Further, we have to note that there is no more hazardous or less useful defence than one conducted without method or system.
For although this last may sometimes, as in the case of Rome, afford an efficacious remedy, it is toohazardous a remedy to make us ever wish to employ it.
For the reasons now given, a conspiracy against a single ruler may readily break down in its execution; but a conspiracy against two rulers is not only difficult, but so hazardous that its success is almost hopeless.
But being afterwards made consul and sent to oppose Hannibal, he took the course mentioned above, which was in itself so hazardous that all Rome was filled with doubt and anxiety until tidings came of Hasdrubal's defeat.
We arrived here the 22d instant, and received information of recent events, which rendered the further prosecution of our voyage too hazardous to be prudent.
Mirales, I decline saying much in this letter, which I shall send by a circuitous and hazardous route.
Perhaps I will when I come back," he thought, and then limped softly forward, glad that he met no one who would have remonstrated against his hazardous venture.
Men who had capital to employ in this hazardous business used to meet at fixed hours when shipowners and merchants could negotiate with them.
As to Foreign Travel and Residence, and as to Hazardous Occupations.
But it was still too powerful to suffer this to proceed to extremities; while therefore infidelity and loose sentiments of morality passed unpunished, it was still very hazardous to publish any thing against the state.
In this infant state of the emerging remains of former cultivation, comforts, which the present inhabitants of Europe would look on with contempt, will be great, improper, and hazardous acquisitions.
And if our apprehensions are not completely quieted, in a case where our wishes lead us strongly to some favourite but hazardous object, we are conscious of a kind of self bullying.
Mutual encouragement in the indulgence of hazardous thoughts and opinions which flatter our wishes or propensities is a lure which few minds can resist.
One who balances himself in unnatural positions and hazardous movements; a balancer.
To undertake an enterprise, or something hazardous or difficult.
But it was often necessary for us to cross the river, and to do so, and save our money at the same time, we used to adopt a very hazardous expedient.
It would be well if all boys or girls, to whom a hazardous feat presents itself, would ask themselves the question: "Would it be a brave thing for me to do that, or would I be merely proving myself a simpleton?
Illustration] For it is comparatively safe to go up in a balloon, but the descent is often very hazardous indeed.
Admiral Porter proceeded with the preparation of the steamers for their hazardous passage of the enemy's batteries.
It was possible to go on horseback as far as the Vaqueria, though the road was somewhat hazardous in places.
On the 16th of February they returned to Winchester, and reported their failure, telling so many lies about their hazardous adventure as to remove all remaining doubt as to their double-dealing.
In carrying the army to the James River the hazardous manoeuvres would be hampered by many obstacles, such as the thick timber, underbrush, and troublesome swamps to be met in crossing the Chickahominy.
Humphreys was alone, confronting him all through the day, and in a very hazardous position.
The journey was hazardous on account of Indians, and there were white men in Texas whom I would not have cared to meet in a secluded place.
In this, of course, there cannot be assigned to him the individuality of merit that may belong to a conception, and does belong to the man who initiates and assumes, as he did, the responsibility for a novel and hazardous course of action.
It would appear to him an exceedingly hazardous existence that we live, and he would long to be back to the peace and quiet and safety of his sea and wilderness.
It is a hazardous calling, and the men of the fleets are brave and hardy fellows.
In a hazardous leap he had missed his footing, or a small cake of ice had turned under his weight.
This breaking up of the ice sometimes comes so suddenly that traveling with dogs upon the frozen bays at this season is a hazardous undertaking.
It was a hazardous venture for the fishermen to make.
Even their release, at apparently proper intervals, but uncontrolled as to their future habits and location, would be a very hazardous charity.
It requires no large expenditures, no hazardous enterprises, to raise the people of color in the United States to as highly improved a state, as any class of the community.
Companies have been formed to go and possess the Oregon territory--an enterprise hazardous and unpromising in the extreme.
In those days he had no knowledge of the good fortune which was in store for him, but plied his hazardous vocation until he commanded a vessel of his own at twenty-one.
Cultured, handsome, brave, generous and all as he was, yet he was but a common fisherman, with but a bare and hazardous livelihood assured him.
The midshipman of sixteen is often in command of men in hazardous expeditions, and many a sailor youth in his teens has sailed and navigated ships to all parts of the globe.
After accomplishing what, to Donald, seemed a most hazardous and herculean feat, this was all the praise he got.
It is extremely hazardous to an infant's life to pare its nails before it is a year old.
Anna and Jane, though they looked undeniably like gentlewomen, had nothing else about them that was particularly agreeable to look upon.
In fact, I think I had really better not have any.
They have known half a dozen of their own minds," said Lady Gore.
There were always two things on the practice field which well testified to the hazardous nature of the work; a fleet of extra "penguins" and an ambulance.
Outside of the hazardousnature of their occupation, the members of the American Squadron, unlike the "doughboys" and poilus, lived a life of ease and comfort.
Clearly, the hazardous nature of the work had no distressing effects on the minds of the eleves.
He determined, therefore, hazardous as it was, to maintain the unequal contest till the other portion of the army arrived.
Again and again beaten back, as if to deter him from his hazardous course, he still held on, and at length, after a most tempestuous and toilsome passage, took the breezes of the Pacific and stretched northward.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hazardous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.