He will be duke, but that is no great piece of luck, and we will not begrudgeit to him.
I must admit that I did not begrudge the sharper the beating he had received; and besides that, the recital had engaged my attention, and thus had relieved me from the sad thoughts which had before that filled my mind.
I can assure you your friends miss you from Barchester sorely, but it would be cruel to begrudge you your sojourn among flowers and fields during this truly sultry weather.
It was unfair that she should amuse herself with Bertie and yet begrudge her new friend his license of amusing himself with Bertie's sister.
I am sure you don't begrudgeher this, though her vagary does knock about our own party a little.
I know how you despise me, but he was my husband once, and surely now that he is dead you will not begrudgeme a few last moments with him for the sake of the days when he loved me.
We did not begrudge the generous Doctor the greenbacks we paid him, and hope he is still living to enjoy them, for to such a generous soul, a few dollars, more or less, must be a great source of comfort.
Most of those present did not begrudge the half hour thus spent.
It matters exactly so many hundred pounds; but no one will begrudge it if he does so many hundred pounds' worth of good.
I only drink it because you told me not, because I know that you begrudge it to me; you begrudge me every bit that I put into my mouth, the very clothes I wear.
Mr. Trohm was such a man, and I did not begrudge him the pleasure he showed in my neat gray silk and carefully adjusted collar.
And, Adolphus, you don't suppose I begrudge your going.
You need hardly have the candles before I go, and you need not begrudge my staying either, seeing that I shall be all alone at home.
But, however, you shall begrudge it, or else make me very welcome.
Of course, you will be glad to see the friends of your childhood; and it would be far from your Amelia's heart to begrudge you such delightful pleasure.
Simon: I suppose you would not begrudge me to rest myself for a while, (Sits down.
Second Hag: Is it that you would begrudge it to the woman is inside?
Delia: I am no way greedy, I would ask neither food or bite, I would not begrudge turning Sunday into Friday if I could but get my heart's desire.