From the recesses he dragged forth his bag and laid it open on his bed.
And Clint dragged what he alluded to as a "brisket" into the conversation to the confusion of the others, who had never heard of it and didn't believe in it anyway.
Even if it did, I should be sorely tempted to let the verdict stand, for I should consider boys who were so easily dragged into mischief badly in need of discipline.
Don listlessly dragged his playing togs on and was dressed by the time Coach Robey came in.
The first time, she lost the ball to Thayer, and Clint got ten yards before he was thrown, but the second attempt went better and Cox, who made the catch, ran across three white lines and only stopped when Edwards dragged him down from behind.
The afternoon dragged slowly by, and the creeping light went up the wall until the roofs across the street shut out the sunset.
For Happy Toko had at last dragged himself out of the fountain and set fifteen lanterns glowing.
As a stepping-stone to raise Reason to her prophetic throne a wretched jeu d'esprit was actually dragged in, and made to serve.
Be it only observed that the alleged duties towards oneself are dragged into this second Kantian edict intentionally and not without difficulty.
They dragged what remained of the tiger's prey to where the pebble had hit the earth.
Even the bones had been dragged into the forest by the ravening creatures who had fed there during the night.
Some instinct of the plains must have guided them, for at last theydragged themselves out from the desert, the crunching sand under foot changing into rock, and then to short brittle grass, at which the ponies nibbled eagerly.
Fearful of the coming of Hawley he fairly dragged the portly figure of the bewildered Doctor with him, striving, by quickly spoken words, to make him comprehend the situation.
Evidently one of the wagon mules had also dropped in the traces here, and had been draggedalong by his mates.
Grasping the gesticulating man with both hands, he flung him backward and dragged him into the empty tent, kneeling on him as he throttled him to the earth.
The girl put up a stiff fight, too--see where they dragged her up the path.
Not a rat could have slipped unobserved through the net hedragged down that long street, or its intersecting alleys--but it was without result; nowhere was there found a trace of either the gambler or his companion.
Of course Paul was quickly dragged into shallow water, where willing hands relieved him of his burden.
Paul knew instantly that some one must have been caught by the current, and was in danger of being dragged along down the stream to where it dashed wildly against the rocks.
The road is paved all the way with large square stones, making a carriage path, up which enormous guns are dragged for its defence.
They got within feet, within inches, of their prey, only to be draggedaway by the mysterious protector of militant maidens--centrifugal force.
Miss Thompkins loudly to the black darkness, to reassure the drowsy concierge in his hidden den, shutting the door with a bang behind them; and, groping for the hands of the others, she dragged them forward stumbling.
The astonished king commanded the jealous sisters to be brought, bound them to horses' tails, and had them dragged about.
The Bashi-Bazouks arrived at night, dragged the sick old man out of bed, and took him to the pasha.
For the rest, the conversation dragged on stiffly and affably, always led by Prince Ercole.
She had seized Urania by the hand and dragged her away from De Breuil into one of the deserted rooms.
Without that happiness they could never have dragged their difficult life along from day to day.
Here he painted, modelled and studied and here he dragged all the beautiful and antique objects that he succeeded in picking up in the little shops along the Tiber or in the Mercato dei Fiori.
She had a presentiment as of a coming storm; and when, after their walk, they had had something to eat and went home, she dragged herself up the stairs to Duco's room more wearily than she had ever done in Rome.
Marcantonio dragged himself from one part of the room to another till he stumbled against the table on which Leonora had left her scattered jewelry,--all the things he had given her.
The day dragged on; she took no thought of the hours, though she had taken neither food nor drink since the night before.
This accomplished, he went out on deck, dragged the other redcoat into the cabin, and into the stateroom.
The days dragged slowly by, however, and it was not until the morning of the 27th of August that the British advanced to attack.
Chapter XV Dick Again Does Spy-Work As the days and weeks dragged slowly past and the British did not make an attack on the patriot force on Brooklyn Heights, General Washington became somewhat impatient.
This accomplished, the youth dragged the soldier into the deepest and thickest clump of bushes and concealed him there, so that in case any soldiers came to the timber, later on, they would not discover his presence.
Slowly Jeff dragged his mind out of the clinging depths of nightmare, back to the stuffy, dimly lit room.
His hand caught the rim, and he dragged his body up.
There was the sound of something beingdragged from under a bed across the floor, something which clawed and shrieked and fought like a wildcat.
He pressed the catch concealed in the fireplace, and, springing to his feet, seized Nancy and dragged her back into the secret closet.
I grasped McCord's wrist and dragged him after me, the lantern banging against his knees.
With which imprecation the old man turned, feebly put on his hat, and dragged himself back down the avenue whence he had come.
Big Ivan dragged Anna into a doorway, and toward their hiding place ran a young boy who, like themselves, had no connection with the group and who merely desired to get out of harm's way till the storm was over.
With a slightly insolent motion he dragged his chair around sidewise, turned his shoulder to me and stared across the room at a gaudy lithograph of the good ship Isabella bound for Naples, eighty-five dollars first class.
With strong hands she dragged him down the passage.
Two long, haggard years of the war had dragged by, to a wailing crescendo of misery, famine, disease, and madness.
The emigrant ship wasdragged from her pier by a grunting tug and went floundering down the Baltic Sea.
Then Jasper's worst fears had come true; the discovery was made; the hidden sin brought to the light, the sinners would be dragged any moment to punishment.
He dragged himself up to breakfast morning after morning, when he would have given worlds to remain in bed.
He would be dragged into the prisoner's dock; his old white head would be bowed low there, and he was a dying man.
Two men attended him, and a dog dragged his baggage on a sledge.
They cut away the forest that crowned the rock, built store-houses and dwellings of its remains, dragged timber up the rugged pathway, and encircled the summit with a palisade.
Weeks and months dragged on, when, at the end of March, Joutel, chancing to mount on the roof of one of the buildings, saw seven or eight men approaching over the prairie.
Preparation dragged slowly on; the season was growing late; the King grew impatient, and found fault with the naval intendant.
He and his three canoe-men leaped into the water, and in spite of the surf, which nearly drowned them, dragged their vessel ashore with all its load.
Some felled and squared the timber; and others dragged it by main force over the matted grass of the prairie, under the scorching Texan sun.
A thaw took place; the snow melted rapidly; the rivers were opened; the blind men began to recover; and launching the canoes which they had dragged after them, the party pursued their way by water.
With mockery and insult, they stripped it naked, dragged it into the bushes, and left it there, a prey to the buzzards and the wolves.
They killed him, lashed a cable about him, and then twelve men dragged out the shaggy monster, whose ponderous carcass demanded their utmost efforts.
The voyagers thought themselves happy when they gained at last the shelter of a little sandy cove, where they dragged up their canoes, and made their cheerless bivouac in the drenched and dripping forest.
They carried their canoes up the bank, made two rude sledges, placed the light vessels upon them, and dragged them to the upper end of the lake, where they encamped.
Every night the canoes must be shouldered through the breakers and dragged up the steep banks, which, as they neared the site of Milwaukee, became almost insurmountable.
Here I dragged my tinder-box from my pocket so awkwardly as to bring the lining with it.
The minutes dragged slowly by, while the line grew into a streak, and the streak into a lane, and upon the lane came a blot that slowly resolved itself into the shadow of a hand upon the latch.
Then--something clutched and dragged us by the feet, we tottered, swayed helplessly, and plunged down together.
Wherever a white man ventured within reach of the red foe he was slain on the spot or dragged off for the more dreadful death by torture.
They had to call on him several times to rise before he slowly dragged himself to his feet.
I was dragged up the stream to that point where the bank is high and steep, and there the life was nearly kicked out of me.
I had no idea anything very serious was on foot when I dragged you from your mother, and once we were in the crowd it was impossible to do other than exactly as we did.
Suddenly seizing me by the collar, he dragged me back into the room.
Poor Bowes dragged his bruised remains from among the ruined brickwork.
The lady instantly seized the young culprit by the collar and dragged him from the room, shaking him vigorously.
She says you dragged him into the house by the collar, and afterward threw water in his face.
About the same time Lyman Leonard had two chairs broken to splinters over his head and body, and was dragged out of doors, where he was beaten with clubs until he was supposed to be dead.
Lyman Leonard, one of those who was compelled to return from Van Buren County was dragged from his house, beaten and left for dead, but revived and escaped.
After I came to, as they passed along with me, about thirty rods from the house, I saw Elder Rigdon stretched out on the ground whither they had dragged him by the heels.
The mob caught Bishop Edward Partridge and Charles Allen, and dragged them through the maddened crowd, which insulted and abused them along the road to the public square.
He was dragged from his place of concealment by a Mr. Glaze, who placed the muzzle of his gun near the boy's head and literally shot off the top of it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dragged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.