However, he made no remark but removed his hat, seated himself, and looked inquiringly at the physician.
However, they secured rooms just across the hall from one another and the Colonel's room was but two doors removed from that of his granddaughter, so the three were not greatly separated.
Jones glanced around suspiciously, then fixed his gaze on a little outbuilding of stone, with a tiled roof, which stood quite removed from the others of the group.
He and Tony were loosening the bags from where they were fastened to the pack, and as he spoke, he removed one, and came up to the verandah with it in his hands.
Telling his companion to wait where he was, Barber crept over to the sapling and removed the bridles noiselessly, returning with them to Tap.
They removed with their family to Fort Niagara, near which, on the American side, was the great Council Fire of the Senecas.
It was not until 1836 that they were removed by Government to lands appropriated for their use on the Upper Missouri.
It is in scenes like this, far removed from the bustle, the strife, and the sin of civilized life, that we most fully realize the presence of the great Author of the Universe.
The pork and beans were pronounced excellent, and being removed there followed a mince pie.
His father died in his infancy, and his mother married a third time a Mr. Forsyth, after which they removed to the city of New York.
From the effects of their attacks we were not relieved for several succeeding days; those which had succeeded in burying themselves in the flesh, having to be removed with the point of a penknife, or a large needle.
He removed to the rapids of Root River in 1835; but subsequently went to Iowa County, Wis.
The squatters insisted that the Indians should be removed from their village, saying that as soon as the land was brought into market they (the squatters) would buy it all.
We were greeted with the most enthusiastic demonstrations by my old friend La Grosse Americaine who had removed here from Bellefontaine.
Several of the falcons are still on leash; one has just been released and thrown up into the air; another is having the hood removed from his head.
They formerly ornamented the walls of a great room in Hardwicke Hall, Devonshire, but were removed from there in the XVI century and cut to adapt them to walls pierced with windows in a new location.
After this the tube is removed from the water, and the bulb is allowed to fill with air, and the same maneuver is again gone through with.
We conversed frequently with the monks, and wondered why they should be Greek and not Arabian; and whether, so far removed from the world, temptation and sin and sorrow still assailed them.
Fortunately dinner was forthcoming, though when we had finally settled down and removed the stains of travel, and H.
Calmness and repose fall upon the spirit; in a moment you have suddenly been removed from the world.
It was a calm, quiet, delicious hour, far removedfrom the world.
They now removed all traces of what had happened; Frank then willed his father to awake, which he did.
Well, the plate was removed and another put in its place for the next dish.
We removed Prayag to the Superintendent's room and put him in the Doctor's bed.
As soon as the chain was removed from the animal's foot it rushed away like a race horse and would not stop within 200 yards of the tree.
This command was soon obeyed by the troubled family which removed immediately after the tomb was whitewashed to the bungalow in which they are now peacefully living without the least disturbance or annoyance of any sort.
As the cover wasremoved it was found that the whole contents were covered with a thin layer of sweepings.
Mr. Mitra and his family consequently removed to another house of Padri Ahmad Shah about 200 yards distant therefrom.
When the cover was removed the contents were found mixed with stable sweepings.
When the husband's dead body was being removed the wife looked so jolly that nobody suspected that anything was wrong with her.
A day or two after he removed to a pucca house within the town, not easy to catch fire.
They removed at once and everything was again all right.
The two daughters removed to London, and at a very early age Laura had made for herself a place in the dramatic world, taking small parts at first, but rising so rapidly that in her fifteenth year she was cast for the part of Juliet.
The Foucher family removed from Paris to a country town.
So Monsieur the Viscount dragged his pallet away from the toad, placed another stone by it, and removed the pitcher; and then, wearied with his efforts, lay down and slept heavily.
During this legislative period I had studied law, and removed to Springfield to practice it.
He removed from Kentucky to what is now Spencer County, Indiana, in my eighth year.
Taking all the means within my reach to form a judgment, I do not believe it is the popular wish of Kentucky that this force shall be removed beyond her limits; and, with this impression, I must respectfully decline to so remove it.
The head should then be removed and forwarded to the State laboratory, or wherever such examinations are made.
The cystic form of tumor must be opened, the fluid removedand the lining membrane destroyed by the injection of tincture of iodine.
Small, external tumors may be removed by an operation.
Drugs are not absorbed through the unbroken skin, but when applied with friction, or when the outer layer is removed by blistering, absorption may take place.
Manure and other litter should be removed to a place where there is no danger from its distributing the infection.
Foreign bodies should be removedpromptly before they have had an opportunity to set up a serious inflammation.
All manure should be removed to a place where the animals can not come in contact with it.
An abnormally large, diseased testicle is sometimes met with that cannot be removed in the usual way, and which complicates and increases the difficulty of operating.
The sharp borders may be removed by dressing or floating the teeth.
In weak and debilitated animals, the cause should first be removed and a proper ration fed.
Wind-galls" may beremoved by a surgical operation.
This should be removedin about one week and fresh bandages applied.
If this can not be practised, the shoes should be removedand a poultice of ground flaxseed and bran, equal parts, applied to the feet for a period of eight or ten hours, daily for a week or two.
The adjustment of the plaster bandage or splint should be noticed daily, and whenever necessary it should be removed and readjusted.
The horns of calves a few weeks of age may be removed with a sharp knife or calf dehorner.
Dirt and scales may be removed from the skin by washing with cotton soaked in lime water or linseed oil.
They went hastily to his assistance, and with a small pair of pincers removed the piece of stem which had stuck between his tongue and his windpipe, like the sound-post of a violin.
He quickly removed his cap, and at the same time lowered his eyes with a timid air, as if he dared not presume to salute the young dressmaker, but desired to manifest his respect for her.
Lucien removed his clothes from the chair to the bed, then returned to his occupation, saying to his visitor: "Now, sit down and tell me what brings you here.
Her dress was very simple and modest, but of bourgeois cut; it did not denote poverty, but pointed to an economical habit not farremoved therefrom.
The corpulent young man danced back to the room in which he had left his charge, who had removed her hat and shawl.
Madame Baldimer removed the paper, which contained a magnificent cashmere shawl.
From my head removed the silver, Took them to the mountain storehouse; In the chest with care I laid them, There until this day I left them, And since then I have not seen them.
The officials that had gone to his aid removedthe huge dead lion from his body.
We were not, however, any length of time in this sector, and were removed to the adjoining one immediately to the south.
When the wound was ascertained to be nothing like as serious as the size of the bandage seemed to indicate, he was removed to the wagon line amid (p.
No time was lost in selecting a new locality, as it was considered wise to get out of the salient altogether, and thus avoid the risk of incurring further unnecessary casualties; so the wagon lines were removed to the vicinity of Ruyaulcourt.
The inhabitants also were removed beforehand, and, when the troops advanced, they might have been traversing a wilderness, so complete was the ruin and desolation on all sides.
At the school of the Chartreux, to which he was removed either from that of Salisbury or Lichfield, he pursued his juvenile studies under the care of Dr.
The sentiments thus remote from life are removedyet further by the diction, which is too luxuriant and splendid for dialogue, and envelopes the thoughts rather than displays them.
Of this sum one hundred pounds were placed in the stocks, after some debate between her and her husband, in whose name it should be entered; and the rest augmented their little stock, with which they removed to Islington.
He was educated, by the care of his mother, at Eton; and removed afterwards to King's college, in Cambridge.
The growth of Cecily's mind had removed her further and further from simplicity of thought; this was in part the cause of that perpetual sense of weariness to which she awoke day after day.
The face she examined bore such plain marks of suffering that with difficulty she removed her eyes from it.
Cecily did not represent that extreme type of woman to whom the bearing of children has become in itself repugnant; but she was very far removed from that other type which the world at large still makes its ideal of the feminine.
He is accused of irreligion by the monks that he has removed from the University, and his mistress, the daughter of a noted free-thinker who was driven from Piedmont by the Inquisition, is said to have an unholy influence over him.
This drudgery, combined with severe intellectual effort, exceeded his flagging powers; and the book was hardly completed when his patron, apprised of its contents, abruptly removedhim from his post.
Of the real danger from which this timely retreat had removed him, Gamba's subsequent letters had brought ample proof.
In Naples and Bologna it was publicly burned, and in Modena a professor of the University who was found to have a copy in his possession was fined and removed from his chair.
As for my own disguise," he added with a smile, "I believe I removedit sufficiently on our first meeting to leave you no doubt as to the use to which your information will be put.
She took no notice of Odo when he removed the dripping cloak from her shoulders, but sat gazing before her in a kind of apathy.
He felt his gun at his hip, removed belt and all, and threw it back upon the bed.
Then he unwrapped the bandage carefully, removed the splint that hurt the worst, and gently massaged the crease in the bruised, swollen flesh where the narrow board had pressed so cruelly.
Accordingly, after the breakfast things had been removed dice were called for, and it was agreed that whoever should throw the highest should tell the story.
When I at length removed my lips from hers, with a prodigious smack, she fell fainting in my arms.
And he do plainly diminish the commanders put in by the Duke, and do lessen the miscarriages of any that have been removed by him.
However, Janavello, being removedto a distance, gradually recovered; but a yet worse thing happened later in the day.
Three years later the parson himself removed from the church "sixty superstitious pictures," and a cross from the steeple, and digged down the altar steps.
Traces are still left in the masonry, proving that Norman cloisters once existed here, but that these were removed and replaced during the fifteenth century.
It was then removed to this site, just outside the "Barnwell Gate" of Cambridge, where it maintained a microscopic existence for the rest of that century.
At length the revived decency of the eighteenth century removed it to Ely.
The taster is then removed and a "chisel" substituted for "striking the rock," i.
It still bears witness to a financial state of affairs, when rent was paid in kind, far removed from that which now exists, since the commuting of tithes for payment in cash.
These once belonged to the Carmelite nuns, who removed to this site when flooded out of their original quarters at Newnham.