The old wood ranger had been considerably bothered by the apparition of the distant fire which the Count pointed out to him from the top of the hill.
The sun was not yet set, yet M'Murdie could not help observing that the Laird looked thoughtful and confused, and not a word could he speak about anything save this lovely apparition with the white frock and the green veil; and lo!
To Mrs. Bargrave in Canterbury the apparition appears, though she does not know that it is an apparition, for there is nothing to denote that it is not her old friend still alive.
In the True Revelation of the Apparition of One Mrs. Veal, Defoe is again strangely in advance of his time, as he is in so many other ways.
He said, because he could not comprehend the meaning of this singular apparition or illusion, and it troubled him the more as he now remembered a dream of the same nature which he had, and which terminated in a dreadful manner.
Isaac Walton gives an account of this apparition in the life of Dr.
On the entrance of one of his brother officers, to whom he called out in alarm, the apparition vanished.
Its greenapparition is persistent, as the sky is and the ocean.
We sat down again on our felled tree to watch, and magically they reappeared in the same place, as though their apparition depended on the angle and distance of the eye.
But looking again, to reassure your sight, the apparition of dwellings vanished.
That apparition which a whisper told me was land faded as I gazed at it overseas, lazily trying to remember what it once meant.
The lay brother gave information of the apparition to his confessor, a preacher of the convent, and by his advice submitted to the discipline required.
A new apparition of Mary having taken place, Jetzer thought he recognised the voice of his confessor, and having said so aloud, Mary disappeared.
Our deck was thronged with passengers, who saw themselves in the approaching apparition as others saw them.
It was an apparition of the dark and bloody ground.
And this little apparition is nobody else but that tiny Tomb Thumb of a Pitichinaccio, who has to don female attire.
Instead, a hideous little apparition with hollow eyes and pale flabby cheeks appears every morning and evening to perform for sweet Marianna the services of a tiring-maid.
Then I ran into my bedroom, and the whole night through tormented myself with the terrible apparition of the Sand-man.
This shows that, in Seami's hands, the device of making an apparition the hero of the play was simply a dramatic convention.
And with these words the apparition stooped over the bed, and made as though to drag away the sleeping girl from Genji's side.
And she cried so loudly that Edwin was afraid Auntie Hamps might hear and might make an apparition at the head of the stairs and curse Minnie with fearful Biblical names.
She greeted the joyless apparition with her thin, unwilling smile.
Of the hundreds who unavoidably saw the apparition (for apparition it certainly seemed) not one will ever forget it or remember it without a shudder.
Be sure that I have not conveyed to you one thousandth part of the impression made upon myself, and that until the day I die that strange apparition will remain stamped upon the tablets of my mind.
In the original text, the name applied both to the apparition of Kersti's dead baby and to her relatives is the same.
This apparition remains hovering above the opening in the floor.
This bridge was the spot on which the apparition was said to appear; and as I approached it, I felt the folly of those terrors which had only a few minutes before beset me so strongly.
The young woman showed us the spot where the apparition spake to him,--a side chapel, with a groined roof, at the end of the choir next the nave.
It was in this church that the apparition of St. James appeared to King James IV.
The words were spoken in a firm tone; the old man's demeanor and countenance showed that such anapparition was habitual with him.
The suddenness of the apparition was all the more wonderful because Monsieur le Comte de Cagliostro could not guess the name of the personage in whose company I wished to be.
You say that before Sir Charles Baskerville's death several people saw this apparition upon the moor?
With her perfect figure and elegant dress she was, indeed, a strange apparition upon a lonely moorland path.
So paralyzed were we by the apparition that we allowed him to pass before we had recovered our nerve.
As he approached them in the moonlight, hatless, his face and head covered with wounds, he thinks they took him for an apparition come to call the white men to avenge his murder.
But its apparition seemed to convey no alarm to Harley Greenoak, for between him and it there now followed a short, low-toned, but very emphatic and earnest conference.
It was a nerve-trying sight, and the startling suddenness of the apparition rendered it more so.
Hearing the shouts of the mob, and startled by the apparition of armed men in the doorway, two or three of them snatched up billets of wood in self-defence.
I believe this theory may explain many dual hauntings, and it holds good with regard to the case I have quoted, the case of the apparition with the pig's head.
To the peasantry of Norfolk and Cambridgeshire it is known as "the shuck," an apparition that haunts churchyards and other lonely places.
The voices of my servants, assuring me they were coming, broke the silence, and in an instant the apparition vanished.
My sufferings terminated with the loud report of firearms, and slowly picking myself up, I found that the apparition had vanished, and that standing some twenty or so paces from me was a boy with a gun.
The height of the window from the ground quite precluded the possibility of the apparition being any natural dog, and my friend was subsequently informed that what she had seen was one of the many headless phantasms that haunted the house.
The apparition had just succeeded in its aerial enterprise with the ulster when it became aware of a mute appeal at its elbow.
As a slave, treading the unending grind of the mill, the apparition set herself to trot heavily around the circumference of the room.
The apparition was, at the moment, trying to dispose an extremely British ulster in a rather insufficient rack.
Wherefore every man prayed that that apparition might turn to good.
It was in vain that his voice called her back to life; when she looked up at the apparition her heart failed her again, and she could only cry "Oh God!