More often, a dream resembles a daydream in being a train of thoughts and images without much relation to present sensory stimuli; and then the dream {501} would come under the definition of hallucination instead of illusion.
The suffering hero daydream is a "substitute reaction", taking the place of a fight or some other active self-assertion.
Probably the self-asserting daydream is the commonest variety, take mankind as a whole, with the love dream next in order of frequency.
Now review your daydream (or revery), and tally off the several scenes or happenings that you thought of, so as to count up and see how many distinct thoughts passed through your mind.
The daydream makes good, in one way or another, for actual inability to get what we desire.
The normal time for a daydreamis the time when there is no real act to be performed.
The Daydream Frontispiece From the Ionides Collection at South Kensington Museum Page II.
And now by chance, or because her movements interested him as much as his presence repelled her, this same Edward Brown also came on board, and, concealed by the deep daydream into which she had fallen, passed her unseen.
When she shook the last drops of the daydream from her, she found herself confronting the boat's only other passenger--himself.
It was one thing to daydream the suggestion when you can also daydream the affirmative response, but it was another matter when the response was completely out of your control.
Was it after all but a daydream that he was pursuing?
She told herself that this daydream was merely the rebounding of her dismissed caprices.
But she told herself that the daydream had no significance.
And yet she couldnĀOt help wondering if this particular daydream was, as Freud would say, a resurfacing of repressed fears, unwanted knowledge, or strong convictions about a given matter of importance.