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Example sentences for "training"

Lexicographically close words:
trained; trainee; trainer; trainers; traines; trainings; trainload; trainloads; trainman; trainmaster
  1. The valuable miscellaneous training in the primitive days in our country, when the trades were not specialized as they are now, fitted the young men of that time for such emergencies.

  2. The training which we had received in domestic science was rude and elementary, even compared with that now given in colleges for women.

  3. She is now, as she doubtless was then, dignified, earnest, and interesting; but now she is a woman who seems to believe that she has a mission in the training of young girls for lives of usefulness.

  4. This training led him often to quote poetry very freely and dramatically.

  5. So every morning we apply ourselves with thoroughness, if not enthusiasm, to tasks which remind us of last winter's training upon the Hampshire chalk.

  6. No business firm should attempt to install an alphabetical-subject file unless the work is done under the direction of a trained librarian who has had thorough training in cataloging and in the assigning of subject headings.

  7. The ability to assign subject headings and cross references correctly requires both broad knowledge and a high degree of training and is one of the important assets which the business librarian derives from a library school education.

  8. Both the heritage and the training of the faculties must go hand in hand to insure success.

  9. Tea, two cups, or towards the end of training a |cup and a half only.

  10. If training is protracted, | fish allowed (cod or soles).

  11. Seven o'clock is a good time for an athlete in training to rise.

  12. The climate and the custom in England favor the drinking of beer or claret; but, beyond question, the best drink for a man in training is pure water.

  13. Be moderate in all things, one might say, but above all things be moderate in the use of all edibles not actually necessary to support the increased exertion which a man in training is called upon to perform.

  14. I cannot too strongly advocate good service at a training table.

  15. Many inquiries from men about to undertake the training of a team have led me to believe that, even at the expense of going over old ground, it will be well in this book to map out a few of the important features of a course of training.

  16. To train a football team should be, in the matter of the diet at least, the simplest matter compared with training for other sports, because the season of the year is so favorable to good condition.

  17. And here, too, the great family problem of education must be taken into account--and by education I mean the whole moral training of the rising generation.

  18. We should encourage such training and make it a means of discipline which our young men will learn to value.

  19. Their period of annual training would not necessarily exceed two months in the year.

  20. The nation's gratitude must be effectively revealed to them by the most ample provision for their medical care and treatment as well as for their vocational training and placement.

  21. They would be assembled for training at stated intervals at convenient places in association with suitable units of the regular army.

  22. And the government must be their servant in this matter, must supply them with the training they need to take care of themselves and of it.

  23. There is a lack of training perceptible, although the Swan sings with great correctness, and evident close regard of the notes upon the music sheet.

  24. The defects which the critic cannot fail to detect in her singing, are not from want of voice or power of lung, but want of training alone.

  25. If she is as devoid of professional training as represented, she surely has fine natural advantages as a vocalist.

  26. In sweetness, power, compass and flexibility, it nearly equals any of the foreign vocalists who have visited our country; and it needs only the training and education theirs have received, to outstrip them all.

  27. Miss Greenfield has now had the advantage of several months' training and practice, and of appearing at concerts in most of the principal northern cities.

  28. It is in pieces of this kind that her untaught powers come into direct competition with the masterly training and careful cultivation of the artistes above named, and the difference is perceptible.

  29. A couple of years' severe training is indispensable, before she can safely be put before the public on a sure footing.

  30. Her voice is wholly natural, and, as might be expected, lacks the training and exquisite cultivation that belongs to the skilful Italian singer.

  31. She reproached herself bitterly with having given Eleanor so little training in domestic arts.

  32. General training is perhaps quite as good as (if not better than) special, even for special ends.

  33. For the school and the home are but two agencies in the training of the child, two powers which should work together for good; and the ideal relation between the two is that they should be as one.

  34. Any one craving greater marvels than are furnished in modern romance can find them in the reports of reformatories, prisons, lunatic asylums, or schools for the defective, in which manual training has been introduced.

  35. But Miss Bailey's training had made them experts in recognizing cause and effect, and such an epidemic of lawlessness and mischief swept over Room 19 as even Miss Blake's ten years' experience had never paralleled.

  36. When we had fortified ourselves with the rum and milk and biscuits, and were going out for the walk with that training preparation on us, I was considerably surprised to see Wemmick take up a fishing-rod, and put it over his shoulder.

  37. Then, I began to go out as for training and practice: sometimes alone, sometimes with Herbert.

  38. A little company of believers had gathered in each place, and were ministered to by native teachers, who had spent a few months in training at Kuruman.

  39. The Free Church has a high-class Institution at Lovedale for the training of a native ministry and also for teaching the natives many of the useful arts, and an improved system of agriculture.

  40. Without any special training for the important undertaking, and under the greatest disadvantages, he had not only acquired the language, but reduced it to its elements, and then presented it in a synthetic and grammatical form.

  41. This period extended to but a few months, so that of college training and opportunities Robert had little experience.

  42. This honorable independence marked the youth of Garfield, as it marks the youth of millions of the best blood and brain now training for the future citizenship and future government of the Republic.

  43. For the training of a great poet they are necessary.

  44. But it is in this training as in every other.

  45. To this condition of preparedness it has hitherto been the training of the West that every man, at all solicitous of public life, must eventually come.

  46. The great first duty of woman is in her becoming the mother of men; and this duty implies her proper capacity for the education and training of the young.

  47. He thought it a very admirable training for Bert, and Bert himself had no disposition to give it up.

  48. Then his religious training had been more than ordinarily thorough.

  49. Fortunately I brought a lot of athletic clothes with me, so I'll go into training under your direction.

  50. I'm training--been training ever since I arrived.

  51. Skinner was training for the faintest sound from the direction of the mess-house.

  52. Into the hands of these subject creatures, men have committed the training of their sons.

  53. The state, in its efforts at self preservation, cannot lay too much emphasis on the training for eugenic choice.

  54. The importance of these studies is obvious, yet, from a social standpoint, they cannot compare in significance with such training in the laws of heredity and biology as will insure wise choice in mating.

  55. The dearth of trained military faculty, which was felt at the outset, could only be made good by the training which the war itself supplied.

  56. But, except in sheer moral discipline, those years had done nothing to supply the special training which he had previously lacked, for high executive office.

  57. A layman may humbly conjecture that the combination in one person of the advocate and the solicitor must give opportunities of far truer intellectual training than the mere advocate can easily enjoy.

  58. It was a drastic training for the young people, at which they winced; but when Eberstein fully convinced them that the flesh must be dominated by the spirit at all costs, they agreed to the separation.

  59. Of course the marriage with the Spaniard, by making possible the training of Alice's clairvoyant powers, would soon disclose this last.

  60. I shall some day, as Eberstein is training me.

  61. Dramatic composition has played an immense part in training the human mind.

  62. Thus, in fact, we find that He spent His chief pains on the training of His apostolic witnesses.

  63. But the instinct has to be restrained, the visible Church has to be borne with, because it is the Spirit's purpose to provide a home for the training and improvement of the imperfect.

  64. And family, State, and the Church on earth are training places for a perfected common life in the City of God.

  65. And all the training which He gave them while He was present among them was only to prepare them to receive the Holy Ghost Who, after He was gone, was to be poured out upon them to qualify them to bear His witness among men.

  66. How far a merely intellectual training will produce this character can scarcely be a matter of controversy.

  67. All through His ministry those who came near Him, and felt the spell of His presence, His holiness, His power, were undergoing a training and a sifting.

  68. It was a marvellous discipline which, while it trained its people so far, demanded the more urgently something which all its training could never give nor reach.

  69. One fellow told me that while he was in the training camp he overstepped the regulations and they made him peel potatoes until he was sick and tired of seeing them.

  70. In the late war the training which some of our soldiers had received at Putnam Hall stood them in good stead.

  71. I am sure the training I received there did me much good, and I am also sure that I made many friends who will stand by me as long as I live.

  72. And I want the training received here to be of equal benefit if any of my cadets should ever be called upon to fight for our country.

  73. But the young captain had not been in athletic training for several years for nothing, and he dodged quickly.

  74. And isn't there bullying in the Britannia, and a general laxity in the training of young officers to take important commands?

  75. Surely an actor whose role is sheer villainy of the deepest dye must be able to command enormous terms, seeing what a long training it must require to arrive at taking cursing for compliments!

  76. Here the training in the love of Nature, which began in the hills of Vecchio, was continued.

  77. The prospect of lake and hill and wood, which daily opened before him, deepened all his early impressions and so, almost unconsciously, the training for his future work continued.

  78. All kinds of training depend upon the use of this perceptive memory and on the force of habit, which in the case of animals is specially strong.

  79. For the great mass of men a kind of training everywhere takes its place.

  80. I can never forget the training that she gave me when a lad.

  81. If the boy had not remembered his mother's training so carefully, he would not have been asked so often to the homes of the great.

  82. Leopold Mozart devoted much time to the training of his two children.

  83. Beethoven devoted much time to the training of these musicians.

  84. All my training has been along those lines, though, and even if I'm aware it is indoctrination, the fact still remains.

  85. If in the dream-worlds which were not dream worlds she was motivated by but one factor and that to destroy the American and if she faced him with the strength of her Jupiter training it would hardly be a contest.

  86. Mars is only a way station, a training center for a select few.

  87. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "training" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    training camp; training camps; training school