The zeal of the sacerdotal class in attending to the prescriptions for ceremonial purity made it possible that the feast should be observed.
Then followed in this parabolic ceremonialthe burnt offering.
More than outward participation in the passover ceremonial is involved.
Probably the ceremonial of dedication followed immediately on the completion of the building.
No doubt ceremonial bulked more largely in the days of the Old Covenant than it does in those of the New, and both the then stage of revelation and the then spiritual stature of the recipients of revelation required that it should do so.
This precept grips us tight, and is much more than a ceremonial regulation.
Of course, the power of the kings of Israel and Judah to change the national religion at their pleasure shows how slightly any religion had penetrated, and how much, at the best, it was a matter of mere ceremonial worship with the masses.
We must not, indeed, give the multitude credit for much more than the wish to have their ceremonial right.
Still the requirement that they should cleanse themselves before they cleansed the Temple has more than ceremonial significance.
Judaism, in its formal and ceremonial aspect, was a religion of gladness.
But it is to be remembered that our modern distinction of ceremonial and moral law was non-existent for Israel, and that the command has a wider application than to Jewish tithes.