Is this language plain enough for our ritualistic friends?
If our 515 ritualistic brethren have any doubt as to the meaning of the bishops, let them go and ask Dr.
Other ritualistic rites are then performed, at the close of which the priest receives his fee for the trouble and departs home with the offerings.
No ritualistic rite or priestly interposition is necessary for the purpose, it being a purely social institution, originating in the love that sweetens life.
Jesus' history made a 20:9 new calendar, which we call the Christian era; but he established no ritualistic worship.
To the ritualistic priest and hypocritical Pharisee Jesus said, "The publicans and the harlots go into the kingdom of God before you.
In this superabundance of religious enthusiasm, in this frightful labyrinth of ritualistic cavilling and grievous superstition, I spent my childhood.
Even where he has not actually embraced Ritualistic opinions, he has generally breathed something of their spirit, and is determined to carry it into his work.
Ritualistic clergyman, with a start, and sudden change of countenance.
But though the lines seem to have fallen unto me in ritualistic places, I was not without Evangelical advantages.
In this judgment the least ritualistic of laymen will heartily concur.
These differences were largely ritualistic and disciplinary.
It is no wonder then that the mass was celebrated several times daily with the greatest ritualistic pomp and display.
We find a stratum of thought 44 which shows that the sages were still blinded by the old ritualistic associations, and though meditation had taken the place of sacrifice yet this was hardly adequate for the highest attainment of Brahman.
It is here that we find that amongst a certain section of intelligent people the ritualistic ideas began to give way, and philosophic speculations about the nature of truth became gradually substituted in their place.
Side by side with the ritualistic sacrifices of the generality of the Brahmins, was springing up a system where thinking and symbolic meditations were taking the place of gross matter and action involved in sacrifices.
The only objection that can be urged against it is that it is somewhat prosaic, but it is certainly one of the forms of social activity which are destined to succeed ritualistic religions.
Human beliefs, when they shall have taken their final form in the future, will bear no mark of dogmatic and ritualistic religion, they will be simply philosophical.
To identify traditional religion with a low stage of its development, in which it is inextricably bound up with crude myth and ritualistic magic, is not a fair procedure.
Catholicism had inherited too muchritualistic and magical trapping to harmonize completely with the keen ethical sense of the younger and simpler people who were growing to adulthood.
What has come down to us of this particular era is mostly found on the old written Hebrew relics, showing that they at least had made no innovations in respect to the use of their ritualistic deyo.
During the twelfth and first years of the thirteenth centuries there were bitter controversies among Talmudic (Hebrew) scholars, relative to the character of the ink to be employed in the preparation of ritualistic writings.
As primitively prepared for ritualistic purposes and for a continuing period of more than two thousand years, it was a simple mixture of powdered charcoal or soot with water, to which gum was sometimes added.
Francis Parkman is quoted as describing a certain family among the Miami who were reserved for the sacred ritualistic cannibalism perpetrated by that tribe upon captives taken in war.
That the use of the scratch stick and the drinking reed was once very general in America and elsewhere, and that it was not altogether dissociated from ritualistic or ceremonial ideas, may be gathered from the citations appended.
Not, however, that it has passed without remark; but no one suspects Mr. Forrest of general Ritualistic designs.
The service is a vigorous rendering of the plain Church Service, cautiously guarded against Ritualistic signs.
Mr. Gray’s ministry is reported Evangelical in its character, and his service lively and devotional, without Ritualistic features.
He is, also, distinctly Evangelical in his ministry, and anti-Ritualistic in all his services, which are conducted in the plainest style of outward devotion.
Our representative says: The chancel is unusually deep, the space between the altar and the railing being apparently designed with a view to Ritualistic development.
Octavius was curate of a neighbouring ritualistic church, but in his life he was not ascetic; he loved whisky-and-water not wisely but too well, and he was passionately devoted to the noble game of Napoleon.
The lighting of "sacred fire," by means of the wooden fire-drill and the wooden socket block, appears as the most ancient and widespread ritualistic performance.