The avoidable causes of disease in children and adults are fully considered and a voluminous appendixtreats of the use of water, massage, exercise, food and drinks, and how to prepare them as remedial agencies.
It treats of the life in food, showing that in the preparation of food by the usual methods the life-giving vitality is destroyed; that is, the organic elements become inorganic.
Mr. Tylor treats of waking hallucinations in much the same manner as he deals with 'travelling clairvoyance.
We now return to Mr. Tylor, who treats of hallucinations among other experiences which led early savage thinkers to believe in ghosts or separable souls, the origin of religion.
He treats neutrality in the very short seventeenth chapter of the Third Book on the Law of War and Peace, under the head De his, qui in bello medii sunt, and establishes in [p] 3 two doubtful rules only.
For article 44 precisely treats of a case in which the vessel herself is not liable to condemnation on account of the proportion of the contraband on board (see article 40).
Although he does not employ the term contraband, he treats of the matter.
The Platonist treats our physical world of sight and touch, which we think the most real of all, as a mere illusion compared to the 'Ideas' of his metaphysical world.
As he treats them, so in time shall they treat him.
The Visions in which Zechariah treats of the outer history of the world are the first two and the last, and in these we notice the influence of the Apocalypse developed during the Exile.
But we shall find that one advantage of the theory, which treats the book as parable, is that the features, which appear so grotesque to many, are traced to the popular poetry of the writer’s own time and shown to be natural.
Joel treats them as we found Zephaniah treating the Scythian hordes of his day.
Middleton published a defence of his former dissertation in the succeeding year;[15] wherein he treats his respondents with no little contempt.
For it is in this passage used by the author in the plural number; who afterwards employs it in the singular, but in a quite different sense, when he treats of the sense of tasting; as I shall shew anon, when I come to that passage.
You suffer one injury when a neighbour treats you unfairly: and another when you proudly, impatiently retaliate.
It does not follow, however, that a contribution to the literature of theology is useless, because it neither touches a new theme, nor treats an old more ably.
It treats the injurer as if he had not injured, and therefore feels no more the smart and sting that he had inflicted.
But he finds it by no means easy to get his patients there; for he is so keen on his work that he treats their feelings carelessly; hustles them through an operation; pooh-poohs their fear of anaesthetics and the knife.
He treats the scandal as we might do in like manner if her story had not to be told.
Don Alfonso treats me as if I was," replied Evana.
I can remember when Marcelino and she were the best of friends, now see how she treats him, she will not remain a minute in the room if he comes in.
In this he treats first of angina, and recommends as gargles at the beginning light astringents; later stronger astringents, as alum and soda dissolved in warm water, should be employed.
In this same book, Chapter L, he treats of foreign bodies in the respiratory and upper digestive tracts.
He treats of cough as a symptom due to hot or cold, dry or wet dyscrasias.
Alexander's first book of pathology and therapeutics treats of head and brain diseases.
Abulcasis, for instance, treats of adherent fingers with up-to-date completeness.
In this book, however, he treats only of their medicinal treatment.
He treats of other pathological conditions of the female genitalia, varicose veins, growths of various kinds, hypertrophy of the portio vaginalis uteri, an operation for which is described, and of various tumors.
One portion of the fourth book is on cosmetics, in which he treats the affections of the hair and of the nails.
Her fine creation, Poland in Song, published in 1887, treats of the Wanda legend in dramatic form.
He smiled at her quietly, and said, "I suppose it is because he treatsus as if he were our brother.
The way a parent treats a child in relation to its books has far more influence in this respect than a teacher can possibly possess.
It is written in alternate prose and verse, and treats of his efforts to find solace in his misfortune.
He has the reserves of a man who respects his own nature, yet he treats the reader fairly.
The second one treats of a passage in the Ka/th/a Upanishad where a being is referred to which eats everything.
XVII (43-53) treats of the relation of the individual soul to Brahman.
Although in the passage itself which treatsof the light no characteristic mark of Brahman is mentioned, yet, as the Sûtra intimates, the mark stated in a preceding passage (viz.
For if we examine the connexion of the entire section which treats of the prâ/n/a, we observe that all the single passages can be construed into a whole only if they are viewed as referring to Brahman.
I (1) [2] treats of what the study of the Vedânta presupposes.
It is just what I ought to have been doing all these years; I only saw my duties as they were being taken away from me, and so I deserve the way Miss Parsons treats me.
It treats all the apparatus of life with a disdain as great as that of the biologist; so long as a man is inwardly healthy, it cares very little whether he is rich or poor, learned or simple, and even whether he is happy, or unhappy.
C] Palaeontology is the science whichtreats of fossil remains, both animal and vegetable.
This could not be otherwise if the task were well done; for the science of which Sir Charles Lyell treats is assuming new aspects every year.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "treats" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.