Without further attempt to bluff it out, he told me what I wanted.
Without further delay I was shown into the Captain's room.
Once attained, this average would be fixed, without further efforts.
It assumes pairs of characters and calls the active unit of the pair dominant, and the latent recessive, without further investigations of the question of latency.
Yet I did not altogether like the idea of pushing the ship through it without further ado, for a rather unpleasant thought had flashed through my mind, which I at once proceeded to communicate to the boatswain.
Now it happened that Wilde was, among a great many other things, a stanch teetotaller; he was also an excessively nervous person.
The war council was then inaugurated without further delay.
But, without further illustration, the common origin and gradual differentiation of Dancing, Poetry, and Music will be sufficiently manifest.
Without further evidence, we venture to think our case is made out.
Without further thought, then, he pulls his head off, and gives it to a girl to dress and roast carefully.
Without further comment, I beg leave to propose that we drink the health of our excellent Chairman.
The cavalry, hearing nothing in the shape of resistance, and not relishing the pelting of the storm in the open country, rushed in without further search, and came pouring on at the gallop.
And therefore is it, my lord, that, without further preface, I would call upon this assembly to dedicate a bumper to "The Land of Burns.
Accordingly, without further parley, they fell to casting shafts and stones at one another, and on this wise they fought a great while, with loss on either side.
Without further hesitation, he determined to remove this cause of jealousy for ever, by the death of his brother.
Without further delay, the division of the treasure was agreed upon.
Without further attempt to renew the fight, they availed themselves of a thick fog, which hung over the lower slopes of the hills, to effect their retreat, and left the passes open to the invaders.
Well resolved," answered Dashall; and in a few minutes they gained Great Russel Street, Bloomsbury, without further incident or interruption.
For some time they went on without further words; then suddenly Caillette drew rein.
Having procured possession of the object which chance had revealed to him, he arose and, without further word, left the cell.
And the emperor, without further words, turned and reëntered his pavilion.
Good even to you, Master Robert Laneham," said Leicester, and seemed desirous to pass forward, without further speech.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "without further" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.