I would receive my pay and I would spend everything in one day--three days tops.
And your reference to a 50-cent tip was an emphasis in your own mind of your pleasure that a spontaneous reaction of ordinary people was that he was entitled to and they hoped he would receive a fair and impartial trial?
Accordingly I wrote to the latter, requesting the honour of an interview with him, and received his reply that he would receive me the next day.
In the course of the day Mr Pisani called, informing Sir Moses that he would receive a decoration from the Sultan.
He would receive him as a king should be received, whose power and dominions had been till lately at least equal to his own; he would receive him as if he were one of his most powerful neighbours; he would receive him as a brother.
I sent to enquire if he would receive me that afternoon.
After the usual compliments and polite speeches, it was intimated to us that Prince Habibullah, the eldest son of the Amir, would receive us at the Palace that day.
The impertinent officer arrived at the palace with his prisoner, under the impression that he would receive a handsome reward for making such a notable arrest.
He was not sure of the reception he would receive; but at length he steeled his nerves for whatever was in store and made a rush for the house.
It was foreseen that when he returned to America he would receive a tremendous ovation, on the wave of which he might be carried into office.
When he did so, he would receive his $5,000 and the remainder would be divided among the members of the Ring.
But the resolute clergy, firm in their adherence to the prelate, would receive no command from the viceroy.
Don Agostino informed them that he had come to see her excellency the princess on important business, and producing his card, asked that it might be taken to her at once, with the urgent request that she would receive him.
He would receive hints--oh, that the air of Montefiano was unhealthy for strangers.
Princess Montefiano had not stopped to reason that her brother's generosity might be exaggerated by the priest, and that he would receive a good return for it.
After this had been done with the utmost rapidity, the king ordered that the Duke de Liancourt should be summoned to the adjacent apartment, when he would receive him.
I have sent word to the women that I would receive them, and they shall not say that the first time they set foot in the palace of their king, they were deceived by him.
He hoped to meet them again in a year's time, and that troop, whether in the city or any other part of the province, showing the biggest bank account in proportion to its size, would receive a prize.
When supper time came it was a queer ramshackle affair he had constructed, which would hardly hold together long enough to reach the wharf, let alone the rough handling it would receive on the steamer.
Rod was not walking very fast, for he was on new, and hitherto forbidden ground, and, notwithstanding the invitation, he was not altogether sure of the reception he would receive.
Yet Livingstone had a higher and nobler ambition than the mere pecuniary sum he would receive: he followed the dictates of duty.
But it was only in the first case that hewould receive a reward.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "would receive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.