Though a flirt and a pretty woman, she was a discreet parvenue, who did not entrap the affections of noble husbands.
Up to this time my chief object has been to show to you the enmity existing between Keegan and the prisoner,--the object which the former had in view in ruining the prisoner, and that Brady was a paid spy employed to entrap him.
There was considerable danger in being always among people of a wild and savage nature, to entrap and ensnare whom would be his duty, and he felt that he had the requisite courage.
The Pharisees are still asking questions, not that they care for an answer on the highest plane of morality, but to entrap some one as opposed to the authorities of their times.
Saul thought if he could get David to marry his daughter he would make her a snare to entrap him.
Herod the king, at this time, killed James, the brother of John, and cast Peter into prison, and intended to destroy the other Apostles as soon as he could entrap them.
The old lady was right; and I swallowed the bait which her Ladyship had prepared to entrap me as simply as any gudgeon takes a hook.
Some are caught," said the sergeant, quite unconcerned; and bound the fellow's hands with the rope which he had stretched across the road to entrap the Jew.
Finding all his Spanish puncto tended only to entrap us, I set fire to the Solidad, one of our prizes; and, giving them time to comply with my proposals it they would, I set the St Fermin also on fire.
Discovering a plot laid by these savages to entrap him and his men, Candish gave them a volley of musquetry, which slew several of them, and the rest ran away.
She is trying to entrap you as she has the others, and has embarked upon the first step by speaking thus of Ella, and sowing seeds of suspicion in your mind.
Indeed Henry’s attempt to entrap the innocence of his son-in-law, would almost indicate that he was very far advanced in dotage.
The failure of the plan to entrap the prince so enraged the king that he threw off all disguise and publicly proclaimed the decree condemning him to death.
The failure of the king's plan to entrap you two days since has so enraged his majesty that he has thrown off all restraint, and publicly proclaims your existence a menace to his authority, and that it must be terminated.
That is all well enough,' rejoined the robber; 'but how do I know that you are not laying a plan to entrap me into the clutches of the law, for having robbed you?
In deserting Mr. Sydney to join your bloody standard, I acted in accordance with a plan which I had formed to entrap and conquer you.
Doctor, disdainfully, 'why should I seek to entrap you?
I misdoubt it; For though they have sent their letters of safe-conduct For your repair to Milan, they appear But nets to entrap you.
This, however, is only one side of the story, for quite a number of plants have a very cunning plan whereby they entrap flies and other insects.
The cunning huntsman collected a great many tools, capable to entrap the elephant at his resting place.
I have already spread before you the long net of my verbosity; do you entrap your flying mind in the same way, and bring it to your bosom and under your subjection.
Elected by the Legs a brother, His plan is to entrap some other In Greeting's fatal snare.
Robberies are of frequent occurrence in those houses of ill fame; and the great aim of the vile females inhabiting them, is to entrap persons who are the worse for liquor and whose appearance denotes a well-filled purse.
He was now using all possible means to entrap a crew of men or boys for this abominable traffic, and was by no means particular in his choice.
The unfortunate man thus murdered was the captain of the slaver, who had sought to entrap me by his honeyed words.
Here in her hairs The painter plays the spider, and hath woven A golden mesh to entrap the hearts of men, Faster than gnats in cobwebs; but her eyes,— How could he see to do them?
Yes, they had to come to it; and I trust that there were many sitting there whose hearts smote them for ever having doubted, or sought to baffle or entrap her.
Anything designed or fitted to entrap or catch; a snare; any device for catching and holding.
The silken web which is formed by most kinds of spiders, particularly the web spun to entrap their prey.
During the recruiting I went to Recife, and in going along by the sea shore, saw at several cottages parties of armed men, who were waiting to see if they could entrap any one who might be liable to be pressed.
They were talking in high glee of the stratagems which they had made use of to entrap several recruits, and of the blows which they had been obliged to give to make some of them surrender.
By a rapid movement he might surround them with a powerful army, cut off all aid from their countrymen, and entrap them in the fortress they had taken.
It had recently made terrible slaughter among the troops of the good count de Cabra in his precipitate attempt to entrap the old Moorish monarch.
They were lurking among the mountains to entrap Moorish cattle or Moorish prisoners, both of which were equally salable in the Christian market.
This place was a continual check upon Alhama when in its most powerful state, placing ambuscades to entrap the Christian cavaliers in the course of their sallies.
In consideration of the excitement and desire on the part of many of the police authorities to trap the Elders; Elder Chislett and myself looked upon it as a snare to entrap us.
May he deliver us from secret combinations, and from the snares that are set to entrap our feet and to win our affections from the kingdom of God.
Were those devoted men about to change their base of operations andentrap Stonewall Jackson's whole force again, without waiting to receive a shot?
The general looked toleratingly at me, and says he; "I have a plan to entrap the Confederacy, and end this doomed rebellion at one stroke.
Let us beware of imprudently falling a prey to those numerous disquieting reflections which, like so many tangled labyrinths, entrap the mind into useless, endless wanderings.
Therefore, the more overbearing you are, the more humble she becomes; and when you think to entrap her you find yourselves the dupes.