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Example sentences for "barge"

Lexicographically close words:
bargained; bargaining; bargainings; bargains; bargayne; barged; bargee; bargees; bargello; bargeman
  1. He came down the Ohio and up the Mississippi in a barge to Prairie du Chien in 1835, the barge laden with household furniture and the material for a frame building which, on landing, he proceeded immediately to erect.

  2. He was accidentally drowned from a barge of wood at Hastings in May, 1872.

  3. It was so heavy that it pressed the barge down till the water came almost to the edge of the vessel.

  4. Then the barge moved slowly away, while those on board lamented.

  5. One day while the three stood looking out of the palace window, they saw a black barge come slowly down the river.

  6. Clock, however, the Royal barge was seen coming out of the Mole.

  7. And he could see Sir Thomas More taking his barge for the last journey to the Tower, and Sir Thomas More's daughter coming back in the same barge with her father's head on board.

  8. His title of captain was derived from the fact that he had in his younger days been captain of a barge plying along the canal.

  9. Of course: I was capen, and if I deserted the barge up she must go, and Lord help the poor people ashore.

  10. Jolly that brown and yellow sail looks on the fruit barge there.

  11. Porter, can you tell me the name of the song that man is singing in the barge there?

  12. The barge was well supplied with buffalo-skins, upon which the horse was thrown with his legs bound, and then half an hour's rowing brought them to the other side.

  13. He used to mount a swift horse, inspect his sentinels and outposts, and then gallop to the Hudson, where a barge rowed by six soldiers awaited him.

  14. We made sail out of the little creeks in which the boats had been moored, the sea running excessively high, and at about two the barge hauled up to the N.

  15. On their return the boat struck on a barge near Putney Bridge, by which accident they were both drowned, together with Mr. Isaac Van Butchell, son of the eccentric Dr.

  16. Brodie was standing where the barge had been moored, and gazing blankly at the river; he turned when he heard their footsteps, and ran quickly to the car.

  17. My excuse is that the barge seemed to offer the only probable hiding-place, and there was always the chance that he had gone into the river with the car.

  18. A little to one side a barge was moored, and the policeman, who had produced a serviceable looking revolver, determined to search it.

  19. The barge has been cast off from her moorings!

  20. The thud of a falling rope, and various grunts and comments from the Irishman, showed that the barge was being secured.

  21. Arthur return alone, and tell my aunt that the last he saw of me I was adrift on the Hudson River in a barge with a policeman and a swashbuckler from Pekin?

  22. It was before these table-rocks, some level, some slanting, that Gilliatt pushed in and brought the barge to a stand.

  23. It was convenient also for disembarking the contents of the barge provisionally; but it was necessary to hasten, for it was only above water for a few hours.

  24. Gilliatt pulled off his shoes and sprang bare-footed on to the slimy weeds, and made fast the barge to a point of rock.

  25. Here a great barge lay moored, a thalamegus which Caleb had succeeded in hiring at the last moment for a vast sum of money.

  26. Caleb," said Lucius, "I was just about to propose to you what you are proposing to me, that you should be our guide to the pillars of Sesostris and hire me a barge to sail up the Nile.

  27. The barge stopped at no pleasure-houses, at no taverns.

  28. The barge glided on slowly with the others.

  29. The barge that afternoon had left Naucratis along the canals which seam the Saitic nome, or province.

  30. A shrine appeared and vanished as the dream-barge glided down a bend of the canal.

  31. Past the blossoming reeds, past the blossoming lotuses and water-lilies, the great barge glided up the stream as in a vision.

  32. For Caleb had sent the litters back to the barge and had now hired four good camels at the farm, including two with comfortable saddles of bright tapestry, for his two noble clients.

  33. She disappeared into the barge and returned with the pillow and cloak.

  34. The barge was gliding past Latopolis, on the right; on the left, standing farther back from the river, Heliopolis showed faintly.

  35. We must not judge of them by those great black boxes full of coals, that float on the water above London Bridge, with one man and a long oar, and yet even a coal barge is worth watching.

  36. Round the next reach the barge bears down, and shakes her sails in the wind to arrest progress a little.

  37. Large and important duties are entrusted to these men; rich cargoes are committed to their honesty and skill; families live on barges by thousands, {280} and the coasting journey of a barge is by no means an easy thing or a dull one.

  38. The singers and the orchestra were placed on a barge decorated and lighted by many coloured lamps, and the music of Donizetti's "A te, o cara" filled the air.

  39. On the 4th I got a passage in the barge to H.

  40. On the following morning we went up the Barkly on the barge for about two miles, to where it was too full of snags to proceed further up the river by water.

  41. There were about a dozen blacks, who appeared friendly and kept speaking to us as long as we were within hearing; but none in the barge (not even the native troopers) understood them.

  42. All of us employed in preparing tools to build boats for our voyage, as we find that small periogues will be much more convenient than the barge in ascending the Missouri.

  43. At the same time that we took our departure, our barge manned with seven soldiers, two Frenchmen, and Mr. Gravelines as pilot, sailed for the United States loaded with our presents and despatches.

  44. All our Indian presents were again exposed to the air, and the barge made ready to descend the Missouri.

  45. Possibly notable was the launching at that time of the barge "Arizona," fifty feet long and ten feet wide, sharp at both ends and flat-bottomed.

  46. He has generally the Crown Prince with him, and sometimes other royal children follow him in a barge of second rank, being all beautifully attired.

  47. Those of the King's dragon barge and its mate usually wear red jackets and caps.

  48. It is in this kind of barge that the king always rides.

  49. On the first evening of the Katin ceremony the boats were arranged in front of the palace landing, as usual, and the state barge with the glass throne was moored there, pending the arrival of the king.

  50. At this time the boat racing at the Pakman Wat occurs, and the royal barge and State boats are all brought out for the occasion.

  51. Illustration: A royal barge at Bangkok] The ploughing ceremony takes place in May and marks the beginning of the planting season.

  52. Before we landed in Gallipoli we had experience of transport, trawler, barge and pinnace; and we were no sooner at the end of the voyage from England than we were under deadly fire and in the thick of it.

  53. The shadow of the master of our black barge pulled at his sweep with a slow confidence that was fearful amid what was sightless and unknown.

  54. From the low deck of the barge it was surprising that the River, whose name was Night, was content with the height to which it had risen.

  55. But what a light and width had that surprising world where we saw a barge drifting as leisurely as though the narrow limits which we call reality were there unknown!

  56. And this yere the riding to Westm' was fordone, and goyng thider bi barge bigonne.

  57. Then hyed I me to Belyngsgate; And one cryed hoo, go we hence; I prayd a barge man for Gods sake, That he wold spare me my expence.

  58. The barge had got within a hundred feet of the broadside of the brigantine, when the whole of her wide folds of canvas were seen swelling outwards.

  59. She gazed long, and in vain, for no barge appeared, and yet the sound had become inaudible.

  60. There was the slight ripple of the water in the glittering of the moon's rays, but no speck, like that the barge would make, was visible.

  61. One, which evidently contained her captain, advanced with the usual dignified movement of a barge landing an officer of rank, but the others were urged ahead with all the earnestness of a hot chase.

  62. When the two boats entered the waters of the bay, the barge held on its course towards the distant ship; while the skiff inclined to the right, and steered directly for the bottom of the Cove.

  63. He met the barge of the Coquette at an unlucky moment, and as we had so lately been chased off the coast by the cruiser, there was no choice but to arrest him.

  64. At the same instant, the barge and yawl were seen advancing towards the object of their common attack, with a velocity that promised to bring the event to a speedy issue.

  65. The barge of the Coquette was found where her commander had ordered his people to lie concealed, and he was about to enter it, when the noise of the little gate, again shutting with the wind, induced him to cast a look behind.

  66. Accordingly, within half an hour, the whole party were on the banks of the Shrewsbury, and about to embark in the barge of the Coquette.

  67. The man, who was armed in the fashion of a seaman on boat duty, received these orders with the customary deference; and the barge having drawn to the shore for that purpose, he landed.

  68. As the course to be taken by the barge was diagonal rather than direct, a few powerful strokes of the oars brought it so near the skiff, that Ludlow, by placing his hand on the gunwale of the latter, could arrest its progress.

  69. While he spoke a large barge landed its burden of men and horses on the shore, and a moment later a dozen officers came trotting up to the tavern between lines of men with their guns at "present arms.

  70. Two row galleys having been made fast to the front, the men in them bent to their oars, and the barge moved slowly from the shore, its start being the signal to all the other craft to put off.

  71. The ice had finally been removed, and a hay barge dragged up to the pier.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.