The dancers are impersonators of Navaho myth characters, twelve usually taking part.
According to the myth underlying the rite these gods made the first paintings of this sort used among the spirit people, and were the ones who furnished succor to the patients on the eighth day of the nine days’ healing ceremony.
It is only by study of their myths, myth songs, and medicine practices, and by close observance of their life, that a comprehensive idea of such beliefs can be gained.
The myth characters personified in this rite are termed Yébĭchai, Grandfather or Paternal Gods.
The beautiful genesis myth of the Apache is complete; it does not reflect an incipient primitive culture, but one developed by age.
Like the majority of the myth characters he has numerous counterparts in the various world quarters.
The same myth is referred to by Harvey in his turn: On Generation, L, Syd.
A very ancient poem, ascribed to Hesiod, relates the myth of Aphrodite and says that she was so called by gods and men "because she was produced in foam.
In the Cuts-wood myth the "going forward to the tongues" is accounted for.
In one version of this myth is the antagonistic implication that Elk-woman was not quite up to the standard of marital virtue.
The myth of the minogame is supposed to have had its origin in old artistic efforts to represent the appearance of such tortoises with confervae fastened upon their shells.
When Wagner discussed his opera in his "Communication to My Friends" he pointed out the resemblance between the story of Lohengrin and the myth of Zeus and Semele.
Here," says Boito, "is a myth both beautiful and deep.
This swan myth is one of the most widely spread of all transformation tales; it may even be found in the folk-stories of the American Indians.
Sky is a mythand earth is truth, Yet they seem, meet at crust of earth!
At the outset, I must say that I was attracted by the title of the work "Truth and the Myth – couplets Quips".
The concept of truth and myth seemed to remain upper most in the mind of the author, as when he says: "In the beginning was the word;.
THINK IT OVER Often myth sounds truth And truth likens myth!
In the original myth the Harlungs, who are not to be confused with the Hartung brothers, were sent to bring home Surya, the bride of the sky-god, Irmintiu.
According to this myth there were three kings of the Dedannans reigning in Ireland at the coming of the Milesians, named MacColl, MacKecht and MacGrena.
The story of Ishtar's descent is told to illustrate the possibility of an escape from Irkalla, while the othermyth is intended to reconcile the existence of two rulers of Irkalla--a goddess and a god.
To Latona the quality of the Greek myth most worthy of commemoration was the spirit of sacrifice, which made of Demeter the Mater Dolorosa of the ancient world.
And when you tried to re-create the voyage of Ulysses, you were thinking you could make something that was a myth into something that was real.
He refers to Mogk as believing that the Bjarki story in the saga is a werewolf myth into which the Grendel motive is woven.
In the original myth Canaan and not Ham was Noah's third son.
Source: First part, Lactantius, De Ave Phoenice; second part, application of the myth to Christ based on Ambrose and Bede.
He would at once address himself (and the company present) to the myth, if myth it could be called, which had immortalised his own name.
Hence, many profound believers in the myth have claimed as their champion one who would have derided them for their credulity.
If these were myths, why was the myth confined to these two occasions?
Myth could only be tolerated in the education of the young if it conformed to the standard of Divine perfection.
Although Plato would not banish myth from his Utopia, he placed his ban on the mythopoeic poets who had lent their authority to tales and crimes and passions of the gods.
It had suggested to Plato the necessity of recastingmyth in the light of the Divine purity.
Myth and symbol are necessary to any expression of human thought alike about God and the future of the soul.
Seneca, indeed, poured contempt on the grossness of myth in a lost treatise on superstition;(2070) and he had no liking for the external rites of worship.
The poets and early myth-makers have not invented the evil in myth and rite; they have been deceived as to the authors of the evil.
Ancient ritual was losing its precision of outline; the venerable deities of classical myth were putting off the decided individuality which had so long distinguished them in the popular imagination.
And the cause of myth and plastic art are really one; nay, there is no opposition or contrast, in fact, between poetic mythology and religious philosophy.
Images, rites, and sacred myth have been invented by the wisdom of the past, to aid the memory and the imagination of weak ordinary souls.
In this fashion Dion, like Aeschylus, recasts old myth to make it the vehicle of moral instruction, just as he finds in Homer the true teacher of kings.
In the course of time this nature-myth became transformed into a hero-saga; the liberating power of light was humanized into the person of the light-hero Siegfried.
With this day-myth was probably combined the parallel myth of the changing seasons: the light returns in spring, slays the cloud-dragon, and frees the budding earth from the bonds of winter.
When and how the Siegfried myth arose it is impossible to say; its origin takes us back into the impenetrable mists of the unrecorded life of our Germanic forefathers, and its form was moulded by the popular poetic spirit.
The Siegfried myth is the oldest portion of the Nibelungen saga, and had already passed through a long period of development before its union with the story of the Burgundian kings.
Hardly had Quesada completed his great conquest when he was surprised by the arrival of two other Spanish expeditions, which had been led to the same spot by the myth of the Dorado.
The result of its horrors was to deflect the attention of explorers from the real home of the Dorado, and to lead them on a wild-goose chase after a related but rather geographic myth to the forests of the Amazon.
The wonderful myth which stands for the American Golden Fleece had a more startling effect on geography and history than the real and incalculable riches of Peru.
It was here that he heard that golden myth which lured him to frightful hardships, and hundreds since to death,--the fable of the Quivira.
The myth of Jason is one of the prettiest in antiquity, and it is more than pretty.
Of this fascinating myth we have very little popular knowledge, except that a corruption of its name is in everybody's mouth.
At Puerto Viejo they were joined by thirty men under Sebastian de Belalcazar, who afterward distinguished himself in a brave chase of that golden butterfly which so many pursued to their death, and none ever captured,--the myth of the Dorado.
The mythhas always somewhere some foundation of truth; and that hidden truth may be of enduring value.
Driven from its home, the myth of the Gilded Man had become a wandering ghost.
He went in from Bogota, having heard the twisted myth of Meta, but only found misery, hunger, disease, and hostile savages in the sixteen awful months he floundered in the wilderness.
That is, while the original and genuine myth of the Dorado had reached to Quito from the north, the echo myth of Meta had got there from the east.
The myth of the great lake, the lake of Parime,[18] gradually absorbed the myth of the Gilded Man.
Here the adventurers were inflamed by golden stories of Montezuma,--a myth which befooled Cortez no more egregiously than it has befooled some modern historians, who seem unable to discriminate between what Cortez heard and what he found.
The libretto is based on an ancient Celtic myth or legend, which was very popular during the Middle Ages.
The poet composer had taken the idea for this poem from a mediæval legend, based upon the old Greek myth of Cupid and Psyche.