Thus as they writ to and fro such nipping letters, all the treatie of peace was forgotten and laid aside, so that they prepared to battell.
Sidenote: A day appointed to meet at Northampt[=o], for a treatieof pacification.
By quhilk treatie and accord, eather of us have fullie accordit with uther, to keip gude peace and amitie betwix oure selfis, oure countreis, and subjectis.
Sidenote: A treatie of peace, to the end that Englad and the vnited prouinces might be secure of inuasion.
Against which treatie the vnited prouinces making open protestation, vsed all meanes possible to hinder it, alleaging that it was more requisite to consult how the enemie now pressing vpon them might be repelled from off their frontiers.
Sidenote: A truce betwixt England & Scotland with a treatie of aliance.
And if by any it were demaunded wherefore the sayde lord great master hath yeelded the towne to the great Turke, requesting it with treatie and couenaunts, which was a signe that he feared and would no more fight, but goe his way.
Why answer not the double Maiesties, This friendly treatie of our threatned Towne Fra.
What good Condition can a Treatie finde I'th' part that is at mercy?
Giving unto them full power to do all and every thing which may advance, perfect, and bring the said Treatie to an happy conclusion conforme to the former Commissions granted to them thereanent.
But after that the English fleet was seene to approch, the treatie was soone broken off, for they within had no lust then to talke anie further of the matter.
There were sundrie meetings of the commissioners for this treatie of peace, and still they tooke longer time for continuance of the truce.
Wherevpon, after he had signified the matter vnto the king of England, and vnderstood his pleasure therein, this treatie was so handled, that peace therof followed, and the parties were agreed in the moneth of Aprill next insuing.
Sidenote: A treatie of mariage for the earle of Cambridge.
King of Norway concerning a treatie of peace and mutuall traffique of marchandize, &c.
A note touching the mighty Ships of King Henry the fift, mentioned hereafter in the treatie of keeping the sea, taken out of a Chronicle in the Trinitie Church of Winchester.
When the king saw that thorough default of his aduersarie, no treatie would be had, he remooued to Vernon, and there a while remained.
About the same time also, at the sute of Charles the Dolphin, a treatie was in hand at Touque, for a finall peace, but it came to none effect.
And as the French king sent the copie of this treatie to euerie towne in France: so the king of England sent the same in English vnto euerie citie and market towne within his realme, to be proclamed and published.
King Henrie receiued the ambassadors verie courteouslie, and granted that communication might be had of peace, but vtterlie denied anie abstinence from warre, bicause he would not lose time, if the treatie sorted not to good effect.
Sidenote: King Henrie condescendeth to a treatieof peace.
In a preface "to the Reader" he makes the further important statement: "The History of John de Serres ends with the Treatie at Vervins betwixt France and Spaine in the yeare 1598.
Its title is: "A General Inventorie of the Historie of France, from the beginning of that Monarchie, unto the Treatie of Vervins, in the Yeare 1598.
From the beginning of that monarchie unto the treatie of Vervins, in the yeare 1598.
But whilest this treatie was in hand, they got them into their ships, and leauing their wiues and children behind them, returned into Germanie.
Wherevpon she earnestlie trauelled in treatie of a peace betwixt hir brother and king Egelred: which being brought to passe chieflie by hir sute, she was contented to become an hostage for performance thereof (as before is recited.
Then she began a treatie to procure, And stablish termes betwixt both their requests, 8 That as a law for euer should endure; Which to obserue in word of knights they did assure.
And as for the treatie of peace which the Frenchmen séemed so much to fauour, it was to none other end, but that vpon agreement once had, they might more conuenientlie compasse their purpose in the premisses.
The good they did, was, that after longtreatie with the Scotish commissioners, a truce was agreed vpon till Easter following, which being concluded, they returned home without any more adoo.
Therefore the matter being well considered, both parts séemed well affected towards some good conclusion by treatieto be had of a full and perfect peace.
Sidenote: The Scots in the time of treatie spoile the countrie of Northumberland.
Also there came a bishop with other commissioners from the king of Spaine; for the Frenchmen would doo nothing, except the king of Spaine might be also comprised in the treatie and conclusion.
Ye haue heard how the matter for a treatie of peace had béene first broched by the French king, by sending ambassadors to the king of England, to mooue the same.
Sidenote: A treatieof peace betwéen England and France.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "treatie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.