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Example sentences for "castaway"

Lexicographically close words:
cassocks; cassowaries; cassowary; cast; castanets; castaways; caste; castellan; castellanos; castellans
  1. The young fellow says that he has been particularly kind to him, and has begged me to regard him in the light of a castaway sailor, seeing that he was found here unarmed and away from his ship.

  2. He has not been taken with arms in his hands, and is, in fact, a castaway mariner.

  3. And yet the document was clear enough; there was a castaway, and this castaway should have been on the watch.

  4. Because the document we found had been recently written," answered the engineer, "and the castaway alone can have written it.

  5. It was evident that if the castaway had ever been a civilized being, solitude had made him a savage, or worse, perhaps a regular man of the woods.

  6. This was on the 30th of October, and consequently the castaway of Tabor Island had been a prisoner in Granite House for nine days.

  7. The castaway of Tabor Island, to the great pity of the engineer and the great astonishment of Neb, was then brought from the cabin which he occupied in the fore part of the "Bonadventure"; when once on land he manifested a wish to run away.

  8. Every one was thinking of the castaway on Tabor Island.

  9. There was then scarcely any doubt that, if the castaway was dead, no trace of his body now remained, but that some wild beast had probably devoured it to the last bone.

  10. Was the island still inhabited by the castaway to whose succor they had come?

  11. It is true that, as Gideon Spilett observed, any remains of it might have drifted out to sea, and they must not take it for granted that because they could find no traces of it, a ship had not been castaway on the coast.

  12. Perhaps, after all the document was already several months or several years old, and it was possible in this case, either that the castaway had been enabled to return to his country, or that he had died of misery.

  13. Yes," said Pencroft, "the castaway has gone.

  14. That is perfectly logical," answered Spilett; "and the presence of this castaway explains the arrival of the case on the shores of our island.

  15. Quite unconscious of the worth of the fur, the castaway sailors fell on these visitors to the kelp-beds and clubbed right and left, for skins to protect their nakedness from the biting winter winds.

  16. They were shouting encouragement and advice to the castaway of the sky.

  17. Tell him there's a boat with a woman castaway on board ahead of us.

  18. The boat flew across the water to a tiny, bobbing, black dot, the head of the castaway aviator.

  19. But you may understand that after a goodish while as a castaway I was tired beyond the point of answering more questions than I should happen to be asked.

  20. Yes, Roddy, as a doctor I played full professional service on him, and piled it up with every extra kindness one castaway man could render another.

  21. It was plain the castaway had heard indifferent accounts of our island hospitality; and indeed, about this time, the people farther north had a sorry reputation.

  22. Mary, Rorie, and the black castaway were seated about the fire in silence; and I could see that Mary had been weeping.

  23. Under these improved conditions, the Captain decided to make a try at relieving the castaway from his sorry plight.

  24. Then, a minute later, the castaway was forgotten in the woman.

  25. King; "That she is a foundling picked up from the sea-- a castaway from a wreck!

  26. You were very good to me when I was a castaway child, and I do not forget it.

  27. The Castaway of the Dispensary and the Children of the Schools.

  28. Rynch Brodie was to be discovered a castaway on Jumala.

  29. No, the Out-Hunter had expected a castaway who would be just what he ordered.

  30. Two days ago, according to schedule, their castaway had been deposited here with a sub-conscious command to remain in the general area.

  31. But not far from the small ship he had discovered something more--a campsite with a shelter fashioned out of spalls and vines, containing possessions a castaway might have accumulated.

  32. You are Rynch Brodie, castaway from the Largo Drift, are you not?

  33. The castaway would have melted into loving recollections; the imprisoned lampoonist would have busied himself with schemes, ideas, arguments and combinations for getting out, and getting on.

  34. But the vast solitude of that poor castaway has entered the imagination of the youth and dominates it.

  35. On standing up and looking about him, the young castaway was relieved to note that the iceberg from which he had suffered so much was no longer in sight.

  36. David flung a line that Cabot found strength to catch and hold to, while the young skipper of the "Sea Bee" sprang over her low rail and alighted beside the castaway just as the latter staggered to his feet with outstretched hand.

  37. This was served out in some tin pannikins, which the castaway crew had found time to fling into the boat before parting from the sinking ship.

  38. With the freshening of the wind, as it came cool upon his brow, the castaway captain seemed to become inspired with a slight hope.

  39. And gradually, castaway that she felt herself to be, she had adorned it lovingly, as one above whose horizon the sails of hope were not to rise; filled it with friends not chosen in a day, whose faithful ministrations were not to cease.

  40. Was Paul buffeting his body against having a wife lest he should be a castaway (or rejected) from salvation?

  41. Many have thought that Paul was striving that he might not be a castaway (or rejected) from salvation.

  42. Will a man be a castaway (or rejected) from salvation for enjoying comforts and privileges that are not sinful and to which he has a right?

  43. Was Paul buffeting his body against being supported by those to whom he preached, and working with his own hands for his living, lest he should be a castaway (or rejected) from salvation?

  44. The quarter-master was seen to open his huge clasp knife and cut several strands that apparently lashed the castaway to the mast, and the men who had supported the inert body while this was being done lifted it gently into the boat.

  45. He passed on; and, catching a glimpse of the castaway as he was borne down the companion-way, Bob noticed that he had but one ear.

  46. She turned to her maid, who had also come on deck, as two of the seamen picked up the fainting castaway and bore her aft.

  47. She bent over her as the doctor left the room in obedience to a summons from Harnash that he come to the other cabin to look at the other castaway immediately.

  48. It would, indeed, be strange if the westerly winds, that sometimes blow steadily for days together during the summer months, had not brought castaway canoes to a group of islands which cover five degrees of longitude.

  49. Many such castaway colonies are referred to in Tongan tradition.

  50. The chief family of Nandronga traces its descent from a single Polynesian castaway who was washed up by the sea about 1750.

  51. Do not smile at the simple thoughts of a poor castaway sailor.

  52. One was Fritz, and he spoke to the castaway in English.

  53. The first true castaway story from the stars--.

  54. You and Babs could make the story-scenes and we'd have a castaway story!

  55. It would scarce be possible to conceive a situation more forlorn than that of the castaway crew of the galatea.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "castaway" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abandoned; aground; castaway; derelict; deserted; discard; discarded; disowned; disposal; disused; dogie; elimination; exile; expatriate; forsaken; foundling; grounded; jetsam; jettison; junk; left; leper; marooned; orphan; outcast; outlaw; pariah; refuse; reject; rejected; rejection; removal; rubbish; stranded; stuck; swamped; trash; undesirable; untouchable; waif; wastrel; wrecked