We've got to go West and protect our mine from the same gang who tried, once before, to get it away from us.
I wanted to protect our mine, but, now that we are on hand before Noddy's gang has arrived, I don't believe there is much danger on that score.
How do you allow that the gang had the nerve to make a try for your mine?
Nixon and his gang won't get much gold out of that mine.
I'll have to stay here and look after the mine, although I guess Noddy and his gang have about given up trying to get it.
Noddy Nixon and hisgang have been cleaned out, bag and baggage, by the Supreme Court.
We'll have to teach Tom Dalsett and that gang another lesson, I guess.
Only the other day I read in the Moscow News that a whole gang of false coiners had been caught in Moscow.
That dawg is on the trail o' a runaway convict; an' yuh see nigh all the chain gang is black.
He was an escaped convict, from the turpentine camp, where the chain gang worked out their various sentences under the rifles of the guards.
The poor fellow turned deadly pale and sick, and, setting his glass down, ran quickly out of the room, for he thought he was in company of a whole gang of robbers.
Cartouche, in fact, formed part of a regular company or gang of gentlemen, who were associated together for the purpose of making war on the public and the law.
Would ye no gang doon, and see how he's getting on?
Perhaps Dave has guided them to the bonfire by another way, and they're just waiting to make an attack when that fire-raising gang start toward the cabins.
At any moment the men might emerge from the hut or others of their gang might join them.
Citizenship'll make the Guard Intelligence gang think twice before they try to grab you again.
Commander Grinnel was a Sociocrat, which meant that he was in the same gang as President Loman.
And it hadn't been tripped because this pirate gang didn't particularly want or need women as first-class, all-privileges citizens.
The Constitutionist gang would back him to the hilt and the Sociocrats would growl and finally assent.
Let sugar rise in price, and all cold calculations of ultimate loss to the gang are lost in the vehement thirst of great present gain.
Therefore they make haste to be rich, and care little, should the speculation answer and much sugar bring in great gain, what becomes of the gang ten years hence.
By and by another gang came along, but I refused to send a boat until I'd seen you.
Mayne went down the ladder and when he unlocked the iron door of the after wheel-house a gang of men brought out a row of small-boxes.
Another gang was moving a kedge-anchor across the deck, while a few more coiled heavy ropes beside the winch.
They hid him in the Bour-Tree Den, And I thought it strange to gang my lane; I thought it strange, I thought it sweet, To gangthere on my naked feet.
Betsy and I did not remain long with the gang after this.
I suppose this house is my ain, and I can come in and gang out when I like!
But I'll gangwhar I can get it,' said I; and I offered to leave the house.
There is scarce a gang but is at feud with some other gang or gangs, and when they meet, nothing but the flight of the weaker, or some other overruling cause, prevents a battle, in which murders are not unfrequently committed.
Though without me they micht gang an' beg, there is nae mair respeck paid to me than if I were a pair o' auld bauchels flung into a corner.
From the moment I saw her, I took a fancy to her pretty face--joined the gangfor her sake, and soon won her regard and love.
The murder was unprovoked, and committed by Alfred Mullen while he had the protection of a gang of his fellows.
She was of a highly respectable family and her mortification would be boundless should she know of his arrest in the gambling den and hear of his being in the chain gang working out his fine on the public highways.
The leader of the gang now gave three coughs, which meant, "Raise a row among yourselves.
A gang of ruffians who had formed themselves into an association to prevent the flight of Roman Catholics to France, dogged the man's footsteps to the river side, where they discovered that Sir Edward had taken refuge on a custom-house boat.
The gang made a nice little pen, usin' ties, and ev'ry day they packed over some feed in the shape of the camp leavin's.
The next thing, them cholos in the section-gang 'd heerd what Bergin was ordered to do.
I stepped out in front of the gang and helt up my hand.
You git the tie-houses of the section-gang plank in front--here.
Usually the greater number of the gang is killed, but it very rarely happens that some of them do not escape.
Harris saw a gang of Elks, consisting of between thirty and forty.
The gang soon dispersed, in consequence of the loss of their leader, and this infliction of merited punishment proved beneficial in deterring others from following a similar predatory life.
The horses, the negroes, and the cargoes, his gang carried off and sold.
I spoke to them respecting my visit, and offered them premiums for rare birds and some of their eggs; but although they made fair promises, not one of the gang ever came near the "Ripley.
The wind continued high, but we landed in the weeds assisted by the canoe men, as we saw a gang of cows.
An overseer of a gang of slaves or gang of convicts at their work.
The practice of gang robbery in India; robbery committed by dacoits.