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Example sentences for "hallucination"

Lexicographically close words:
hallowing; hallows; halls; hallucinated; hallucinating; hallucinations; hallucinatory; hallucinogens; hallux; hallway
  1. There are no such deaths in politics; and the frequent use of the phrase testifies to a hallucination that must greatly hamper political science.

  2. During the whole evening he kept harping at intervals on the subject of the mysterious voice, but we heard no sound whatever, and I felt more and more certain that the whole thing was due to hallucination on the part of the old man.

  3. No--I was, against my own will, forced to the absolute conviction that the voice was an hallucination of the diseased mind of Edward Thesiger.

  4. It is only an hallucination of her mind, I know; but if her seeing you will do any good, I shall not forget it.

  5. Is it an hallucination she is laboring under, thought John; or is it the will of a pure heart, feebly speaking?

  6. He was permitted to see her, as Mr. Jarney explained, as the result of an hallucination caused by an auto accident, and her illness following it.

  7. I am told that a similar herd-hallucination overtook Paris in the war of 1870.

  8. Most comedians want to play Hamlet, and all of us have heard girls attempt to sing who thought they could sing, and who were encouraged in the hallucination by their immediate kinsfolk.

  9. Many people who are great in certain lines labor under the hallucination that they are also great in others.

  10. They form most obstinate cases, when the hallucination gives rise to imaginary disagreeable, personal odors.

  11. While laboring under the hallucination that he was possessed of two bodies he tied a string around the penis and amputated the organ one inch below the glans.

  12. He might be the victim of hallucination; but if so, it was hallucination of an extraordinary sort.

  13. If it was an hallucination born of a disordered mind, then it is possible to become lunatic without being conscious of any preliminary sappings of the brain; and it is indeed but an invisible border line which divides the madmen from the sane.

  14. Every detail of my waking dream or hallucination of the night before was perfectly fresh in my mind, and the sense of apprehension was still strong upon me.

  15. As I reasoned on the phenomenon, and came naturally to the unwilling conclusion that my hallucination was probably premonitory of malaria, my nerves grew quiet, I began to think less intensely, and then I fell asleep.

  16. Turning now to other psychological aspects, we have to note the presence of hallucination in disaster.

  17. Hallucination may be roughly defined as false sense impression.

  18. Thus both auditory and visual hallucination were manifested to a degree.

  19. Hallucination is induced by the unusual suggesting the expected.

  20. Hallucination has been described as "seeing" something which has no basis in reality.

  21. The theory of contagious hallucination of all the senses is the property of Coleridge alone.

  22. Is there such a thing as persistent identity of hallucination among the sane?

  23. Blake would, voluntarily, establish a hallucination of the monarch on a chair, in a good light, and sketch him, if nobody came between his eye and the royal sitter.

  24. This young lady, in bed, saw a light, then a hallucination which called itself her mother.

  25. Setting aside the hypothesis of angels, Mr. Frazer makes only one mistake, he does not give instantiae contradictoriae, where the hallucination existed without the fulfilment.

  26. They came, as in the cases mentioned by Iamblichus, with a light, a hallucination of brilliance.

  27. Here then the hallucination was taken for a reality; indeed, there was nothing to suggest that it was anything else.

  28. Was there any coincidence between the hallucination and facts at the time unknown to you?

  29. At all events, a casual hallucination of the presence of an absent friend need obviously cause us very little anxiety.

  30. He takes from the author's career one page, perhaps that which he may have written in a moment of hallucination or of extreme passion; and by this single page he judges the author of ten volumes.

  31. He grieved to find so noble an intellect the victim of hallucination which entirely blinded him to the perception of truth.

  32. Its consistency, its permanency, its power, its institutions, contradict the hallucination theory advanced to account for its origin.

  33. It may seem rude to say so, but Orangeism consists mainly of a settled hallucination and an annual brainstorm.

  34. It is simply an hallucination of jingoism.

  35. The whole affair had been a hallucination on the part of Eanswyth.

  36. Was it the product of a hallucination on her part after all, or was it the manifestation of some strange and dual phase of Nature, warning of the ill that was to come?

  37. I had suggested nothing of the kind, and had no idea of inspiring a hallucination of hearing.

  38. Whoever the visitor was, it was not a subjective hallucination on the part of Mr. Dickinson.

  39. With that exception I have seen no apparition whatever, or had any hallucination of any kind, neither have I seen the apparition of Mrs. M.

  40. I pooh-poohed the story, and put it down to a hallucination caused by the revival of the stormy and painful scenes of the parting.

  41. Of course, we do not believe in the specter; that was pure hallucination on her part.

  42. Proof which will convince her that it was an hallucination and without the least basis in any spiritual fact," I returned.

  43. But a hallucination about the wealthiest girl on Earth wasn't just run-of-the-mill.

  44. And look at it in another way: It was hard to believe that a hallucination concerning Helen Ramsey could be much more than a gadfly irritation.

  45. No hallucination could possibly be that real.

  46. An hallucination is an image taken for a sensation, a recalled fact taken for a present objective fact.

  47. More often, a dream resembles a daydream in being a train of thoughts and images without much relation to present sensory stimuli; and then the dream {501} would come under the definition of hallucination instead of illusion.

  48. It will be observed that, whether I was under an hallucination or not, the information supposed to be derived from my uncle was strictly accurate in all its details.

  49. The fact that the disclosure subsequently became unnecessary through the confession of Weatherley does not seem to me to afford any argument for the hallucination theory.

  50. Laura laughingly told the story of the supposed spirit, adding that it must have been a pure hallucination on the part of the boy.

  51. I would rather, my child, believe you to be under the influence of a distressing hallucination than know this man to be the consummate villain this certificate proves him to be.

  52. There was then but one way out of the dilemma: Mary Grey was insane and suffering under a distressing hallucination that took this form.

  53. He had himself seen nothing, he only had Beckwith's word to go upon and did not feel certain that the whole affair was not an hallucination on the young man's part.

  54. An hallucination or a dream upsets your moral balance.

  55. I stretched out my hand, but of course the hallucination did not deem it worth while to respond, and I was forever deprived of the opportunity of feeling the touch of a ghost.

  56. Only in this way can I explain the strange hallucination which appeared before my fatigued eyes in the solitude of my cell.

  57. Hallucination of any kind, there is absolutely none.

  58. That sound, of course, he had long since explained and argued away--it was an auditory hallucination conveyed to his mind by LeVallon, who originated it.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hallucination" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    apparition; block; bubble; chimera; deception; delirium; delusion; dream; eidolon; entanglement; fallacy; falseness; fancy; fantasy; fiction; figment; fooling; ghost; hallucination; illusion; imagery; imagination; insanity; invention; kidding; maggot; mirage; myth; nihilism; phantasm; phantom; romance; spoofing; subterfuge; trip; tripping; vapor; vision; whim; whimsy