My father, in fulfilment of a vow, is now bound on a pilgrimage to Palestine.
Not a month since, I carried my wife and daughter to France, and took final leave of them, with the purpose of setting out on my pilgrimage to Palestine.
I had deemed my father bound on a pilgrimage to the holy sepulchre," said Bertha.
Sákiyah," the venerable old Persian wheel, for whos music see Pilgrimage ii.
MANLY JOHN commenced his earthlypilgrimage in Massachusetts in 1734.
Finding himself bankrupt he concluded that the increasing troubles of his pilgrimage were too numerous to bear alone.
For several years he prospered alone but finding the cares of life pressing upon him he wisely resolved to take a partner to accompany him in his pilgrimage through this vale of tears.
Shall we not very soon have overshot the mark, and find our lives becoming little short of a pilgrimage from hotel to hotel?
To his shrine also an annual pilgrimage was made, and Lord Mayor Barkham, on renewing the above inscription A.
In 1514, he went with Erasmus on pilgrimage to Becket's tomb and ridiculed the accounts which the vergers gave of the healing power of the relics.
He ordered that lots should be cast, and that he upon whom the lot fell should make a vow to go on pilgrimage to Santa Maria de Guadaloupe carrying a white candle of five pounds weight.
This time the pilgrimage was to be to the shrine of Santa Maria at Huelva, the pilgrim to go as before in his shirt; and the lot fell to the Admiral.
Lots were again drawn, this time for a greaterpilgrimage to Santa Maria de Loretto in Ancona; and the lot fell on a seaman named Pedro de Villa, --the expenses of whose pilgrimage Columbus promised to pay.
Again lots were drawn for a pilgrimage to the shrine of Santa Clara of Moguer, the pilgrim to watch and pray for one night there; and again the lot fell on Columbus.
In a moment you are in old Genoa, which is to-day in appearance virtually the same as the place in which Christopher and his little brothers and sisters made the first steps of their pilgrimage through this world.
The sorrowful Father (notwithstanding) continued his Pilgrimageto Compostella.
For in former days--scarcely now, I think--the wives of the Florentine aristocracy used to undertake a pilgrimage to La Vernia as a work of devotion.
At Florence Dickens made a pilgrimageto Landor's villa, the owner being then absent in England, and gathered a leaf of ivy from Fiesole to carry back to the veteran poet, as narrated by Mr. Forster.
It became, of course, his duty to make some inquiry as to the Stanbury family, and he knew that Osborne had visited Mrs. Stanbury when he made his unfortunate pilgrimage to the porch of Cockchaffington Church.
The costume consists of a checked kilt, a creese, and a cotton toga; the display of a turban being restricted to the Ameer, to the moolahs, and to those who have performed the pilgrimage to the shrine of the Prophet.
But far distant is the pilgrimage that awaits the more ambitious cloud that sinks on the western side.
Although our pilgrimage had at last terminated, the prospect, both within and without, was still far from encouraging.
Birds warbled among the leafy groves, and throughout the rich landscape reigned an air of peace and plenty that could not fail to prove highly delightful after the recent weary pilgrimage across the hot desert.
For some reason equally obscure, she started with her lover and eleven thousand maidens to make a pilgrimage to Rome.
The end of a purely Dalmatian pilgrimage will be Cattaro.
Our ecclesiastical traveller who went straight from Trieste to Aquileia in the barouche with the excellent horses made his pilgrimage before the railway was opened.
The traveller whose objects are of a more general kind turns away from this border church of Christendom as the last stage of a pilgrimage unsurpassed either for natural beauty or for historic interest.
But we may still keep the true goal of our pilgrimage before our eyes, and we may remember that the lands which were most truly near to Venice were those lands, subject and hostile, to which the path lay by her own element.
Gentlemen, to the exact number of the Graces, dressed in drab of an ancient cut, made a pilgrimage to the icy despot, and besought him to give way for Piety's sake.
Timidly she renewed her request for permission to perform the pilgrimage to Bevisham.
His anniversary is observed every summer about the time of St. Jean by a pilgrimage to his monument in the Luxembourg and a banquet at an average price of fifteen sous in some indulgent cabaret or cafe.
The spontaneous public pilgrimage to his burial-place, the Champ de Navets, took the police so completely by surprise that they were not prepared to arrest it.
And at last, it so troubled him that he obtained leave to make a pilgrimage to the cell of an old hermit, whose wisdom was much esteemed, and to him he told his fears.
And Brother Benedict was jealous for the garden of the monastery, and then he was wroth with himself for his jealousy; and when the abbot had gone he obtained leave, and made a pilgrimage to the cell of the hermit and told him all.
Nothing had endured, neither love, nor faith, nor the great ship of their pilgrimage herself.
The priests recognised a tradition of pilgrimage which they could not check, and legalised it by a Christian legend.
These are divine oracles and utterances--a Letter, written by our heavenly Father, and transmitted by the sacred writers to the human race on its pilgrimage afar from its fatherland.
At last his eventfulpilgrimage was ended, and he was restored to his home and his parents.
The pilgrimage began with Salisbury, where a few days' sketching in the damp and draughts of the cathedral laid the bridegroom low, and brought the tour to an untimely end.
And did the world understand President Taylor and his motives during the last fifty years of his pilgrimage among the children of men, they would feel differently towards him than they do.
And now made English in favour of those who are curious to know the Particulars of that Famous Place and Pilgrimage so much celebrated by Antiquity.
How the Soldier went out of this Purgatory, made a Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and how he spent the rest of his days.
Who after his travailes in Germany Italy and Fraunce and the execution of justice unto the glory of God and the good of his country ended his pilgrimageat Bastledon ye xxv of April 1599.
It has been the especialpilgrimage of our best historians and archæologists and artists almost from that time until the present day.
The object of our little pilgrimageis nearly reached now, and after you have admired the carvings on the front of No.