The Junket process makes an exquisitely delicious, smooth, velvety ice-cream at half the usual cost.
He (Mr. Hayes) had occasion to go a little way out of town, of which his wife gave her associates immediate notice, and they thereupon flocked thither to junket with her until the time they expected his return.
She also brought in a junketso liquid that the innocent Fritzing told her politely that he always drank his milk out of a glass when he did drink milk, but that, as he never did drink milk, she need not trouble to bring him any.
Fritzing once more; and he looked at thejunket through his spectacles with that air of extreme and intelligent interest with which persons who wish to please look at other people's babies.
Recipes for coffee, egg, cocoa and chocolate junket will be found in junket recipes, from the Chas.
To this milk add 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid rennet, essence of pepsin, or 2 junket tablets, stir until well mixed, and allow to stand at room temperature (70 deg.
Junket takes only milk and sugar, but you must dress it up well when you have it.
I mean if you have one little pot of preserved ginger in your closet for use at such times, put the junket in glasses to set, and serve with the ginger cut in little cubes on top and a bit of juice with it.
I make junket of it and it is a truly delicious dish, ever so much better than when made of cow's milk.
Rockwell at dinner begged me repeatedly to have part of his junket besides my own.
On one occasion recently a local aldermanicjunket had been arranged to visit Philadelphia--a junket that was to last ten days.
He smiled when he saw that she took him seriously, and he thought what a chance it would afford for a possible junket of a week or two.
What a fine junket this is to-day," said Mari's father, as his wife helped him to another plateful.
The junket was made of milk, barley, and potatoes, and was a dish of which he was very fond.
I am quite longing for a plateful of junket and one of your sweet biscuits.
You must shut the spence-window the next time you put a junket in there.
They have done you out of your biscuits and junket a good many times, anyhow,' cried the old woman.
I believe it is the Piskeys who have eaten the junket and things you made for Granfer.
The Tiny Moormen were peeping in at the window when the old woman put the bowl of junket on the table and the dish of sugar biscuits on the bench, and the moment her back was turned they tore off to the Piskeys with the news.
The next time Grannie Nankivell took biscuits and a junket into her spence she shut the window and also the door; but when she got up the following morning and went to see if they were safe, lo and behold!
I expect it was a dog which got into the spence and licked up the junket and ate the biscuits,' put in the old turf-cutter.
I know not how it may be in the world at large, but in a hospital, junket is a custard that by some subtle process has been denuded of those ingredients which make a custard fascinating and exciting.
Hereafter when the junket is passed round somebody else may have my share.
Green coloring 2 junket tablets Canned peaches Mix the cream and milk, add the sugar and salt, and heat in a double boiler until lukewarm.
Dissolve thejunket tablets in the cold water and add to the lukewarm milk.
An attractive frozen dessert can be made by freezingjunket and serving it with canned peaches and peach sirup.
Add the flavoring and the green coloring, making the junket a pale green, and stand in a warm place until set.
These must stand for half and hour without being moved, and then the junket will be stiff, and the cups can be put in the ice-box.
Break up the junket tablet into small pieces, and put them into a tablespoonful of water to dissolve.
Junket is no fillan, any more than drink; it will only quaff (puff) one for a bit.
Whilst Jackey dispatched his junket his sweetheart rigged herself in her best, and then away they went down to Sennen Church-town to Methodist meeting.
Jackey went out and exercised himself a few minutes, by leaping over a stile; came in and found on the table a basin of junket well spread with thick cream and honey.
Junket ice cream can be prepared in a great variety of ways, or Junket may be served as a cold milk jelly.
Use the method described in Junket "Custard", for testing the temperature of the milk.
In what way is the preparation of milk for Junket "Custard" like the digestion of milk in the stomach?
Crush 1/8 junkettablet and add it to the warm milk.
The rennet or junketused to clot the casein of the milk is obtained from the digestive juices of the stomach of a calf.
Add to it 1/4 teaspoonful liquid rennet, or 1/8 junket tablet, and set aside.
It is used in a partially predigested condition in Junket "Custard", peptonized milk, and malted milk.
Heat it to blood temperature (test by dropping the milk on the wrist, see Junket Custard).
Having eaten some junket and lighted a cigarette, he came back to the discussion.
Junket can now be made with Junket Powder, as well as with Tablets.
The new Junket Powder is already sweetened and flavored.
Junket MADE with MILK= is wholesome milk in tasty dessert form.
On this occasion he gave us pods of fresh peas and the red hips and haws of the wild rose as a kind of hors d'[oe]uvre, followed by a junket served with pea flour.
He gave us the usual Tibetan tea and sweetmeats and then insisted on our having macaroni and meat seasoned with chillies, which was excellent, followed by junket served in china bowls.