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Example sentences for "lighted"

Lexicographically close words:
ligatures; ligge; liggen; light; lighte; lighten; lightened; lighteneth; lightening; lightens
  1. Her dark eyes were moist, but a smile lighted up her calm face.

  2. Arthur saw a face whose fine features were shaded by melancholy, tinged with jaundice, gloomy in expression; the mouth drooped at the corners, and the eyes were heavy; one could hardly picture that face lighted by humor or fancy.

  3. Around rose the towering arches, the steady columns, the broad walls, lighted from the storied windows, of the first really great temple of the western continent!

  4. God be thanked, if we poor creatures have stirred this spirit in you, lighted the flame--it's enough.

  5. In the soft, clear light from the window Arthur saw a slim, manly figure, a lovable face lighted by keen blue eyes, a white and frank forehead crowned by light hair, and an expression of face that won him on the instant.

  6. The pawnbroker went to the door and made it fast, giving a careless glance round the dimly lighted shop as he did so.

  7. So it came home to me the other evening as I sat on a cane chair in the ill- lighted schoolroom of a small country town.

  8. The young diplomatist returned to the shore thoughtful, and later in the day a few of us discussed the matter in a far-off, dimly-lighted corner of the club smoking-room.

  9. The rooms are dark, even at mid-day, and to look on the floor thoroughly, and especially in the corners, a lamp must be lighted and carried close to the floor.

  10. At this feast the Temple was lighted up every night very brightly, and on that account the feast was also called "The Feast of Lights.

  11. In one corner a little fire was lighted for cooking the meals, and the smoke went up through a hole in the roof, unless the wind blew it back into the room.

  12. The seed lay there on the path until the birds lighted upon it and picked up all the kernels, so that none of them grew.

  13. When the door was shut, the house was dark, for its only window was a little hole in the wall; and they lighted it by an oil lamp, which stood either on a tall stand or on a little shelf.

  14. Irene de Stainville was approaching for presentation to the Queen, her eyes becomingly cast down, a rosy flush on her cheeks, for she was conscious that she was beautiful and that the King's wearied eyes had lighted up at sight of her.

  15. She stood quite still, holding the lighted candle while the maid opened the door.

  16. Louis handed her a lighted match, and putting the cigar between her lips, she lit it into life.

  17. A calmness pervaded her whole person as she paced the softly lighted drawing-room and waited for Kemp.

  18. Then something like a sigh escaped him, as his unwilling eye lighted upon his lesson-books, which were lying upon the table of a little enclosure at one end of the verandah, which did duty as a schoolroom for his brother and himself.

  19. So Ozma led the way, hand in hand with Dorothy, and they passed through the arched doorway of rock and entered a long passage which was lighted by jewels set in the walls and having lamps behind them.

  20. Without more words the maid led them to a richly furnished drawing-room, lighted with subdued rainbow tints that came in through beautiful stained-glass windows.

  21. Finally, in the midst of her coming and going in the labyrinth of her meditations, she remembered a lighted window she had seen from her bed, gleaming through the trees of the two adjoining gardens, when she had happened to wake in the night.

  22. Savarus, seizing a candle, and leading the Abbe into the handsome room where hung the portrait of the Duchesse d'Argaiolo, which he lighted up.

  23. And this indefatigable wrestler, upheld by love, comes back to fresh struggles, lighted on his way by an always friendly eye, an ever faithful heart.

  24. The puritan hens now slept irremediably; and being cheered with the promise of supper I wished them an ironical good-night, and was lighted across the garden and noiselessly admitted to a bedroom on the ground floor of the cottage.

  25. So much was high comedy, I must confess; but so soon as my eyes lighted full on her dark face and eloquent eyes, the blood leaped into my cheeks--and that was nature!

  26. A large company was assembled in the parlour, which was heavy with clouds of tobacco smoke, and brightly lighted up by a roaring fire of coal.

  27. She lighted us into the sitting-room; where, when I had seated Rowley in a chair, she dropped me a cast-iron courtesy.

  28. I stood not on the order of my going; and a moment after, I was on the pavement of Castle Street, and the lighted windows shone down on me, and were crossed by ironical shadows of those who had remained behind.

  29. Accordingly I groped my way downstairs, and came to him as he looked on at and lighted the harnessing of the horses.

  30. But I saw the lamps of Edinburgh draw near on their hill-top with a good deal of uneasiness, which increased, after we had entered the lighted streets, to positive alarm.

  31. He returned to his chair and deliberately lighted a cigar.

  32. Then they lighted their bedroom candles and bade each other good night.

  33. His face lighted up, his hands were waving.

  34. The building was dimly lighted by huge candles which flickered and smoked like torches.

  35. We often see the lighted canoes of the fishermen pass and repass of a dark night before our door.

  36. When four or five of these lighted vessels are seen at once on the fishing-ground, the effect is striking and splendid.

  37. In connection with the death ceremonies, it may be noted that the corpse, when it is being washed, is made to rest on a mortar, and two pestles are placed by its side, and a lighted lamp near the head.

  38. These are small masonry structures built over graves, in which a lighted lamp is placed, and at which worship is performed on anniversary and other important occasions (See Brahman.

  39. A measure of rice, a lighted lamp, and a cocoanut are placed near it, and burning fire-wood is laid at the door of the house.

  40. Some of the girl's female relations take a lighted lamp, a pot of water, a measure of rice, and go three times round the plank.

  41. A vessel full of paddy (unhusked rice), a lighted lamp, and a cocoanut are placed in a conspicuous place therein.

  42. On the following day the bride is bathed, and made to stand before a lighted lamp placed on the floor.

  43. Close to the box, and on the right side of the figure, an earthen tray, containing a lighted wick fed with ghi (clarified butter) was set.

  44. Every relative throws an unbleached cloth over the corpse, after which it is taken to the burning-ground, where the pyre is lighted by the heir with a consecrated torch handed to him by the priest.

  45. Sometimes, if he can get nothing else, he has been known to seize a lighted cigar in the mouth of a Sale, and run off with it.

  46. A new pot, containing a lighted wick, is placed before the couple.

  47. Arathi (wave offering) is performed, and he worships a lighted lamp within the house.

  48. Mohammed followed them with his eyes, his countenance lighted up with a peculiar smile "Now they are mine!

  49. Bardissi's countenance lighted up with joy when the Bedouin sheik Arnhyn brought this intelligence.

  50. No one has seen her, but a woman certainly dwells there in the harem; its windows are lighted up at night, and eunuchs stand guard outside; veiled slaves have also been seen going in and out of the palace.

  51. He went on, deeper and deeper into the darkness, when suddenly he saw a bright light overhead, and discovered that he was in a wide cave, lighted from above by a round opening as by a window.

  52. Youssouf's countenance lighted up, and his eyes sparkled with delight.

  53. Passing through, they found themselves in a long passage lighted by small windows on the left-hand side.

  54. It is thus that the separation takes place between Matter, which so long has wrapped its darkness round you, and Spirit, which was in you from the beginning, the light which lighted you and now brings noon-day to your soul.

  55. The single window which lighted the parlor during the fine weather was now carefully closed.

  56. The frontal cliffs are in some instances quite picturesque, and with the berg-dotted waters in front of them lighted with sunshine are exceedingly beautiful.

  57. From this flame they lighted a large number of combustibles, which they hurled amongst us and through the upper windows.

  58. Several houses were on fire, and the whole place was lighted up with a lurid glow.

  59. I at once collected all the assistants and porters, and proceeding to the shop, we lighted the gas and mustered all the 'arms' in the house.

  60. Few who saw it can forget how Geach's face was lighted up with smiles of delight, as he sat beside Kossuth in his progress, with George Dawson on the box.

  61. The ground-floor was lighted by two ancient shop windows, having heavy wooden sashes glazed with panes about nine inches high by six wide.

  62. The interior of the hall was lighted by some elaborate bronzed brackets, projecting from the side, between the windows.

  63. The room is panelled with alternate mirrors and groups of allegorical subjects finely executed; and is lighted by one window, composed of a single plate of glass opening into a little spot of garden secluded from the rest.

  64. There are moments in which Madame Grassini's countenance becomes lighted up with such animation, that it seems to be invested with a considerable portion of the rare beauty for which she was so remarkable.

  65. This apartment is lighted by two large windows, and opposite to them is a deep recess, or alcove.

  66. The vestibule, lofty and spacious, is lighted also by two other windows, beyond the conservatory, and is ornamented with pilasters with Corinthian capitals.

  67. Knowles lighted the schoolmaster's pipe and his own cigar, and then moved the chairs out of their way, stepping softly that the old man might not hear him.

  68. The hall is lighted by windows in the upper story, and, it being a clear, bright day, was very radiant with lofty sunshine, amid which a swallow was flitting to and fro.

  69. And they helped me up to my red-and-green-lighted room.

  70. In my heart I lighted tapers about her image.

  71. My almost gigantic size made me, in my cramped red and green lighted apartment, an enormously overgrown squirrel in the smallest of cages; but to Archie's rather dandified little dapperness his series of roof chambers was spacious as a palace.

  72. The room adjoining that, the old ledger-room, was not, except for the small high square of glass that gave on the head of the stairs, lighted at all.

  73. No more Agency clerkships and red-and-green-lighted apartments and sham betrothals on the other side of that parapet.

  74. The whole of Hoodie's face lighted up with a smile, but the rest of the faces round Miss King looked grave and rather puzzled.

  75. And it has become a most sinister chaos, lighted by huge flames, red or livid, in a continuous din of hell.

  76. Our path was lighted by that great and genial magician, the sun--a radiant sun, a holiday sun, transfiguring and beautifying all things.

  77. The dim silver of half-lighted lakewater shot along below the terrace.

  78. Her companion looked up at the lighted sky, and down at the pools in tarpaulin at his feet.

  79. A lighted lantern was kept hanging over Mr. Shimerda's head.

  80. At nine o'clock Mr. Shimerda lighted one of our lanterns and put on his overcoat and fur collar.

  81. On Tuesday nights the Owl Club danced; then there was a little stir in the streets, and here and there one could see a lighted window until midnight.

  82. I meant to tramp along a few miles of lighted streets with Cuzak.

  83. He liked theatres and lighted streets and music and a game of dominoes after the day's work was over.

  84. A lighted lantern, hung over the stove, threw out a feeble yellow glimmer.

  85. Without knowing why, we used to linger on the sidewalk outside the church when the lamps were lighted early for choir practice or prayer-meeting, shivering and talking until our feet were like lumps of ice.

  86. Sometimes I went with her; the moment the lighted tent came into view she would break into a run, like a boy.

  87. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lighted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ablaze; aglow; alight; bespangled; bright; burning; enlightened; gaslit; ignited; illuminated; irradiated; lighted; lightened; lit; luminous; moonlit; spangled; starlit; studded; sunlit

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    lighted candle; lighted lamp; lighted match; lighted taper; lighted torch