So write me all you will, and if you would like the letters as a record of your travels you shall have them back; I am preserving them.
He aided Tecumseh, and was in the Thames battle; but thereafter devoted his energies to preserving peace between the races.
These Indians were under the special care of Mr. Henry Gratiot,[103] and his efforts had been most judicious and unremitting in preserving the good feeling of this, the most dangerous portion of the Winnebagoes.
Swammerdam had a method of preserving them when they appeared to be giving way.
In Lobsters, and the species which are allied to them, great care must be exercised in preserving the tentacula or feelers which emanate from their heads, as these become very brittle after they are dried.
The best time forpreserving specimens is in spring, because then the cock birds are in the best feather, and the weather is not too warm.
As to the mounting, I shall say nothing about that now, but shall only advert shortly to a French method of preserving which is more difficult, but has the advantage of superior firmness.
All the parts of the skin at which we can come must be thoroughly rubbed with preserving soap, the rump in particular, which should, besides, be soaked with the solution of corrosive sublimate.
For the setting up of this class, see the directions for preserving insects.
A distinguished French naturalist, Laurent, recommends the following composition, after ten years experience, for preserving the skins of stuffed animals.
They are the easiest stuffed of all animals, only the skins are very oily; they should be well rubbed with the arsenical soap, and also with the preserving powder.
And unless this is strictly attended to, there is little chance of preserving their health.
But none of these races has brought with them a school system, and that throws on the public school system of Canada the burden of preserving national ideals for the future.
He was in the habit of preserving in this way choice bits of prose and poetry for future use.
Why he was not killed I cannot divine, unless a watchful Providence was preservinghim for more important work.
The practice of preserving the bodies of those belonging to the whaling class--a custom peculiar to the Kadiak Innuit--has erroneously been confounded with the one now described.
In view of this fact, it becomes the duty of all interested in preserving a record of these customs to labor assiduously, while there is still time, to collect such data as may be obtainable.
A widow among the Tahkalis was obliged to carry the bones of her deceased husband wherever she went for four years, preserving them in such a casket, handsomely decorated with feathers (Rich.
I will not stop here to examine the opinions of some statesmen, our own countrymen as well as foreigners, which I share, on the difficulty of preserving our power in America.
There was no other way of preserving the children of the Church from the danger of this infection.
I was also at the same time, and, indeed, all the time, conscious that God was preservingme innocent with a view to some future providence.
Minot, I have succeeded in preserving alive the nerve cells of the spinal ganglia of adult dogs and rabbits by placing them in defibrinated blood of the same animal, through which there bubbled a current of oxygen.
Food is cooked and eaten as hot as possible: of the production of fire they, at least in modern times, have no knowledge: this accounts for the great care taken in preserving fire at their camping places, and when travelling.
There is a lot of Hussey history before I was born, and some is worth preserving here.
Another method of preserving eggs a long while fresh, depends upon a very different principle.
It closely covers the body, assisting much in preserving it from the effects of wet and cold.
In feeding grain or roots, there is no difficulty in preserving entire regularity; and it is vastly more important than in feeding hay.
At the same time, moreover, the biologist had to try and avoid being too lavish with his preserving material at the expense of the shore station collections which were yet to make.
Besides collecting plankton the biologist was now able to put down one or other of his dredges at more frequent intervals, always taking care, however, not to exhaust his store of preserving material, which was limited.
The grittiness to which we have referred is one of the defects of smalt, which cannot, consistently with preserving its colour be entirely freed from that drawback--an objection which pertains to vitreous pigments in general.
With due care in preserving their forms, from the commencement to the termination, such washes of orange will furnish hues the softest and most aerial.
A document has recently come into my possession which may perhaps be deemed worth preserving in the pages of "N.
I send you two poems which I have found in a little rough scrap-book of a literary character of last century, and which, not having myself met with in print, I trust you will consider worth preserving in your pages.
These reasons embolden me to ask if it be worth preserving in "N.
Believe me, I only lend myself to her arrangement because I know no better means of guarding you and preserving you for better days.
I then asked to be shown the various parts of the building, the modes of preserving the records, which request was granted without the smallest hesitation.
Seton called the officers about him and impressed upon them the necessity of preserving order and silence among the men.
Pageants, and processions, and commemorations, gradually shrink away, as better methods come into use of recording events, and preserving rights.
It was the principal mean of preserving for us and for our posterity all that we now have of the illumination of past ages.
I think a great deal of commendation is due to the University of Oxford for preserving the study of logic in the schools.
Let us have no silly saving of one crown and two legislatures; that would be preserving all the mischiefs without any of the goods, if there are any, of the union.
He had no chance of preserving his power but by continual warfare.
We have, nevertheless, a means of restoring to fertility many of our worn-out lands, and preserving our fertile fields from so rapid impoverishment as they are now suffering.
Disguise is perfected by a remarkable habit, a habit which leads us to think of a whole series of different ways of lying low and saying nothing which are often of life-preserving value.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preserving" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: conservative; frugal; keeping; preservative; protective; saving; thrifty