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Example sentences for "impropriety"

Lexicographically close words:
impromptus; improper; improperly; impropriation; improprieties; improvable; improve; improved; improvement; improvements
  1. She complied without difficulty: She knew not that there was more impropriety in conversing with him in one room than another.

  2. Reflect only for a moment on the impropriety of my harbouring a Woman in the Abbey; and that too a Woman, who confesses that She loves me.

  3. And here, dear Mannering, I wish I could stop, for I have incredible pain in felling the rest of my story; although I am sure I can warn you against any intentional impropriety on the part of my temporary ward, Julia Mannering.

  4. Sir, I say, there is no more impropriety in urging this argument, than in urging Ministers not to press the people too far, but to apportion the burden to their strength to bear it.

  5. It is no less an impropriety to make any Being in Nature or Art to do things in its Metaphorical State, which it could not do in its Original.

  6. It is by a similar impropriety that painters sometimes introduce unusual sunsets, or other singular phenomena of lights and forms.

  7. The most shocking thing about Gallic impropriety is the fact that it fails to shock.

  8. It is disturbing to find impropriety so devoid of the lurid light in which melodrama pictures it.

  9. It is but due to the sex, however, to state that their impropriety was professional, and it was only in such easily established standards of evil that Poker Flat ventured to sit in judgment.

  10. But this, I imagine, was, like most local satire, personal; and was a reflection upon the unfairness of the process rather than a commentary upon the impropriety of the result.

  11. No thought of being compromised, none of impropriety in the atmosphere of absolute purity, came to cloud the stainless mind of the maiden.

  12. But letter-writing might without great impropriety be so classed: and there cannot be the slightest doubt that Nature intended Cowper for a letter-writer.

  13. And we have said something as to the propriety or impropriety of different modes of editing and publishing them.

  14. Your addressing me as Mr O'Donahue, Miss Phillips, has pointed out to me the impropriety I have been guilty of in making use of your Christian name.

  15. But the Sophists are here brought in as assumed preachers of injustice, without any authority either from Plato or elsewhere: not to mention the impropriety of treating the Sophists as one school with common dogmas.

  16. The doctrine as to the superior dignity of the central place, and of the impropriety of assigning the most dignified station to the earth, was of Pythagorean origin and was probably combined with the Philolaic cosmology.

  17. This is the first sentiment of a modest and ingenuous mind, and it is one indication, in my opinion, of the impropriety of early marriages.

  18. Nor can I, even according to our human modes of judgment, find any impropriety in the thought that an energy may be natural without being normal, and Divine without being constant.

  19. I then adopted the waistcoat, caffetan, fur bonnet, and girdle; and after having in this dress attended divine service, I saw no impropriety in going in it to visit his lordship.

  20. I only endeavour to shew the double Impropriety of suffering English Youth, to be acquainted with the Vices of the Italians.

  21. If this be their notion of the way in which the gospel is to be preached, we do not wonder that they have found it necessary to print a tract upon the impropriety of sleeping in church.

  22. The impropriety and unkindness of my conduct to her personally, added not a little to these galling considerations, and for this I could not even plead the miserable excuse of intoxication.

  23. No circumstances," I said, "could have wrung from me a single word of apology, save my own consciousness of the impropriety of my behaviour.

  24. She had spoken to Fanny on this very subject--not fearing for her son, but with a general idea of the impropriety of intimacies between such girls as Lucy and such men as Lord Lufton, and then Fanny had agreed with her.

  25. She had no fear of any impropriety or of any rashness on Griselda's part.

  26. We have given this and the preceding letters solely with a view of forwarding the cause of truth, and shall leave our readers to draw their own inferences as to the propriety or impropriety of the conduct of the parties concerned.

  27. Her majesty, therefore, hastily said, "I trust you are convinced of the impropriety of your former opinions?

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "impropriety" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.