He thanked thebutcher and took the pig in exchange for his cow, and off he set, wheeling the pig before him, and he was as happy as a lark.
Just then a butcher came by, wheeling a fine little pig in a barrow, and he stopped to speak with Jack.
What has the man who pays them money to do with their souls' concerns, more than the grocer orbutcher who takes it?
Nevertheless the dull butcher is magnificent in his indescribably sumptuous jerkin.
And this butcherof the PimeliƦ and even occasionally of the Sacred Beetles, this bully whom no danger threatens, is supposed to be such a coward as to sham death on the slightest alarm!
This prince of Carabi is the butcher of the caterpillars.
The butcher should be directed to bone it, and the cavity should be filled with a good forcemeat.
Know that I heard our master say to the labourer, "If the ox do not rise and eat his fodder today, send for the butcher to slaughter him, and give his flesh to the poor and make a rug of his skin.
The butcher took me and carried me into his house; but when his daughter saw me, she veiled her face and said to her father, "How is it that thou bringest a man in to me?
No butcher may kill or sell any victual on Sunday or else forfeit 6s.
No butcher may cut any hide or any ox, bull, steer, or cow so that it is impaired or may kill any calf under five weeks old.
Do you want political influence; do you stand contested elections; do you curry and fawn upon greasy Sam the butcher and grimy Tom the blacksmith for a vote?
Then, for the rest of the week, the baker and butcher called regularly.
Mr. Chaffanbrass seemed to have forgotten the very existence of Alaric Tudor, and was deeply engaged in vindicating a city butcher from an imputation of having vended a dead ass by way of veal.
One of them, a florid-faced dame about fifty, Charley had seen before, and knew to be the wife of a pork butcher and sausage maker in the neighbourhood.
Odyssey; done into English prose byButcher and Lang.
Butcher and Lang use an older English style in the endeavor to make the translation an accurate historical document.
You've got it back on me-- Butcher a beef with a penknife!
Provided only with his weak-bladed knife, he found it no easy task to butcher so large a beast.
Very few people were stirring, but Sepel the butcher would always call out: "Come here, Joseph, I have something to tell you.
The butcher came to see us just as we were finishing our supper.
When we reached the house the butcher was cutting meat in the arched and grated window, and was anything but pleased to see us, and received us very ungraciously.
The Prussians thought to profit by our surprise to mount the ladder and butcher us; this made me shudder, but I ran to the assistance of my comrade.
The Artaud butcher had just slaughtered Matthew, the pig, in the shed.
It must be admitted that, at the very moment when the butcher was bleeding Matthew, Desiree had been thrilled with wild excitement, for Lisa, the cow, was about to calve.
As I stood there, studying the temperament of pigs, I saw the butcherlooking up at me as he wiped his long, thin blade.
Illustration: As I stood there, studying the temperament of pigs, I saw the butcher looking up at me.
A butcher of the higher class disdains to ticket his meat.
The Athenaeum is a person to the butcherand the wine- merchant.
Poor Dick declares that he has not an inch of candle, or a bushel of coals, or credit with the butcher for a shoulder of mutton.
She left the door called to the butcher to stop his dog.
All veathers comes alike to me, as the butcher said ven he vos a slaughtering the sheep!
Seized fast by the collar, in the grasp of the butcher and constable of the place, all escape was vain.
At last he was caught up by two mighty billows in the shape of a master butcher and baker, and impelled with fearful velocity through the narrow straits of the door.
Behind the butcher is a spare chopper and a steelyard, at present hung out of the way.
The arrangement of several tablets in a fashion anticipating the form of the modern book is well shown in the relief of the pork butcher (Case 41).
The butcher is jointing a side of bacon on a massive block.
The butcher only came round weekly at Gorswen, so Lilian abandoned her music and sallied forth to give her first order.
The lockout of the Chicago butcher workmen attracted the most attention.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "butcher" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.