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Example sentences for "solidity"

Lexicographically close words:
solidified; solidifies; solidify; solidifying; solidis; solidly; solidorum; solidos; solids; solidus
  1. Mexican, an old customer at the liquor-bars, whose personal solidity seemed rather doubtful at the moment.

  2. A capping of strong flexible branches, pointed by the axe, assured the solidity of the wall.

  3. Nothing was neglected, no expense was spared by which the solidity of the new buildings could be increased, and yet, five or six centuries afterwards, nothing was left but ruins.

  4. Even in our own day the masons and bricklayers of Mossoul and Bagdad are content with the same simple materials, and their structures have no great solidity in consequence.

  5. As a rule motives were modelled in relief upon the ground, so that they were distinguished by a gentle salience as well as by colour, a contrivance that increased their solidity and effect.

  6. The architect calculated upon sufficient solidity being given by the mere weight of the stones and the perfection of their surfaces.

  7. However this may have been, the constructor made use of more than one method of giving greater solidity to his walls as a whole.

  8. The headers penetrated farther into the crude mass within than the stretchers, and gave to the junction of the two surfaces a solidity similar to that derived by a wall from its through stones or perpenders.

  9. The architect no doubt introduced this coat of asphalte for two purposes--partly to give solidity to the pavement, partly to keep down the wet and to force the water in the soil to flow off through its appointed channels.

  10. The staircase leading from the first story to the second must alone have been concealed in the interior of the building, an arrangement which avoided the necessity for breaking up the ample solidity of that imposing stage (see Plate II.

  11. Every possible advantage in the way of the solidity of each cell is brought about by the manner of its construction, and by its place with reference to the rest of the cells in the comb.

  12. IV Words and books may be ambiguous memorials; but who can misinterpret the visible solidity of bronze and stone?

  13. Sometimes when it is quite calm here we see these tops torn by winds and blown about into fantastic foliage, but the solidity of the trunk remains untouched.

  14. The works in St. Mark's reƫstablished in more than its original solidity the south flank, which was in such a state of ruin that only the abundant shoring had prevented the faƧade from top to bottom from falling bodily into the Piazza.

  15. Danglars, turning pale, for he knew from long experience the solidity of the obstacle he had so suddenly encountered.

  16. To the elegance of a nervous and slight form had succeeded the solidity of a rounded and muscular figure.

  17. Its place was taken by an immensely heavier instrument, the present refractor of 28 inches' aperture, and 28 feet focal length; and that this change was effected safely was an eloquent testimony to the solidity of the original mounting.

  18. Entering the transit room, the first thing that strikes the visitor is the extreme solidity with which the great telescope is mounted.

  19. The essential foundation of the pianoforte was the metal strings, necessitating hammers for inciting the vibrations, and affording in the superior solidity incident to metal support a firmness and susceptibility to development.

  20. Cavalry saddles fifty years old frequently remain in good condition, but the losses in horse-flesh this excessive solidity entails are ignored.

  21. Cattermole was a painter of no inconsiderable gifts, and of great facility in picturesque resource; he was defective in solidity of form and texture, and in realism or richness of colour.

  22. All these defects were removed by the simple expedient of baking the bricks in kilns or ovens, a process which gives them the hardness and solidity of stone.

  23. No construction of bricks, either crude or kiln-dried, could have sufficient solidity without the help of some kind of cement, to make them adhere firmly together.

  24. The construction vies in solidity and grandeur with the Egyptian monuments.

  25. Through this apparent contradiction, architecture gained an independent soul, full of emotion and life, whilst sculpture obtained a well-proportioned body, the closely united artistic product being thus endowed with solidity and firmness.

  26. That so magnificent an organization as its Symphony Orchestra could be so popular, shows the solidity of its general art appreciations.

  27. The solidity of his musical foundation bespeaks a very correct beginning.

  28. It will afford you satisfaction to infer the great extent and solidity of the public resources from the prosperous state of the finances, notwithstanding the unexampled embarrassments which have attended commerce.

  29. The solidity of the structures that compose the towns speaks the industry of ages.

  30. The effect of this drill is the radical knowledge of Greek and Latin, and of mathematics, and the solidity and taste of English criticism.

  31. They put the expense in the right place, as, in their sea-steamers, in the solidity of the machinery and the strength of the boat.

  32. My present, all that gave solidity and value to it, at any rate, would stand by me in this test of the reality of my past.

  33. While I was looking at their antics amongst the waves--and for all their solidity they were very elusive things in the failing light--another passenger came out on deck.

  34. This species is well distinguished by its comparative solidity and strong sculpture on the upper surface.

  35. I compare it to an earthquake: we lose all our reliance on the solidity of the world.

  36. Cairns, although so much older now than then, still gave one the same impression of solidity and trustworthiness.

  37. The incurvated ribs of a ship which branch outwards from the keel in a vertical direction, so as to give strength, figure, and solidity to the whole fabric.

  38. This complete and harmonious front is nobly enriched by the splendid note of contrast in the two transeptal Norman towers, whose massive structural elegance and elaborateness of detail lend an extraordinary breadth and solidity to the edifice.

  39. It takes time to realize the boldness of the general design and the solidity of the masonry.

  40. The admiral of the American fleet, sick of the premature pother, signaled the lazy solidity to return.

  41. Her battery of four fifteen-inch guns, and the tough, insensible solidity of her huge wrought-iron turrets and heavy plated hulk, burdened the sleepy waters of the bay.

  42. Rice always requires a great deal of moisture, and the trees are planted in order to impart a greater degree of solidity to the soil, and also to prevent the possibility of its being washed away by the force of the stream.

  43. Those of the so-called "Golden Mosque" are especially remarkable, being very fine and faced with marble; the gateways are celebrated for their great width of span and the solidity of their side walls.

  44. Not the atoms that compose it; but the cause of its solidity is molecular attraction, the invisible force of magnetic attraction.

  45. To speak with exactness," says Flammarion, "solidity does not exist.

  46. What constitutes the solidity of this bar of iron?

  47. The scientists only discovered the non-solidity of matter since the use of the X-rays, and the Crookes tube, and they have been puzzled ever since to know what holds the atoms or molecules together in organized form.

  48. A heavy ball of iron is composed of atoms which do not touch each other; its apparent solidity is pure illusion.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "solidity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.