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Example sentences for "relationship"

Lexicographically close words:
relatio; relation; relational; relatione; relations; relationships; relative; relatively; relativement; relatives
  1. The relationship of self-disclosure, interpersonal dependency, and life changes to loneliness in young adults.

  2. Rather it dictates that nursing is a responsible searching, transactional relationship whose meaningfulness demands conceptualization founded on a nurse's existential awareness of self and of the other.

  3. It has been said that one could know of the whole universe if one could make every possible relationship starting from a piece of bread.

  4. During the initial phase of my relationship with the graduate student and during the initial phases of her relationship with her patients I came to understand.

  5. If the consultee experienced my being authentically present with her, she then would be apt to offer this type of relationship to the patients and families of concern to her.

  6. At this point of construct development I saw a positive relationship in my thinking about comfort as a proper aim of psychiatric nursing and Viktor Frankl's description of his aim in logotherapy toward meaning.

  7. Humanistic nursing embraces more than a benevolent technically competent subject-object one-way relationship guided by a nurse in behalf of another.

  8. Within these situations and in the free play of neighborhood children, there is always the confusing, enlightening, and frequently distorted information gained through discovering your relationship with both boys and girls.

  9. During the initial phase of our relationship awareness of her struggle, her difficulties and her assets, allowed me to maintain a supportive kind of being with her.

  10. Pertaining to two or more human persons and their shared between; a relationship of two or more human beings in which each is the originator of human acts and responses.

  11. Thus, throughout man's life his condition of existence is affected by and desires relationship with and closeness to other being.

  12. The relationship if appropriately called consultation is then of necessity interdependent.

  13. Rama's relationship policy, she also recalled, required inner circle women to limit their relationships to one man: himself.

  14. He encouraged Jeff to form a relationship with Karen, who had previously followed Rama's advice and turned down an offer from Stanford medical school.

  15. And I was concerned that Atmananda and Dana might be in some sort of relationship already.

  16. It was understood that Rama meant business when he donned his Godfather persona, and I subsequently enjoyed a several-month relationship with this young disciple.

  17. A relationship of the kind I suggest will still idle tongues and make your position more agreeable.

  18. Combray's remote relationship with the Empress Josephine's family, which they had been careful not to boast of before, was drawn upon to soften the susceptible prefect.

  19. It had happened that his best friend had died in his arms; and this had so affected the guilty pair that they had felt their relationship was no longer possible.

  20. It is a serious question just how the education of men and women, especially young men and young women, in the vital matters of sex relationship should be carried on.

  21. Moreover, his relationship with Lizette had softened him.

  22. Now let us next examine a little more carefully the relationship of the square to frequently required lines.

  23. On one of these tramps, their relationship reached a critical stage.

  24. She finds no recognition of this in their relationship or in their environment and becomes more and more restless and dissatisfied.

  25. If observation of adult relationships has taken place, a careful explanation and interpretation of the act of mating is necessary to lift the relationship into its legitimate and acceptable place.

  26. Best of all, one comforts oneself with the knowledge that, except in cases of psychic trauma, studies reveal that there is little relationship between early sex play and later delinquency.

  27. As soon as the first signs of a candid relationship appear, they are off, bag and baggage, to newer hunting grounds.

  28. When the relationship becomes monotonous, there is the same confession of failure as when day-by-day happenings grow stale and repellent.

  29. Many of those who lose matrimonial zest and merely have a tolerable relationship in marriage blunder at this point.

  30. It also changes their relationship to men and marriage.

  31. Such a relationship is particularly remarkable because of its intimacy, an intimacy far transcending that of friendship, love of parents, or any earthly emotion.

  32. I suggest to those recently married and those about to be married that they are entering into a relationship that can bring them the highest and most lasting happiness or the most crushing disillusion and despair.

  33. If both husband and wife accept maturing responsibilities as they come, their marriage relationship will keep pace with their own development and will therefore become increasingly satisfying to them.

  34. The bond between landlord and tenant is perhaps, indeed, the only economic relationship which has ever yet stirred the affection of large masses of men.

  35. That her failure to marry Louis Akers would mean anything as to his own relationship with her he never even considered.

  36. Yet not even old Anthony could have resented the actual relationship between them.

  37. The following scheme gives some notion of the relationship of the contents of this book to the Filostrato, but Chaucer constantly expands and adds to the original, and not unfrequently transposes the order of the text.

  38. The following scheme gives a general idea of the relationship of this Book to the original.

  39. Between sharks and rays relationship exists, for a certain ray has been sneered at as only a flattened-out shark.

  40. Though the relationship is well defined, the shark makes no distinction in favour of the ray when in pursuit of food.

  41. The position of the vagrans group in relationship to other members of the genus will be discussed.

  42. The ecological relationship of two species of Peromyscus in the Glacier Park region, Montana.

  43. The reason for the relationship just described has been discussed at length in a previous section.

  44. When, however, he did come, I saw no reason for changing the manner in which I had always treated him, and I therefore invited him to visit us on the same terms of friendly relationship he had hitherto done.

  45. Thanks to my title and my relationship to the grand duke, the crowd in the midst of which I stood gradually fell back, and I found myself left almost alone in the embrasure of the door.

  46. It puts your relationship on a different footing,” he suggested.

  47. Their relationship had been wholly passionless.

  48. Amy Loring, who knew as much of their relationship as any one, betrayed neither surprise nor curiosity.

  49. Prostitution with the whites and Chinese is not uncommon, and children born of such relationship have just as good a standing as those born in wedlock.

  50. Change and contrast, the picturesque, beautiful, delicate and exquisite in close touch and harmonious relationship with the majestic and the sublime.

  51. Increasing the distance from the radiation source reduces the exposure in an inverse square relationship (double the distance factor by 2 decreases the exposure factor by 4).

  52. The ecological imbalance and host-parasite relationship following the use of nuclear weapons.

  53. Now virtue bears a relationship to two things, first to the matter about which is the field of its activity, secondly to its proper act, which consists in the right use of such matter.

  54. Now this implies relationship of one man to another.

  55. I answer that, Virtue includes relationship to two things, to the contrary vices which it removes, and to the end to which it leads.

  56. Now self-love may stand in a threefold relationship to charity.

  57. Of the relationship of the gift of understanding to the other gifts.

  58. Now good actions have a certain relationship to faith: since "faith worketh through charity," according to the Apostle (Gal.

  59. She took counsel with the doctor; and he, who knew of their connection with Mr. Sandford, and indeed thought the relationship closer than it really was, reassured her on the subject.

  60. His wife, who was shrewd and kind-hearted, but who had not that deep estimation for his talents which goes far to make the conjugal relationship happy, was interested in the poor wife and mother living in such a singularly secluded manner.

  61. The foundation of the Kingdom of God is based upon harmony and love, oneness, relationship and union, not upon differences, especially between husband and wife.

  62. It is against all established laws of etiquette for young unmarried ladies to do more than bow to gentlemen in the street, unless the fact of relationship allows some violation of strict etiquette.

  63. The proper way is to name the relationship and also the surname of the relative.

  64. In mourning, the paper and envelopes may have a black border suitable to the relationship of the dead, and the length of time the mourning has been worn.

  65. Far from that, he feels an added sense of responsibility for the irresponsible; an overwhelming compassion for the unfortunate, and a relationship greater than ever to mankind.

  66. His sense of union with and relationship to all living things was as much a part of him as the color of his eyes and hair; he did not have to remind himself of it, as a religious duty.

  67. This inner sense, so real and so thoroughly understandable to those possessing it, is almost, if not quite, impossible of description to the complete comprehension of those who have no intimate relationship with this inner vision.

  68. The real devotee seeks to establish a relationship with God which will endure.

  69. He realized that the person who stands for Individualism is much more than apt to recognize his indissoluble relationship with the Cosmos.

  70. In truth, the fact of Algernon's relationship to Lady Seely was the only one concerning him which had dwelt in Mrs. Machyn-Stubbs's memory.

  71. She had evidently heard of him from Lady Seely, and understood the exact degree of his relationship to that great lady.

  72. Just what will be the effect of the innovation of woman in industry cannot at present be stated, as she has not as yet gotten into normal and recognized relationship to men as a sharer of their work.

  73. Through the necessities of their office, the abbesses were brought into closer relationship with the outside world than were the other nuns.

  74. The personal relationship which used to endear the tie between servant and mistress no more exists than it does between other working people and their employers.

  75. She recognized the close relationship of education and religion, and gauged well the significance of the historical fact of woman's debt to Christianity for her elevation.

  76. Such was the relationship of the ward to her lord, and the same system of knight service which gave him these rights in orphaned minors gave him, as well, the right to collect a fee upon the marriage of the daughters of any of his tenants.

  77. But however completement assujettie Paris might be, its organization, naturally, was immensely more complex than that of hundreds of smaller places which, formally, might stand in an identical relationship to their lords.

  78. H was in direct relationship with both of these commands.

  79. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "relationship" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accord; addition; adjunct; affair; affairs; affiliation; affinity; alliance; amour; ancestry; approximation; association; bearing; blood; bond; brotherhood; closeness; combination; comparison; connection; consanguinity; contiguity; contrariety; dealings; deduction; disjunction; filiation; fraternity; homology; identification; intercourse; intimacy; junction; kindred; kinship; liaison; link; linkage; love; maternity; motherhood; nearness; parallel; paternity; propinquity; proportion; proximity; rapport; ratio; relation; relations; relationship; romance; similarity; sisterhood; sympathy; term; tie; traffic; union